Calling all New Yorkers: Where Can I buy Surge???


New Member
Can someone who lives in New York tell me where to buy surge. I thought that website would tell me where its sold but it doesn't. Someone, anyone, please let me know, so I can jump on the surge bandwagon.

I live in Westchester. But I work in Manhattan. So I can buy it anywhere between here (work) and there. I want to get some tonight.
I dont live in NY (Wishing) but before surge became available in my area I ordered it from Uptown Beauty in Manhattan.
Does anyone no of anywhere in downtown manhattan, in or near the financial district???

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There's a bss on John Street between Broadway and Nassau, on the south side of the street. I forget the name, it's on the tip of my tongue, but the name starts with "O". They probably carry it.
This is what I did to find Surge in my city...

I went to the yellow pages and called every Beauty supply store and asked if they had it. I finally found one...

But it might be easier to email them at [email protected] and give them your zip code and they'll send u stores that carry it in your area!
I went to two CVS drugstores and they didn't have it. I also went to one in Manhattan. The clerks looked at me like I was crazy...they never even heard of it.
Kitkat said:
Does anyone no of anywhere in downtown manhattan, in or near the financial district???

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There's a bss on John Street between Broadway and Nassau, on the south side of the street. I forget the name, it's on the tip of my tongue, but the name starts with "O". They probably carry it.

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I think it might be called "Optima"... can't recall.
Hi Kit Kat,

I work on John Street, you're talking about Optimum Beauty Supply. I know them well they didn't have it actually. But the one on Fulton b/w Broadway and Nassau had it, Sky Beauty it's called I believe. They just started carrying it about a month ago because of demand the guy said. And they sold out of most of the Surge products, they had 3 bottles of Plus 14 which what everyone has been raving about. I got it. I'll let you know about my results.
This is such a coincidence- I was gonna go on my lunch break to by Surge and I work right on Wall St. and Iknow exactly where that beaty supply store is- Thanks Rabia!