Called To Pray? How do You Keep Up?


New Member
I'm not bragging, G-d forbid...I'm just saying that there's a little seed planted in me...and when I pray for something, either it's granted (for others) or there is a definite change for the good. But it's a hard road to believe this at times. It's been happening all my life and I can't keep up with being diligent enough to include so many in those prayers. When I did, I felt exhausted and spent. But just recently, G-d has revealed that a prayer was answered for a large group of people. I know I do pray, but I could be doing so much more. Encouragement?:sad: I don't want to let people down who may have no one else.
Be a prayer partner! or join a prayer group either at your local church or somewhere else where you can speak with people, encourage them and pray with them.
Encourage them? I'm the one needing the encouragement lolol! I'll get little hints that, "see, this is what I had you do...and here's the result. Don't give up...this is what I need you to do." But I often lose sight after that. Don't have time really for any prayer group at church other than the communal prayer/thankgiving on Sunday or holy days of obligation. I used to sign up for midnight prayer some years ago but that was when I had the time to do it...and it was summer. I don't know how to stay focused or how to get through moments of diligence followed by forgetting and procrastination...guess it's a personality problem. :sad: Often feel very guilty over it but I feel spent and drained sometimes.