

Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

I havent been on the boards for a while, but I know I can always come here for honest help. I get my hair washed & dc and spiral curled every two weeks, and I think that my hair is growing nicely. However, after week one of spirals, the curls dont look too nice. Is bunning for a week really a protective style that will assist me until it's time to go back to the salon? Does bunning help with growth?
some people dont like to say buns are protected cause the hair isnt being hid from all of the surrounding that can cause issues. i however say it is because where i get a lot of my breakage is from my ends getting caught in clothes and between my back and comp chair at work and other stuff. when i was mbl it took forever for me to hit wl but once i started bunning i was able to retain so much better and my ends looked 10x better...

so it is what it is, it protects from clothing and other stuff, but it doesnt protect from everything
Hi Ladies,

I havent been on the boards for a while, but I know I can always come here for honest help. I get my hair washed & dc and spiral curled every two weeks, and I think that my hair is growing nicely. However, after week one of spirals, the curls dont look too nice. Is bunning for a week really a protective style that will assist me until it's time to go back to the salon? Does bunning help with growth?

Bunning doesn't help with growth, but it does help you retain. I wear ponytails and I still retain. As long as my hair is not touching my clothes. Or a banana clip.
I have been bunning for this entire year and I have retained a good amount of growth! My hair would not have been this length if I continued to wear it out and my ends look much better as well!!
Bunning is a great protective style. I keep my hair bunned through the week, and then wear braidouts on the weekends.
Sorry for bumping this, but I've been meaning to take a picture of my bun and haven't gotten around to it until today. Wanted to show people out there that buns don't necessarily have to be boring or ugly :)

clickable images
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I bun all the time (I have a bun album in my profile). It's a GREAT protective style and it allows you to retain more length b/c your ends are tucked and not being damaged. Your hair isn't out swaying in the wind, being snapped off by clothing, or being otherwise damaged. And I do some stylish buns with cute hair toys also.
some people dont like to say buns are protected cause the hair isnt being hid from all of the surrounding that can cause issues. i however say it is because where i get a lot of my breakage is from my ends getting caught in clothes and between my back and comp chair at work and other stuff. when i was mbl it took forever for me to hit wl but once i started bunning i was able to retain so much better and my ends looked 10x better...

so it is what it is, it protects from clothing and other stuff, but it doesnt protect from everything

I agree...:yep:
I'm getting this in the morning. I love this.

I DO NOTHING WITH MY BUNS!!! and i still love them lmao i dont get how people get bored with it... its like getting bored of a pony tail... its not possible in my mind lol maybe i'm a boring person
Yeah, they are pricey. I don't want to admit how many of those I have. I spend far too much on hair toys :perplexed
Yeah, they are pricey. I don't want to admit how many of those I have. I spend far too much on hair toys :perplexed

I remember seeing them on LHC but I could never figure out where to purchase them. Do you have the 3 fork/prong ones also?

Do you have pictures of them in your hair?

Where do you all buy your hair toys?

and can they be used with SL hair?


Really depends on what kind of hair toy you have in mind.

For natural wood forks, I tend to shop at Baerreis. For dymondwood (water resilient) and natural wood, I shop at 60th Street

For sticks, I shop at:
Barefoot Maiden

and a quick search for "hair sticks" at Etsy should yield more vendors.

For the sort of clips like in the third pic of the ones I posted, I shop at Ficcare

Flexi-8 makes some interesting looking slide type thingies, but I don't have much experience with them. The one I have is too small, and I haven't bothered to get a larger one yet.

There are more sites, but these are the ones I've personally shopped at and can say from experience that they are legitimate vendors. I don't have any complaints about any of them.

At SL, I think you can use a stick, ficcare, or flexi-8. I'm not to sure about forks though, I didn't start using hair friendly (no snag) hair toys until I was about APL.
I like to bun my hair and it does help with retaining length and also I love to put flowers in my hair when I bun(l have lots of colors). See my Sig.
Sorry for bumping this, but I've been meaning to take a picture of my bun and haven't gotten around to it until today. Wanted to show people out there that buns don't necessarily have to be boring or ugly :)

clickable images

Bene - how do you get your roots and hair looking so straight? do you straighten your hair often?

I'm hating buns because by weeks end, my roots are tangled - the feel matted (though they aren't matted but i don't comb it unless its wet or full of condish) and my ends have knots and the occasional cat-like furball looking thing that comes out AND my hairline - i can't get it straight no matter what i do.

so basically what i'm sayin is - i have no idea how to bun and make it look as cute as some of you girls do. :wallbash:
dlewis, your buns are so awesome! I'm a new member, but I've been lurking and drooling for a while now. You are so creative with your hair accessories.
Bene - how do you get your roots and hair looking so straight? do you straighten your hair often?

I'm hating buns because by weeks end, my roots are tangled - the feel matted (though they aren't matted but i don't comb it unless its wet or full of condish) and my ends have knots and the occasional cat-like furball looking thing that comes out AND my hairline - i can't get it straight no matter what i do.

so basically what i'm sayin is - i have no idea how to bun and make it look as cute as some of you girls do. :wallbash:

The hair in those pics isn't straightened. It's a combination of the hair having been combed back before damp bunning, oil, and a mix of jojoba, glycerin, aloe vera gel and water in a spritz bottle. Sort of like using rollers to make the strands lie flat against each other? Just pretend my head is one giant roller :look: It'll dry a little straighter than normal, but nowhere near blow dryer/flat iron straight. Other than that, I'll comb/detangle before I bun it when I wake up. I don't sleep in a bun or anything, instead I'll make a loose braid. During the day, I'll take it down for a few minutes to get some air in there so that the hair will dry, and then up in a bun it goes.

I don't straighten my hair very often, maybe about once a month to length check.