Breakage FROM ROLLER-SETS!!!!!


New Member
Ok ladies ( and men) I know that a lot of you do roller sets on a regular basis, but my roller sets AWLAYS end up with MAJOR BREAKAGE!!! For instance today, for the past week I have been doing roller sets (twice a week) with the cold rods (small; pink and oange) and I have had major breakage and MAJOR I MEAN MAJOR shedding in the shower. I know what to do to correct my hair hair, but what could be causing all of this hair in the shower????

My roller set instructions:
1) shampoo with Keracare hydrating detangling
2) condition with keracare humecto
3) apply infusium 23 leave-in
4) apply NTM serum
5) apply elasta qp foam for roller sets
6) use about 30-35 cold rods
7) air dry or heat

What could be wrong??? Is it the fact that I have too many rollers??

Who knows.......
The Infusium leave-in could be the problem. It has alot of protein in it, some people have hade problems with that leave- in including myself. It made my hair hard and tangly, plus it caused breakage. I have never used cold rods before so I don't know if that could be a problem. What type of comb are you using? The wrong type of comb can rip your hair. I recommend that you use seamless bone combs when sectioning you hair for roller setting.
I too experienced breakage from those rods minus the Infusium 23 so I'm thinking the rods might be the culprit along with the Infusium 23.

I was so glad to see this post and was wondering am I doing something wrong. I have really been babying my hair since I've been a part of this forum and have gotten some really positive results. On this past Friday night I washed and deep conditioned overnight and had my stylist rinse and roller set my hair on Saturday morning. When I took the rollers out, my hair was just popping like crazy. I was like "Lord have mercy, what in the world is this madness about?" Several thoughts came to mind as to why was my hair breaking like this? Was it the new use of the Apretodoria Dominican Conditioner? The cocktail of conditioners that I usually use? The setting lotion that my stylist use? Just a whole lot of questions. I thought for a while and the last time I got my hair roller set by her I experienced the same thing which leads me to believe it could possibly be the roller sets or her setting lotion... I don't know but I would greatly appreciate any guidance from the experts out there!
nikki1971 said:
The Infusium leave-in could be the problem. It has alot of protein in it, some people have hade problems with that leave- in including myself. It made my hair hard and tangly, plus it caused breakage. I have never used cold rods before so I don't know if that could be a problem. What type of comb are you using? The wrong type of comb can rip your hair. I recommend that you use seamless bone combs when sectioning you hair for roller setting.

Yes ! Exactly---- Take away the Infusium leave-in and you may have the solution to the breakage. As nikki1971 mentioned I know many ladies that can not use that Infusium leave-in and it is not kind to my hair either. Hope this helps. :)
Instead of using cold rods, try flexi-rods. The cold rods sort of lumps the hair together because they are so small. They also can cause tangles and breakage when you try to unwind them.
I Dream Hair, like come of the other ladies have said, I did not like Infusium leave-in when I tried it. It was several years ago and I can't remember what it did to my hair, but I just remember that I wasn't pleased with it.

I think you may be using too many products on your hair, and that may be contributing to the breakage. I used to roller-set and dry my hair under a hooded dryer once a week. I used large magnetic rollers. I washed, conditioned, applied a good liquid leave-in conditioner, and rolled my hair. This gave me long lasting, extremely shiny, soft, silky, bouncy results. I preferred using a leave-in conditioner instead of a setting lotion because some of them can make hair feel 'crispy.'

I did not use end-papers because the layers of hair covering the ends were protection enough. To maintain the shine during the week, I sprayed my hair with a sheen spray about every other day. For me, it was important to use one that did not contain mineral oil so as not to weigh my hair down or make it feel greasy.

I hope this helps if you decide to try it. :yep:

ETA: I forgot to say that I did not experience any breakage with the method I described above. :)
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Ladies, I haven't heard of cold rods before and did a search here and at Google and couldn't find any info. I'd love to learn what they are if someone doesn't filling me in. :)
OK. Ladies it was the cold rod rollers. As someone said they are too small and it caused A LOT of hair to come out in my sink/shower. I will surely be sticking to just the regular protective styles. The infusium 23 works well so Im going to stick with that. I noticed today after my deep conditioner last night that my hair had a lot less shedding since I did not do the roller sets. The cold rod rollers do cause a lot of tangles and pull the hair from the roller. Hmmmmm okay. Well, this is a minor set back, but I will get back on track. Thanx ladies for all of your inputs. Also, as someone suggested, I should lay off all the excessive product use.....

NO MORE ROLLER SETS FOR ME (at least for a loooonnnngggg time)
Bumping for anyone who might be able to offer a description of cold rods and what types of styles they are used to create. :) :confused:
Do you dilute your infusium. Not everyones hair can take it straight. I usually don't use it straight. I think that my bottle now is maybe 1/4 water to 3/4 infusium and it will get weaker than that.

Lay off the cold/perm rods. Are you using the soft (hotdog shaped) ones or the hard ones. If you are using the hard ones don't use them too often. If you are going to set with them, do it once a week. Rod styles are supposed to last. Also wrapping too tight also can cause breakage. When you pull your hair around the roller, the stretching will cause the hair to snap and break (especially if it is already weak) and you won't realize it until the hair falls out.