Braids wearers


Well-Known Member
Do you need a seaparate braid spray if you already use SCurl on the length of your braids daily?
I don't think so. I think that if you follow up the SCurl with some type of oil to seal it in (avoiding the base of the braid), you should be fine.
Thanks for the reply.How often should I spray the braid's base with SCurl?
Also after one washes one's braids does one need to spray the braids with a leave-in?Or should Scurl/Braid Spray be ok?
I don't think any one should ever spray SCurl on their scalp. If you do anything to that area, just oil it maybe once a week with something light (usually I do olive oil + WGO). If possible, avoid the base of the braid because products cause that icky build up stuff.

Re washing, I think that the SCurl/Braid spray should be enough, but spray a leave in before that definitely wont hurt (I just don't really think it's necessary).

I used Organic Root Stimulator Nature's Shine for a nice sheen after moisturizing. It contains coconut oil among other oils for a nice shine.
I use braid spray and s curl, then seal in with shea butter/coconut oil. I use both because I like the ingredients in the braid spray, and it smells so good! I always try to avoid my roots and scalp when I'm moisturizing, usually once a day but maybe lightly a second time.