Blue Magic



have anyone used the blue magic hair grease for their scalp? i think that's a good grease for growing hair because that's what i use if i don't apply the virgin olive oil or castor oil to my scalp. also ALLWAYS SUPER GRO helps maintain growth it contains vitamin E, rosmary, and jojoba oil.
Alot of posters do not use hair grease becuase they say it can clog your pores, however I think it depends on what you like. I use it sometimes and it makes by 4b hair soft...I use the green one. Oils work ok for me too but sometimes they have way to much slip in them and my hair looks to thin.
IMO, if you're shampooing frequently as most of us are, the old "grease" that Momma use to use is still ok for an inexpensive way to keep the hair moisturized.Besides, they aren't sitting on the scalp for weeks, like they did when we were kids, and even then our hair didn't fall out. Blue Magic was all we had, once upon a time, before we got all these new-fangled products, with their fancy packaging and unfulfilled promises. Don't get me wrong, Im probably going to stop by the bss on my way home from my office, but on the real, the hair care industry, IMO, has us all snowed, looking for the next best thing,knowing fuul well that when all the dust settles, it is and always has been All About the Benjamins.....
you're right!!! Diva I know for a fact that's what it's all about the!
you know some products are
and some or
diva4life, I hope you are not really shampooing frequently. Shampoo most definately distroys the hair and causes it to dry out.

I hope you are either rinsing or doing a conditoning wash, rather than actually using shampoo more often.

Just had to jump in and clarify. I would hate to know of some poor girl especially a new person running of to destroy their hair with shampoo.

As for the greese, well I loved on Blue Magic as a child. My hair was to my waist. go figure! However I did rinse my hair ever single day before my daily douching of that Blue magic to comb my hair. I am amazed! Knowing whaat we know now I would suggest that you not clogg your pores with that thing, but then again that just my 1/2 a penny. I think that's a shilling.
The blue magic might be ok for the hair, but I definately would not recommend it to apply directly on the scalp. You're better off with either the olive or castor oil.
JazzAngel, let's say we agree to disagree. What I stated was that we are shampooing more frequently than we once did and I still say that we are, even if it is only once a week MORE than we were accustomed to doing in the past, it is still more frequently. I never stated that more frequently necessarily meant shampooing EverRY day. And besides, in my own opinion, if we are properly conditioning the hair and using quality products,your hair will not be "destroyed". I disagree that shampoo "destroys the hair" and "causes it to dry out" but 2x a week using shampoo will not destroy the hair and IS more frequently if one was previously only shampooing once a week. I think you totally missed my point in that we are not afraid to.....oh never mind, it's not that deep for me.
I see what you're saying, diva4life.
I think the concern that many have with frequent shampooing is that some shampoos used too frequently can certainly dry out and damage your hair because of the ingredients contained in that particular product, which is true.

But as you stated, good quality products made for a persons hair type can be used frequently without harm. I am one of those that shampoos frequently; usually 4 times a week and sometimes daily, depending on how dusty it gets at work. I use Elucence, Keracare or Kemi Moyst shampoo a lot, and it's been great for my hair. Some people can take it and some can't. As with a lot of other things, everyone will get different results.