Bill Maher's Rant Against God -


Well-Known Member
I am not sure if this has been posted yet and I almost didn't share because I find his diatribe to be blasphemous and downright disrespectful! However, in light of the Spiritually Dead post here in CF I felt it necessary to share. There is no middle ground here - attacks against Christians and our beliefs are ramping up. Lukewarm Laodecian Christians will soon have to choose a side. And for Bill - he is just storing up God's wrath against him should he not repent.

But because of your hard and unrepentant heart you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath when God’s righteous judgment will be revealed. Romans 2:5

You're probably going to be hearing a lot about Bill Maher's latest "New Rule" in the coming days. Mostly because in it, he not only takes aim at almost every religion (Bahá'í, you got lucky) but also because he calls God a "psychotic mass murderer."

The rant kicks off with Maher explaining that he's sick of seeing ads for Darren Aronofsky's "floating piece of giraffe crap" "Noah." While he allows that the film "must be doing something right," since it's already angering both Christians and Muslims, the fact that 60% of adult Americans believe that the story of Noah is literally true is proof enough for Maher that "this is a stupid country."

But more important than the implausibility of the tale, Maher says it's immoral. "It's about a psychotic mass murderer who gets away with it, and his name is God."

And the sure-to-offend-Christians zingers keep coming from there:

"What kind of tyrant punishes everyone just to get back at the few he's mad at? I mean, besides Chris Christie."
"Hey, God, you know you're kind of a **** when you're in a movie with Russell Crowe and you're the one with anger issues."

"You know conservatives are always going on about how Americans are losing their values and their morality, well maybe it's because you worship a guy who drowns babies."
"If we were a dog and God owned us, the cops would come and take us away."
Lamenting that anyone would take their moral marching orders from the Bible, Maher wraps things up by hammering almost every religion as irrational, especially in light of conservative political ideology:

"I'm reminded as we've just started Lent, that conservatives are always complaining about too much restraining regulation and how they love freedom, but they're the religious ones who voluntarily invent restrictions for themselves. On a hot summer day, Orthodox Jews wear black wool, on a cold winter night Mormons can't drink a hot chocolate... isn't life hard enough without making **** up out of thin air to **** with yourself?"
He's an angry guy much like some people on LHCF and there's nothing you can do or say to convince him because the mere thought of G-d or a different way of life is enough to set them off. It's cathartic for him to go on his attention-seeking diatribes and I think his type kinda blacks out when he does. Honestly, he's got emotional problems because why is it troublesome for him to be around "stupid" people who believe in a fictional G-d? He should become Black for a spell and get back to me having to deal with a majority of "stupid people." :giggle: Bill Maher, pah! But little does he know that he's a loud crier in that army of persecution.
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