Big Chop Gift Basket


Well-Known Member
so... my best friend just big chopped and she loves it but is kinda lost, so I'm making her a gift basket so she can start rocking her TWA with texlaxed lol.... what should go in it?
That's so sweet! It really depends on your pocket book, but if it was me...

A few headbands, not too thick, the thin ones, in multiple colors. Available at dollar stores or even target.

Some Shea Moisture products, they're cheaper than Miss Jessie's, but if you want to go their the Miss Jessie's little sampler kit (upwards of 60$ I believe).

A spray bottle or two!

A few essential oils

A satin scarf/bonnet

I'm sure others will add to this, but this could be a good start for her!

A subscription to LHCF as a gift!!

Again, this is so kind of you to do!
Congrats to your friend.
I don't have exact product names.. but here are a few ideas of things to toss in the gift basket:

a full sized cheap cone free conditioner for cowashing
a wide tooth comb
an oil
some samples of products and stylers that work for you
maybe a natural tshirt
a cute note card w/ some helpful online links of sites
I like the tee shirt idea.
You can get treat her to a trip to the natural hair salon
Oils,natural shampoo, natural conditioners, Shea butter etc
Gift card from an online natural store example from nature with love
Favorite natural hair are book
combs brushes gels
Hair Accessories , a cute hat for bad hair days
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ooohh thats so sweet
Big tooth Comb
Sulfate free poo
Deep condish x2
cheapie condish
Leave in ccondish x2
a few oilsl coconut, olive oil
head bands
satin scarf
essential pepermint oil
Thats should do it
Awww, that's a cute idea.

Here's my list of things you can buy her
- a book on growing healthy natural hair
- some cute hair accessories (headbands, hair clips)
- moisturizing conditioner
-moisturizing shampoo
- coconut oil
- satin pillowcase or a nice bonnet
A wide tooth comb
A Moisturizing Poo (maybe a sample of one that you really like)
A DC (maybe a sample of one that you really like)
A Leave In (maybe a sample of one that you really like)
A note with some things that were really helpful when you BCed with websites:)
Cute idea!! My sister is big chopping in July & I've been secretly buying her things here & there to give to her at that time. It would be perfect to present it all in a basket!

So far I got her:

Shower comb
A tangle tamer
Silk bonnet
And a couple cute & stylish head bands

I'm also planning to buy:

A length check shirt
Shea Moisture curl enhancing smoothie
ORS Edge Control
CON Strength & Shine with Argan Oil

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
That is such a wonderful gift idea! I hope she (and her hair lol) enjoy(s) all of the gifts.
Two additions

A printed card with a list of essential oils and their benefits

A link to some info on moisture/protein balance
I just big chopped. I want a basket :look:

:lol: I would get alot of what the girls said already. Especially hair accessories, oils, natural hair moisturizers. Love the t-shirt idea. OH... and a copy of the Curly Girl Handbook :yep:
grab some vo5 conditioner for cleansing, goody wide tooth comb, olive oil, fresh or handy hair things like avocados, lemons, black tea, braggs apple cider vinegar, and aloe Vera gel along with a print out of the uses and recipes involving these ingredients
finish it off tie a big satin scarf around it like a bow
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That is so sweet of you to do for your friend!

I would put in:
A wide tooth comb (seamless if available)
a denman brush (or the goody knockoff)
kinky curly knot today
ecostyler gel (olive oil)
jojoba oil
silk scarf