Big Chop Check In


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
Im curious: Besides, HotCoCoGurl130 and TransitioningK, who else has done the big chop this year?

Besides me, (and I know there are a few others) who has done it last year? I'm not planning to grow, but it would be cool to see the progress of twa wearers (natural or relaxed) as they grow. If you're interested, you can use this thread to update everyone with new pics, new styles, regimens, etc.! Here's check format to start, but you can add other categories as we go:

DATE OF BIG CHOP: Oct 12, 2003

GOAL FOR 2004: To wear natural twa indefintely

REGIMEN: Daily conditioner washes; CD Milk, brushed back wet and tied; Weekly deep conditioner. Plan to add monthly hot oil treatments.

FAV STYLE TO DATE: Slight part on side

PICS: Laela's pics PW: Caribbean

FAV TOOL(S): Boar bristle brush
DATE OF BIG CHOP: November 10, 2003

GOAL FOR 2004: Grow Grow Grow!!!!!!!!

REGIMEN: Nightly conditioner washes add proclaim coconut oil to seal in moisture; In the morning, spray with water and add a small about of mango butter. Weekly deep conditioner with ORS (just bought it on 1/22/04). Monthly protein treatment with Fantasia Aloe Deep Penetrating Conditioner. Clarify 1x-2x per month.

FAV STYLE TO DATE: Curly q's or a slightly curly/frizzy afro (it grew on me)

PICS: check my sig out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FAV TOOL(S): no tools used except a wide tooth comb sumtimes.
wow Laela, you look really pretty, and you are WEARIN that twa. You definitelty have the face to wear any hairstyle!!
Laela, you really do look fierce with that hair cut. The makeup is on point. I was wondering when you were going to post those modeling pics. As Rupaul says, "You'd better work!!!"

And Mom knows she's cute...she looks really good.
Kei your family is lovely. Your hair is growing like weeds. Keep up the good work. Ayeshia, your hair has grown alot, it looks really really good. I love the cheeks. I have cheeks like that and my granny would always pinch them (didn't matter what age I was). Crysdon, your hair is beautiful and Honey Jamz your everyday look is banging...I love to see you all's albums, they are inspiring....
your mom is beautiful, I couldn't see your pics though!

Also...sorry to take this off the subject but you posted a while back ( in the West Indies post) that you where born Dominican and then posted (French isle) ...I was curious about that; where are you from?..... You can PM me if you want
I may be wrong about this, but I thought TransistioningK did a fairly long, gradual transition, not the big chop?
Ayeshia.. I'd posted about your hair before. but I'll say it again.. you've got gorgeous, curly hair!
thanks.. honeyjammz! OK, give it up.. you know..
..the secret for that dang SHINE on your natural.. aye caramba!
DATE OF BIG CHOP: Jan 22 2003

GOAL FOR 2004: To get about 5 inches by november

REGIMEN: can't really say

FAV STYLE TO DATE: nothing as yet

PICS: none

FAV TOOL(S): fingers
heeeey Delightful Flame... thanks for checking in, w/ ya bad self. I just saw your hair inspiration
ooowee.. uh! You're making this hard for me, keeping my hair short!
Congrats, nekee on the big chop! I think you'll get more than 5 inches by November, though

I'm not surprised you don't have a regimen yet.. I cut in Oct and it took a while as well. Happy hair growing...
Hey Ladies, I did do the "big chop" but after a year and a half of transitioning. I am currently wearing my hair in twists and they fall right on the top of my shoulders. Essentially it is a big chop for me because I am used to have bra-stap length hair.

Congratulations to all who have joined me in the "big chop"

Happy Growing
Thanks Laela, im finiding products that are making my hair hard and crunchy . I hope i get a hang of this short do soon
Re: Big Chop Check In

Laela, Laela, Laela, girl you are definitely rockin' that twa. It looks very pretty on you.
laela, was wondering when we'd see those new pictures!!love the twin thing u and yo mum have got goin on!!happy hair growin!!
Allandra.. thanks, girl

ngaa... thanks for the compliment as well.
How's your progress going on growing out your natural?
DATE OF BIG CHOP: Feb 09, 2004

GOAL FOR 2004: To grow it as long as it will get by the end of the year & keep it healthy.

REGIMEN: Daily conditioner washes; WGO Oil then I just muss it up with my hands...I've finally found that's the cutest style on me.



FAV TOOL(S): my hands.