BC-ing or transitioning...


Active Member
I got my relaxed hair cut before NYE and the ends were nice, sweet and lovely however this was done in order to manage hair which was dry and constantly breaking. I had considered chopping to bald levels however she and I knew it would be too much to face in one sitting. It's a week now and I'm still thinking of BC-ing but also getting weave done. I had my hair relaxed about December 15th with the Phytospecific relaxers.
I'm planning to BC to the roots but have to ask a few questions...

1. My roots when growing are always very dry compared with my relaxed hairs-is that a sign related to my state of nutrition? My roots would be in the type 4 range. Should I be drinking/eating/supplementing anything in particular? I am gong to be starting Mineral Rich soon, fish oil, more water.
2. I plan to BC at the end of January and take on a weave. However, I've never been a good weave wearer. Need to wash every week AND KNOW it's fake. Any tip re types of weave which work with regular hair washers.
3. Others transition and don't BC...how on earth did that work? I've been using products like STR8 away sufle which DOES soften your hair but you have to have a good hair drying technique to get the new growth straight. That could mean A LOT of heat. I've ordered Janelle Diva Smooth set.
Don't know if that's any better. I found the Sufle simple and easy to use. Any others find better? I'm probably going to be a incorporating a 2 week straightening regime. I don't know how to braid or have every managed to keep the new growth tamed.
4. I want to get used to my hair. Will I be doing myself a disservice by getting weave in the interim and not knowing how to tackle my natural hair once released into the wild!:lachen:


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