Arteffex relaxer anyone?


Well-Known Member
I've been using Affirm sensitive scalp (no lye) for a year now, but I'm realising that my hair does not get as straight as in my lye days, so my stylist suggested I use Arteffex, its a lye relaxer made by Luster products (makers of the infamous pink lotion, and designer touch) I've only seen this in the UK, not sure if you have it in the US, but I was wondering if anyone has used this and what they thought of it.

My hairdresser uses arteffex relaxer on my hair and it works great. She has also got me into using the other products, I regularly use the theraphix hair masque (like ORS mayonnaise but better) ,conditioner II and the shampoo and Ithink they are just brilliant.

I think this product is only sold in the UK as you said because when I have mentioned it on here before it didn't seem to me like our american ladies had heard of it before.
