2019 Christian Random Thoughts. God Loves You No Matter What


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
He will love you, He will bless you, He will increase you.
Deuteronomy 7:13 MSG

:rose: :rose: :rose:

:love2: Happy 2019 Everyone :love2:

Somehow I feel that someone needs a hug, some reassurance from God,
who is our Abba Father, Our 'Daddy'. A hug that says,

"Come here my sweet child, come here to Daddy.
Hey, I know what you did and........ it's okay. Baby.... it's okay.

Don't you know that I knew you were going to do this 'before' it took place?
Sweet child, you have my loving grace, my grace which abounds not only toward you,
but it covers you inside and out.

My grace is a complete covering of love completely over you and over what you have done.
It covers even all of what you haven't done.

My love.. you are my love and I have you so deep within my heart, that not this issue, and no other issue, 'trumps' over you. So my love, my precious beautiful child... "Come Here"
For as you approach my open arms, I will only embrace you...I will love you through this.

Come here and rest in my arms of love and warmth; you will never be turned away. Not ever.
Allow my love to erase your shame, for I do not hold you as the blame.
I hold you only as my child, whom I love and will never give up on.
I am not through with you, I am not done, I am not putting you out of my heart,
instead I hold you there even closer.

Come here my love. Your name is not Adam who hid from me in the 'Garden' after his sin.
Therefore, you need not hide from me. I will not scold you; nor will I control you...
I only want to love you through this.

Please don't stay away from me. I will still welcome, you to my throne;
I will still receive and answer your prayers, I will still provide for you;
I will indeed show you who really cares... I care... for you.
Don't pull away from me, nor from my love.

Don't be embarrassed, nor afraid, I'm here ..."For You". :kiss:

Come to Church, head held high. For I am, the 'Lifter of Your Head'.
And there shall be NO reproach against you.
None is waiting... only my love awaits for you there.

Come boldly to my Altar, you will not be refused the privilege for
I am 'there' waiting to welcome you there, as my child and my elect.

Take my Word... for this and more.
Come here, my child, I have forgotten what you have done.
"I love you", no matter what.. in 'ages to come', I indeed will still love you.

Come here


:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:

But God, who is rich in mercy, for his GREAT LOVE wherewith he loved us,
Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved)
And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:
That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of His grace
in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.
Ephesians 2:4-7

Come here...
As God your Father... I will love you for always and forever.
In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.


Hi Everyone:
I wrote this message several years ago and felt that it would bless those who read it.
Some of us may have feelings of failure because they did not achieve
what they intended during the past year or years.

So many feel that God will not forgive them for their mistakes, short comings and all of life's cares which have distracted them from being one with God.

However, God wants each of you to know that there are no failures in Him. He does not see any of you as a failure...only a human being whom He loves as His child.

God is always there, loving us and waiting for us to come to Him, just so that He can show us just how much we mean to Him and how much He wants to help us get through this life no matter what.

Be encouraged for God so loves each of you. He's waiting just to show you how important you are to Him and how He is reaching to perfect everything that concerns you.

God bless each of you
Love always,
Happy New Year 2019!

Peace be with you my sisters in Christ!

This is another year but this year I pray for you all that you will have courage, bravery eyes to see, ears to hear, a heart to receive and wisdom from the Holy Spirit to help you find the truth, understand the spiritual revelations and discern truth of God from untruths of the father of lies and that conflict, strife, confusion, false doctrines, false religious practices and false religions, contentiousness, misinformation have no part in our discussions on this forum In Jesus name. Amen!

I have one word for you this new year;


Why you need it, why you want it and how much better your life and the lives of all those you interact with will be better if you are living a life delivered from any shackles of the enemy.

First take an objective , hard look at your life this past year(s) where have you been struggling? What areas are not producing fruit in your life? Like are you always struggling financially even though you make good money, are you always attracting certain “wrong” types of men, are there obvious repeating patterns in your family tree from one generation to the other and/or one branch and another? like OOW children, divorce, adultery, poverty, illnesses like cancer, diabetes, baroness, still births, mental health issues etc... These are just some of the many things to look for and identify within your family.

If any area big or small in your life is not producing good fruit then it’s time to look at the possible causes:

1. It’s a natural consequence of things you’ve done in the physically and or spiritually.

  1. It’s a consequence of things your ancestors have done physically and or spiritually. (There’s more but I’m trying to keep things short and simple)
These “consequences” also known as curses could be what’s holding you back from living “your best life”.

Now if it’s just the natural or physical then please find the ways knowledge, assistance whether books, resources you can find to help you become a better you.

If this is spiritual cause then I urge you to get as knowledgeable as you can, Books resources, on self deliverance and if needed seek out deliverance ministers. If you’ve done everything in the natural and the situation is the same or worse then it has a spiritual root.

is an essential weapon for every Christians spiritual toolkit. Just like going to church service or mass, confession, repentance, forgiveness, communion, baptism (confirmation), prayer, spiritual warfare prayer, Bible Study, Chirsitan books, worship, adoration, worship songs are important.
Deliverance is the key to unlocking all your untapped potential, all your stored up blessings like your promotion, jobs, talents, ministries, marriage, children, homes, cars, finances, whatever you are called to do in Gods Kingdom on earth being free for the chains of any sort of oppressions, confusions, delays can only make you more effective in your God given mission. The devil doesn’t want you to be truly free, even if it’s a small area of your life pay attention and turn it over to God-today!

For those who will say: I don’t believe in that stuff, or I’m saved so it’s doesn’t affect me, devil can’t touch me etc...

Ask yourself this, Are you where you should be in all important areas of your life? Is God blessing you in those areas or are you still trying to handle it yourself with little no no positive results. Then you not believing you can be affected, is not working for you plain and simple. Even if you don’t believe in these things or the devil, he believes in you and will always try to steal kill and destroy whether or not we are aware or ignorant of his ways, ignorance is not a defense, just ask any lawyer, policeman, or judge, steal, kill, and destroy by any means necessary has always been satan's MO and will be until he is no more.

Also if you believe that we inherited original sin from Adam and Eve and we all know that we can (not must or always) inherit familial illnesses like high blood pressure then that already proves that we can also inherit curses from our ancestors. You can be saved, living righteously and still be suffering poverty or from poor finances, you can be saved, serving in the church and still praying for your breakthroughs, saved with family members in jail, gangs, lost in the street-life, saved and still have areas in your life not completely submitted to God that hint: will also not be prosperous or bearing rotten fruit if any fruit at all. That’s your clue to the areas you need to start fighting for breakthroughs and deliverance. Just like you can heal and repair the body or even better avoid all those family illnesses with changes in diet, lifestyle, habits etc.. We can change or spiritual family tree and trajectory by being delivered and truly free.

Salvation is one thing, but deliverance is another.
That needs repeating: Salvation is one thing, but deliverance is another.
We can be free by learning how to spiritually fight, confessing, repenting, fasting, praying. If you want it do the work to reclaim your blessings from the enemy, bind the strongman in Jesus name those rotten, no fruit bearing, barren areas of your life and take back your blessings, good health, prosperity, promotion, favor obedient non rebellious children, marriages, engagements, fertility all blessings kept from you by the enemy and your life will be better for it. Do the spiritual work that's needed and deliver yourselves, so you can then do our heavenly Father's work here on earth without limitations of our own shortcomings. In other words, you may be saved, but the snake is still in your garden, the demons are still taking up residence in your house, so it's time to CLEAN HOUSE! This is not condemnation, it’s to call attention to healing that people desperately need but are most times unaware they need it.

John 8:36
36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

In closing I pray for all of you...

The Aaronic Blessing

22-23 God spoke to Moses: “Tell Aaron and his sons, This is how you are to bless the People of Israel. Say to them,


God bless you and keep you,


God smile on you and gift you,


God look you full in the face

and make you prosper.

27 In so doing, they will place my name on the People of Israel—

I will confirm it by blessing them.”
In the name if the Father, the Son, And the Holy Spirit, Amen!
Numbers 6:22-27


Helpful scriptures

Exodus 34:5-7

Then the Lord came down in the cloud and stood there with him and proclaimed his name, the Lord. 6 And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, 7 maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.”

Numbers 14:18

The LORD is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, forgiving iniquity and transgression, but he will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, to the third and the fourth generation.’

Hosea 4:6


My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

Because you have rejected knowledge,

I also will reject you from being priest for Me;

Because you have forgotten the law of your God,

I also will forget your children.

Prov 6:5

Free yourself, like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter, like a bird from the snare of the fowler.

James 4:7-10

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

9 Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.

10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

Prov 11:9

With his mouth the godless man would destroy his neighbor, but by knowledge the righteous are delivered.

Deut 7:9

Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations,

Helpful resources:

Some of my latest posts in the RCT 2018 and other posts in CF and my blog post on suggested books. Link in my siggy.


Fr Chad Riperger Generational Spirits 6th Generation
Sensus Fidelium

Micheal Voris Abortion and the Diabolical

Kevin LA Ewing Evil Alters, Witchcraft

Derrick Prince Deliverance


Pigs in the parlor - Frank Hammond

Deliverance from demonic covenants and curses - Rev. James Solomon

Be free from spirit spouses-Zita Grant

Overthrowing evil altars - Ndekwu, Uzor

*Deliverance Prayers: For Use by the Laity -Ripperger PhD, Fr. Chad A

Prayers that rout demons and break curses -John Eckhart

Prayers that bring healing and activate blessings- John Eckhart

Fasting for breakthrough and deliverance -John Eckhart

Destroying the Spirit of Rejection: Receive Love and Acceptance and Find Healing- Eckhardt, John

*Unmasking Freemasonry- John Salza

*Why Catholics cannot be freemasons - John Salza

*Freemasonry/Secret Societies also includes under it's umbrella of influence: Eastern Stars (female masons), KKK, Mystic order of the veiled prophets of the Enchanted realm, Allied Degress, Red Cross of Constantine, Order of the secret monitor, Masonic royal order of Scotland, Grand Orient Lodges, Prince Hall Freemasonry, Shriners, Mormonism, Royal order of jesters, Manchester unity order of oddfellows, druids, foresters (not those who just take care of forests) Knights of Pythias, Ladies of the oriental shrine, white shrine of Jerusalem, the girls' order of the daughters of the eastern star, International order of job's daughters, and of the Rainbow, boys' order of de Molay.
**Also, all Greek sororities and fraternities both white and black they pledge themselves to and and swear oaths to false Greek gods ie. powerful demon princes, (for sororities it's when they cross over and have that all white candle lighting ceremony.)
source: Deliverance prayers for use by the Laity.

Forum Resources:
2018 CRT

2017 Christian Random Thoughts


2016 Christian Random Thoughts


2015 Christian Random Thoughts


Prayer Request Thread


Marriage Prayers for Singles


Single Christian Women's Support the Remix


Prayer Line (please check for New Years call in schedule or tag @Shimmie)


Catholic Thread


CC book list

*If you’re a Catholic Christian, don’t feel that you’re all alone in the CF, even though we’re not many on these boards (FYI: we’re actually 1.2 Billion and counting worldwide) we are very fervent in our faith. So don’t feel intimidated, or be afraid to participate, contribute whole-heartedly for we are all sisters in Christ no matter what denomination. Everyone is welcome to participate.
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Thank you very much @Shimmie , so needed this! Been feeling down lately, due to past mistakes in romantic relationships. It's a real struggle, but this post really helped.

Also thank you for starting the 2019 thread, hope to be active on it:yep:. Happy New Year!
All of you are God's 'Sweethearts'. You are forever in His heart and soul.

All He wants to do is love you into His presence to make and to keep you whole. Trust Him. God only wants to love and trust Him. In our love for Him, we learn to be more like Him.
Everything comes from God. He knew when he created beings, there would be a intentional "twisting" of His desire. Why? He wants us to choose Him, and Him first, over everything else we experience or desire.

Why will we judge the heavenly hosts? We went through refinement in this life; they did not.

May your connection to Him increase and grow ever stronger in this new year. Bless you all and amen.
I have no hope. Year after year the things I've asked God for has not come in to fruition.

@Ms. Tarabotti has a good point if God has said No or not now, maybe later, you need to accept that. Prayer will help you accept Gods will.
But you need to address your doubt.

Maybe somethings are blocking your blessings like having no hope, hope belief and faith walk together. If you have let sprits do fear doubt and mistrust in Gods plan for you, enter your heart no amount of crying out to God will move Him.
Come into agreement with me and the other praying ladies on the forum. In Jesus name pray with me to bind the spirits of fear, confusion, doubt lack of hope lack of faith, spirits of delay and send them to the foot of the cros, begone forever Amen. Then You need to pray for faith belief and hope to be restored and you need to find your way back to trusting God and His timing, trust in the fact that Our heavenly Father only wants the very best for us in everything.

Also you can say a short prayer when you have no time or anytime you need it. Lord I do believe help my unbelief from Mark 9:23-24
And Jesus said to him all things are possible to him that believes. and the boys father cried out Lord I believe, help my unbelief.
Pray this prayers or Mark 9:24 everyday until you feel the fog has lifted and your faith has returned. Fear doubt lack of faith hope are enough to allow the enemy a way in and he can and will delay and hinder your blessings. Also you have to be living under Gods laws to benefit from His protection (we call this being in a state of grace with God it means being at peace with and protected by God) and have His blessings for you to overflow your cup. I suggest you read Mark 9 and Job 3.
God bless!
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I have no hope. Year after year the things I've asked God for has not come in to fruition.
God's word is the mirror for our souls. How much time do you spend in that mirror truly examining your reflection? Matthew 6:33 says "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all the things shall be added unto you." When you desire what God desires for you, the answers in Him are yes and Amen. If nothing is changing in your life year after year, then your life needs to change. You cannot walk north and expect to wind up in the south. I am talking to myself as well. I pray that God will lovingly lift your head so that you can catch a glimpse of His glory and that He will restore to you the joy of your salvation. May God grant you His peace. Amen!
We all go through things from time to time. Sometimes we need the faith of others to help us get through our crisis. I call it collective faith. It's the faith that says "yes you can" when we fall and let fear and doubt dig holes in our souls and we begin to discourage ourselves. At those times we need the faith of others to help lift us up or to tear up the roof tiles and set us down in front of Jesus Christ, so that we can receive our healing or our sense of direction or whatever it is that we need. This collective faith say "I will pray for you" and actually does pray. I want to thank the faith filled ladies of LHCF who have joined their collective faith and prayed for me when the pain was so strong that I could not even pray for myself. Your collective faith is part of the reason I am on this board today and I want to publicly thank you for your prayers. May God bless you richly, according to your faith.
Just letting our prayer warriors know even in the hairgame they’re infiltrating.
Warning! Full on witchcraft passed off as innocent vague LOA. Put on the full amor if God to resist the devil in the evil day, and pray for true HS discernment before watching esp if you’re a new Christian.
1st commandment I AM the Lord thy God who brought you out of slavery in Egypt thou shalt have no other gods before me. Exodus 20:2
And Jesus re-inforced the 1st commandment again:
Jesus said unto him thou shalt serve the Lord thy God with all thy soul, all thy heart, and all thy mind. This is the great commandment. Matthew 22:37-38
As for me and my house we shall serve the Lord. -Joshua 24:15 AMEN!

We should be asking Our Lord and Father in heaven for all of our needs be them big or small be them seemingly important, urgent or not so important. When we invite “other”spiritual entities for the things we want and need that in its most basic form is voodoo, witchcraft which are the same thing practiced differently. When we turn to anything else that is not God or of God the father we are turning to other “gods”
In the first video she refers to your higher self which is also called ascended masters also called higher beings, these are all new age terms to make this more acceptable and palatable to us in the western world where we have been primarily Christian (followers of Christ) for over 2000 years (1500 years of which all Christians were Catholic) after being freed from the same such paganism, voodoo and Wicca Druidism witchcraft of the past. There’s nothing new under the sun, just new fancy terminology and slick marketing. This woman is actually saying and showing that if you pray do the ritual to some higher self entity you too can have thigh length natural hair.
well I come in agreement with the praying christians on the forum and we call on Jesus to rebuke these women, arrest their works of inequity, and shut down their powers in the physical and spiritual worlds forever. Amen!

Now the other woman she is collaborating with in the 2nd video is a straight up Wiccan witch and she admits it. Also she’s practically blaspheming by stating “ you can be a witch and still be a Christian” no that’s called mocking God and He will not be mocked. When pagans claim that Christmas and Easter are “pagan” remember that everything God does the devil imitates and perverts. The Devil ain’t playing with us, we need to stop “playing” with him and peep the game. When false prophets, witches, fortune tellers prophesy or deliver on spells rituals or incantations they have “stolen” that destiny or good fortune from an innocent ie. one of us. That’s what the passage means steal kill and destroy.

If you want to learn more about how these practices affect us then I encourage you to watch/listen to on YouTube and look at my references up thread.

Sensus Fidelium voodoo witchcraft, generational curses
Kevin Ewing witchcraft evil altars, dreams, generational curses

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A quick revelation: the "sharing in sufferings with Christ" means being uncomfortable since He was uncomfortable while on Earth. This does not means we will going though the level of agony He and His Apostles went through, although a few will. This means the closer you get to Him, times of comfort will be rest periods. We work best when we are uncomfortable. Look at what happens when we are comfortable; we get lazy and complacent. This is also the reason why wealth is a hindrance to spiritual growth. Those who are wealthy have to take up their cross and seek His will daily in order to make it. In other words, they have to choose to be uncomfortable.
What could this possibly mean: it has happened twice now --> was on vacation, needed to take the bus and was sure that I didn't have any cash with me, since I always use debit cards. Afterwards, I remembered that I did have cash with me and was able to take public transport to my sister's place.

Second time was yesterday: my mom asked me for a pen, I said I didn't have one. Then I checked my left pocket in my jacket and I did have one with me. Riddle me this.
What could this possibly mean: it has happened twice now --> was on vacation, needed to take the bus and was sure that I didn't have any cash with me, since I always use debit cards. Afterwards, I remembered that I did have cash with me and was able to take public transport to my sister's place.

Second time was yesterday: my mom asked me for a pen, I said I didn't have one. Then I checked my left pocket in my jacket and I did have one with me. Riddle me this.

It could mean God is showing you that He can and will provide for all your needs.
Thanks for reminder, sis...

Hi ladies, Happy New Year! Can we get this section pumping again? I must say, things I've learned has helped me so much in my walk. I want us to continue being a blessing to each other and in turn to others we may interact with outside of here :)
Oh lemme lemme lemme testify:

About 5 years ago, I left a job I had held for 8 years, without having another one lined up. I was not deeply rooted in my faith, so I never prayed before going to work. The result was all kinds of mayhem that would go down at work, without me ever realizing what was really going on.

This was in 2014. It was a leap of faith. In the summer of 2016 I obtained my MA degree. And this year I signed my permanent contract with a great company. Had to work temp jobs for 5 years, God NEVER forsook me. At the last job I had, they fired me on my birthday last year, by mail. I went about my business and celebrated my birthday.

During the month of July, I stayed home. I had never felt such peace. If it was back in the days, I would've been looking for a new job, like I had always been doing. I must've sent out a 100 résumés after graduation, no positive response ever came from it. Last year in August, I started working for this new company. The temp job for which I had been working, even when they fired me from the previous company, called me back. I forgot to mention that after I was fired, I still went to the same company, to bring cookies to my former co-workers as a way to say goodbye.

Well they called me again. Nine months later, I signed my contract with them, with everything I wanted in a job. Even signed my contract earlier than was intended. Won't He do it ;).
Overheard a pastor saying this and it rang so true: "We live in a world that hates men, hates women and hates children."
Complete and Effective Divinity By Oswald Chambers

If we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection… —Romans 6:5

Co-Resurrection. The proof that I have experienced crucifixion with Jesus is that I have a definite likeness to Him. The Spirit of Jesus entering me rearranges my personal life before God. The resurrection of Jesus has given Him the authority to give the life of God to me, and the experiences of my life must now be built on the foundation of His life. I can have the resurrection life of Jesus here and now, and it will exhibit itself through holiness.

The idea all through the apostle Paul’s writings is that after the decision to be identified with Jesus in His death has been made, the resurrection life of Jesus penetrates every bit of my human nature. It takes the omnipotence of God— His complete and effective divinity— to live the life of the Son of God in human flesh. The Holy Spirit cannot be accepted as a guest in merely one room of the house— He invades all of it. And once I decide that my “old man” (that is, my heredity of sin) should be identified with the death of Jesus, the Holy Spirit invades me. He takes charge of everything. My part is to walk in the light and to obey all that He reveals to me. Once I have made that important decision about sin, it is easy to “reckon” that I am actually “dead indeed to sin,” because I find the life of Jesus in me all the time (Romans 6:11). Just as there is only one kind of humanity, there is only one kind of holiness— the holiness of Jesus. And it is His holiness that has been given to me. God puts the holiness of His Son into me, and I belong to a new spiritual order.