2016 Pre-poo Challenge

Pre-Poo'd with coconut oil under conditioning cap for 20 mins and applied a light protein to the ends for 10 mins.
Pre-pooing beehive braid overnight with AVJ spritz, NJoy oil on scalp & Kyra Shea's Buttercream on ends.
Pre-poo'd with Annabelles Pre-poo Treatment and loved this stuff. It melts into my hair like a dream, completely absorbs into my strands and smells heavenly. I sat under heat for 20 mins.
Prepooing now before my workout with Siamese Twists Ayurvedic Oil on length, and a mixture of this oil plus APB's Ginger Root Growth Oil on scalp.
Prepooing overnight with AVJ spritz, KJ Naturals Grow It Oil on length and Cream & Coco's Moon Shimmer on ends.
Prepooing now with an Ayurvedic Infused Coconut oil on length and a mixture of APB Ginger Growth oil and Siamese Twists Herbal Oil
Pre-pooing overnight with DIY AVJ spritz, Curls Blueberry Bliss Hair Growth Oil on scalp and Kyra's Shea Nutrition & Conditioner on ends.