14 month transition


Well-Known Member
Hello all!

First I'd like to say THIS FORUM IS AWESOME!!!! And you ladies give excellent advice/suggestions.
Okay. So I went from natural to relaxed November 2011. And since then I haven't had a relaxer. During the first 6 -8 months of transitioning I was flat ironing my hair 1 a week. From September of 2012 I started bunning daily. Since I've hit my 1 year mark November 2012
I've noticed tons of shedding (or what I think is a ton). Seems like whenever I wash my hair long strands fall out when I run my fingers through. I cowash 4 x a week and dc 1x a week.

Is excessive shedding normal since I'm 14 months post relaxer??

Any advice greatly appreciated.
H there ! :grin:
I m not sure about the 14 months post relaxer ,I m natural and i shed alot .Could it be an iron deficiency ?

When I was that far in my transition I had a lot of breakage (short and long hairs w/o the bulb). Then again, my hair was very damaged due to excessive relaxers root to tip, flat ironing twice a week and countless other hair sins.

If you haven't already found the transitioners thread I suggest checking it out and also asking the ladies there.
It sounds as though you're experiencing breakage as well as shedding. Thus, your confusion with excessive shedding is occurring. May I suggest upping your deep conditioning treatments or making sure you are moisturizing/sealing on a daily basis.

I truly understand what you're experiencing as I ended my 31 month transition in December.
i don't think what you describe is breakage.

it seems to me that now that you are bunning, you are manipulating you hair less on a daily basis so when you do wash, etc. you see more of the accumulated shed hair.

when my hair is straight i see way less shedding because it is easily removed from my hair when combing daily.

when my hair is curly, the shed hair gets kinda trapped at the roots and then doesn't come out until i finger comb it in the shower once a week. so at the end of a week of bunning i see WAY MORE hair than if i had my hair straightened and was dealing with it on a daily basis.

i get about 2 silver dollars worth of shed hair at the end of a two week period if i haven't touched my hair, sometimes it's more.

i would definitely suggest you keep track of it. check your hair to make sure you see no areas with breakage. also step up your deep conditioning. i am 17 months post and i need to deep condition weekly to keep my hair strong and to keep breakage to a minimum....when i slack on deep conditioning, i def see a difference in the health of the hair.

Dalisha i hope that makes sense?
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