Those who had a "natural" labor...Did you

experience post-partum shedding?

My old stylist told me that post-partum shedding had a lot to do with hormones, but also how the epidural medicines reacted with them while leaving your body.
He said that shedding will always occur, but not nearly as bad if go "natural"
He says it takes 6-9 months for the epidural to fully leave your body.

*sorry Im so full of threads today*
Interesting theory. I have 4 kids. My oldest dd's birth I had two epidural shots because the first did not work.

I had major shedding.

The 2nd, no epi and no shedding.

My third, epi , more shedding.

My fourth, no epi, no shedding so far. (She's three months)

I heard that there is always more shedding with the birth of a first child. I also thought that maybe there was just more shedding with girls, as my second is a boy. My fourth is a girl, so we will see.
I had a natural birth with my first two children and my hair shed like crazy. Amazingly enough, it didn't shed as badly with the last child and I had an epidural.

I think that with my first DD it was the worst because I wasn't eating right and my hair was the last thing on my mind. It shed so much my mom had to cut it. I wish I had known then what I know now and I would've continued taking my prenatal vitamins.

Give yourself a few months for your body to go back to normal. Make sure you're eating healthy and if you're breastfeeding you might want to continue taking your prenatal vitamins (ask your doctor first).
Thank you ladies...

BC2, sound like it was maybe a correlation with your body getting used to pragnanyc and child birth rather the absence of the epi? What do you think?

Yardy, when did the shedding start?
Thank you ladies...

BC2, sound like it was maybe a correlation with your body getting used to pragnanyc and child birth rather the absence of the epi? What do you think?

Yardy, when did the shedding start?

My shedding started about 6-8 weeks after my delivery. I remember one day combing my hair and seeing so much hair I just started crying.
I dunno if this helps but I miscarried 2 weeks ago at 5 months and I've noticed a bit of shedding. I asked my doc about it and he said it's just post-partum. Hormones and what not returning to normal.HTH.
experience post-partum shedding?

My old stylist told me that post-partum shedding had a lot to do with hormones, but also how the epidural medicines reacted with them while leaving your body.
He said that shedding will always occur, but not nearly as bad if go "natural"
He says it takes 6-9 months for the epidural to fully leave your body.

*sorry Im so full of threads today*

I beleive there is something to what he said. For me,
baby #1) epidural = shedding
baby #2) natural = no shedding
baby #3) epidural = shedding
I dunno if this helps but I miscarried 2 weeks ago at 5 months and I've noticed a bit of shedding. I asked my doc about it and he said it's just post-partum. Hormones and what not returning to normal.HTH.
I am so very sorry to hear that.

I think my stylists agreed that hormones cause shedding, but he says the addition of the epi drives it over the edge.
I dunno if this helps but I miscarried 2 weeks ago at 5 months and I've noticed a bit of shedding. I asked my doc about it and he said it's just post-partum. Hormones and what not returning to normal.HTH.

I beleive there is something to what he said. For me,
baby #1) epidural = shedding
baby #2) natural = no shedding
baby #3) epidural = shedding
I got the idea from your thread and didnt want to hijjack it,'ve had THREE babies and you look like that? Share your secrets...
I had an epi for baby #1 and #2 and experienced significant shedding. Mine are only 16 months apart in age, so I was pregnant and breastfeeding for like 2 years. When I stopped nursing baby #2 around 3 months, that's when the shedding began. That's when my boobs went away also, but that's another story :ohwell:
I went into early natural labor with my son at 28weeks, after a day of natural labor the doctor had to do an emergency hair fell out like CRAZY! Nobody told me what to expect as far as hair loss so I was in complete shock. With my daughter I was able to carry her to 8months but had to have a c-section also but with no real labor and no shedding at all with her. Not sure how that happened or how that works
I got the idea from your thread and didnt want to hijjack it,'ve had THREE babies and you look like that? Share your secrets...

You're on to something with that theory, Zee.

I have an undeveloped body, no boobage and an "almost booty" back there. My mom used to tease me, "your stomach is glued to your back!" So I guess, with each baby, I had room to fill in.

The trick, if any, is to work out immediately postpartum. With this last baby, I have been holding on to an extra 15 pounds, which have been stuck and refuse to leave, partly due to my really atrocious eating habits. My resolution is to lose it and tone.

Not to hijack your thread, this thread is sooooo on to something. With my first baby, I had shedding, but with this last baby, I had both an epi and potossin, which in my opinion may have sent my shedding into overload.
Epi, drugs, c-section with baby one, planned c-section with baby 2. No shedding to speak of after either birth, but I had no major hair growth during pregnancy. And I have lupus so my hormone thing is unusual anyway.
Thank you all for your particpation. I think my stylist was on to something...hmmm.. it''s not that far fetched to understand the effects of a drug leaving your body on top of hormones...

Another reason for me to go natural

The other trick is to bind your waist.

What is bind your waist? is this something you do before or after or during?
I dunno if this helps but I miscarried 2 weeks ago at 5 months and I've noticed a bit of shedding. I asked my doc about it and he said it's just post-partum. Hormones and what not returning to normal.HTH.

:bighug::bighug:That's yours if you need it.
I've had natural childbirth and I have given birth using an epidural, I didn't notice a difference in the postpartum shedding.
Thank you all for your particpation. I think my stylist was on to something...hmmm.. it''s not that far fetched to understand the effects of a drug leaving your body on top of hormones...

Another reason for me to go natural

What is bind your waist? is this something you do before or after or during?

You bind or cinch your waist and even thighs, after the birth. It helps to gain elasticity of the skin and train your waist to tighten back up. I wore mine all day, even to bed, for months. I was not as religious with this last baby and I have seen a difference.
I had a c-section, no epi. but a spinal block. I had major noticeable shedding starting when he was about 6 months.
I had both of my kids natural. Not by choice. My labor just progressed very fast. However, I didn't experience any shedding and my hair was in good shape after both births.
the is OT but for those who had epi's and natural births, did you prefer the natural over the epi? was the natural birth easier/faster? and recovery, was it better with the natural or epi?

sorry for going OT but i'm planning trying to have one in the next 2 yrs and this seemed like a great opportunity to ask

and lady, thanks for the binding link. i've been doing research on that as well :)
the is OT but for those who had epi's and natural births, did you prefer the natural over the epi? was the natural birth easier/faster? and recovery, was it better with the natural or epi?

sorry for going OT but i'm planning trying to have one in the next 2 yrs and this seemed like a great opportunity to ask

and lady, thanks for the binding link. i've been doing research on that as well :)

ditto on the bolded, I'm trying to go natural in the next 19-22 weeks...