I had a Positive Salon Experience **pics inside**

Great progress. I am looking at your siggy pics like wow! Way to go. Is this your most updated bootcamp reveal or are you ladies waiting until Jan. 1?
Congrats on your positive experience. I don't have many of these. If it's a new stylist, it's usually very good but as soon as they get to know you, they

1. have no respect for your time
2. expect you to bring them food
3. expect rides to pick up their children
4. over charge you
5. ignore you for newer customers (make you wait, even if you were there
first and had an appointment)
6. ask into your personal business
7. get mad at you for telling them what you want done to YOUR hair
8. don't want to tell you what they are using on your hair
9. expect you to wait while they shop for whatever the hookup guy has
brought into the shop to sell.
10. ask you if you want to buy these "hot" or "fake" items the guy is selling
11. ask you to bring in products for your hair and then keep what's left for
their other clients
12. I could go on & on but you get what I'm talking about


You are telling the truth. I have seen or experienced everything on that list in salons. Your list had me cracking up....but the fact that stylists actually act like that is a big :nono:
Great progress. I am looking at your siggy pics like wow! Way to go. Is this your most updated bootcamp reveal or are you ladies waiting until Jan. 1?

Thanks!! Yep...this is the 2007 Bootcamp reveal. The final session is scheduled to be finished in time for the holidays...so we can enjoy our progress.
Thanks ladies for all the compliments.....Im feeling like a real LHCFer these days :grin:

Hopefully, you ladies who havent found a good stylist will find one. Ive always found mine by asking a woman whose hair I admired who their stylist was. This is the second one that I found this way.

Also, to the ladies that sent me PM's for info...I have responded to them. I apologize for the delay as I was not on the computer over the Christmas break.
Hair cuz, I love your hair it is beautiful. I am glad you were blessed with a great salon experience. :grin:

So far I have been blessed and my current stylist I found from LHCF, moving with the military there is always a chance.
That sounds great! I'm a hop, skip and a jump away from Silver Spring. If I ever start going back to a salon, I may need to get her info!

Your hair looks great.