Conservative Christian VS Liberal Christian

Maybe one should make a list of what is considered liberal and conservative? I thought it had more to do with how one is living out the faith, not which "sins" one is allowing to into the faith to be practiced freely.


i think the lib/con thing should just be based on political beliefs honestly...

i've been taking Christian theology class and after that I am sooooo tired of talking about which type of Christian is better... I just want us all to love Jesus, and leave each other alone about how we choose to do it.
There is a preacher in Arizona who wants G-d to kill Barrack Obama.

He is an ordained minister.

He does not believe in abortion or homosexuality.

He professes Christ as his Lord and Saviour.

What type of Christian is he?

Would the answer to this question be different if you insert Osama Bin Ladin instead of the POTUS?
There is a preacher in Arizona who wants G-d to kill Barrack Obama.

He is an ordained minister.

He does not believe in abortion or homosexuality.

He professes Christ as his Lord and Saviour.

What type of Christian is he?

Would the answer to this question be different if you insert Osama Bin Ladin instead of the POTUS?

dang boo that was deep... I wonder about these people too... I want a happy world of tolerance soooo bad :wallbash:

btw i see your baby is in the oven browning nicely :grin:
There is a preacher in Arizona who wants G-d to kill Barrack Obama.

He is an ordained minister.

He does not believe in abortion or homosexuality.

He professes Christ as his Lord and Saviour.

What type of Christian is he?

Would the answer to this question be different if you insert Osama Bin Ladin instead of the POTUS?

He ain't one!

BTW, does the New Testament talk about abortion and homosexuality?

Just curious? I don't recall it!
I am a follower of Chirst. Period.

Yeah, either you are obedient to Christ or you aren't. That's all that's important.

For me, I'm orthodox and protestants are liberals but they are both christians who follow faithfully. Just what actually makes one conservative and one liberal, abortion and homosexuality excluded?

Interesting point. I think that both politically and theologically the "liberal/conservative" labels are the product of largely Western democratic society and 20th centry American evangelical theology that can't at all encompass the entirely of the Christian tradition or ways that Christians have understood their faith in relationship to the government since the NT church.

For example, Augustine, like many other early church fathers, believed that the creation story in Genesis was likely allegory and not literal. Does that make them "liberal" Christians, even though many of our basic church doctrine and the creeds were formulated by them?

Also, no one's Christianity should be judged by whether they believe that abortion should be illegal or not, or whether it would be permissible for there to be civil unions for gay people or whatever, because those questions have to do with how the government chooses to run things (i.e., Caesar's kingdom), not the things of God. A political libertarian, Christian or not, would tell you that abortion should be legal not because they think abortion's ok, but because they believe the government should stay out of things. It's a political question. The whole "liberal/conservative" thing is a distraction, imo.
Also, no one's Christianity should be judged by whether they believe that abortion should be illegal or not, or whether it would be permissible for there to be civil unions for gay people or whatever, because those questions have to do with how the government chooses to run things (i.e., Caesar's kingdom), not the things of God.

Are we to accept the world's system within our midst? Sometimes discrimination must be practiced, or what would be the point of setting ourselves apart?

A political libertarian, Christian or not, would tell you that abortion should be legal not because they think abortion's ok, but because they believe the government should stay out of things. It's a political question. The whole "liberal/conservative" thing is a distraction, imo.

A libertarian follower would say it should be neither legal nor illegal, that each person should come to the realization that we cannot break His Laws without breaking us in return. It does not mean we should accept it. I do agree that labels can be a distraction.
In a nutshell Shimmie - they want to be God's god. I am stealing that one... so if you see the quote pop up in another thread remember I am giving you your credit now. :look:
:kiss: Totally Yours, "First Lady" You own it. :Rose:
I'm a conservative christian but I am also compassionate. Meaning that the Bible says that we can not be so "holy" that we are no earthly good.

When people do wrong you should not turn your back on them: i.e. sick and no health insurance (blame them an don't help).

Also I believe that MANY Christians are lost because they do not know what the Bible says and try to confuse others in their confusion. With any problem the Bible has the answer point blank. Hair, clothes, marriage, and Obama are in the Bible but we have to read the Bible ourselves and stop expecting those who don't know the word to tell us what to do! The problem is like someone mentioned earlier some liberal Christians feel like God is okay with everything we do because he loves us and does not punish us.

However, our jobs as Christians is to share and live the undefiled word of God which causes many people to hate us, but in the end WE are responsible for what we tell others and everyone will be accountable for what they heard and did not practice. Hell is real and I don't want anyone to go there, but many people know they are going and profess it with their mouths. Thus the expression going to hell in a handbasket.
Are we to accept the world's system within our midst? Sometimes discrimination must be practiced, or what would be the point of setting ourselves apart?

A libertarian follower would say it should be neither legal nor illegal, that each person should come to the realization that we cannot break His Laws without breaking us in return. It does not mean we should accept it. I do agree that labels can be a distraction.

Well, I understand what you're saying, but I still think that those are political differences. Do we have to accept the world's system? Idk, Paul accepted it. He told slaves to be obedient to their masters. Jesus accepted it, in that He didn't force the equality of women in society even though He acted differently. And there are Mennonite traditions that are completely non-violent, so military service, even just wars, and political participation are completely out of the question. But their doctrine is still orthodox and they live lives for Christ.

To understand the falleness of the world's system doesn't dictate the way that we are to choose to interact with it. I think it's okay for Christians to disagree about how to deal with these issues, as Christians have found different ways of approaching them since the beginning. Having a different political opinion shouldn't divide us.
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YES, I LOVE The BIBLE. And when the answer is in, I am not searching further. If you read Revelation (chapters 2 and 3), The Letters to [FONT=&quot]the Loveless Church, the Persecuted Church, the Compromising Church, the Corrupt Church, the Dead Church, the Faithful Church, the Lukewarm Church - these letters describe the conservative and the liberal Christian.

2: 2 “I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars; 3 and you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name’s sake and have not become weary. 6 … you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. 9 “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. 10 …Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. 13 “I know your works… And you hold fast to My name, and did not deny My faith..
3: 8 “I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name. 10 Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.

2: 4 … you have left your first love. 5 Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works… 20 Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols.
3: “I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead. 2 Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die, for I have not found your works perfect before God. 3 Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you.
15 “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. 16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot. I will vomit you out of My mouth. 17 Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked— 18 I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. 19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent.[/FONT]

Awesome Word which seals it! :up:
Are we to accept the world's system within our midst? Sometimes discrimination must be practiced, or what would be the point of setting ourselves apart?

A libertarian follower would say it should be neither legal nor illegal, that each person should come to the realization that we cannot break His Laws without breaking us in return. It does not mean we should accept it. I do agree that labels can be a distraction.

i didn't read all of the thread, but just about the bolded...
its not accepting the world's system. its being tolerant of those around you. the gay married couple, the muslim, the rapist... all of these are people, and if they are unsaved they are going to hell... they are damned to eternal punishment. these people deserve our respect. they are not scabs in our lil Christian world.
We need to be prepared to debate our faith properly with unsaved people... Study the bible's truths and remember them. Forget the rest. Know what you know and live in tolerance and peace. Be an example of Christ's love. Then when you are given the chance, share the truths of His love and his gift of salvation.
If you are a believer you are blessed with an advantage... why not just share this advantage with others instead of trying to "set yourselves apart."
Jesus walked with the lepers, lets follow His example.
Well, I understand what you're saying, but I still think that those are political differences. Do we have to accept discrimination? Idk, Paul accepted it. He told slaves to be obedient to their masters. Jesus accepted it, in that He didn't force the equality of women in society even though He acted differently.

I think it's okay for Christians to disagree about how to deal with these issues, as Christians have found different ways of approaching them since the beginning. Having a different political opinion shouldn't divide us.

Right, I really hope Christians start being concerned with educating themselves about truth instead of running around talkin about who is right and wrong... The political system is of this world anyways...
There is a preacher in Arizona who wants G-d to kill Barrack Obama.

He is an ordained minister.

He does not believe in abortion or homosexuality.

He professes Christ as his Lord and Saviour.

What type of Christian is he?

Would the answer to this question be different if you insert Osama Bin Ladin instead of the POTUS?

First, ((( Mommie Hugs ))) to you and Baby :Rose:

In addressing the question:

"We" know that this man is not being lead of God. I don't care what 'his' title is; God is not in this maddness. This man is on his own platform and his own sick agenda, which is far removed from the Lord Jesus Christ.

I don't know of anyone in my personal life nor in this forum who deems this man as being lead of Christianity. He's not. Even my 'babies' know this is wrong. It falls under the Ten Commandments, "Thou Shalt Not Kill".

He's not a Pastor, not of Jesus Christ. A Pastor is a Sheppard ordained of God to lead God's followers into the Paths of Righteousness, not death, hell and destruction.

We live in a 'Bootleg' society, Imposters of the Authentic; and bold enough to be on almost every street corner seeking those vunerable; all I can say is 'Beware'. Jesus warned us about this more than once.

As for setting out against Terriorists such as Bin Laden and em' ... It's kill or be killed. Which is the greater disaster? To sit and allow a trerriorist to take over another airline and kill thousands more innocent lives or seek to stop them? War is ugly and there will no end to them until Jesus returns... so do we play victim and lend ourselves as an accomplist to their terror or do we lend ourselves as the Victor?

If someone sought to kill your baby, you would not cease to be a Christian just for choosing to protect your child's life.

Personally, I do not choose violence. But I'm no sitting duck. I'm not going out as a wimp. :nono:

Peace and blessings ...
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Well, I understand what you're saying, but I still think that those are political differences. Do we have to accept the world's system? Idk, Paul accepted it. He told slaves to be obedient to their masters. Jesus accepted it, in that He didn't force the equality of women in society even though He acted differently. And there are Mennonite traditions that are completely non-violent, so military service, even just wars, and political participation are completely out of the question. But their doctrine is still orthodox and they live lives for Christ.

I think it's okay for Christians to disagree about how to deal with these issues, as Christians have found different ways of approaching them since the beginning. Having a different political opinion shouldn't divide us.

Unless one owns their own business or is a complete homesteader, we are still slaves: wage slaves. Are we not to abide by the owner's rules to maintain employment? The only difference is we have more options and legal recourse today. Also, men didn't have it so great back then, either. Jesus did uplift women in His own way, and later, His Apostles. Let's not inject modern sensibilities into the means the human race had to survive to get to this point.

Look at the word discriminatory in a neutral sense, not in a negative one. Paul had no qualms about telling people when they were wrong and instructing others to do the same. To follow Christ is to operate differently from the world. No, we are not to condemn people (that's His call), but we are not to accept all of their actions and thoughts, are we? We have to find the right balance, or we can get caught up in legalism and/or emotionalism, both big distractions, IMO.
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Why is it always down to homosexuality and abortion?

Because its more acceptable now then it was, We have Homosexual ministers out in the open, Probably always had them but now they are proud and bold about it, thats not an agreement with the scriptures. Abortion is just like going to the mall now. In my opinion sin is sin, no degrees. I love family members that are gay. Love them so much. but I do not agree with that lifestyle at all. But I do understand why people make the decision to stay in that lifestyle. Just like any other person that is in sin. Its more of a comfort and difficult to get out of it.
from a political perspective
Either you follow Christ and believe or you don't. I don't believe in Christian Conservative(ism) politically. I believe it is a facade. I believe that economic conservatives use this label to tug on the heart strings of people who believe in Christ to support their cause and some people fall for it although economically they believe in more liberal views.

From a spiritual perspective
I don't like to use those terms either because it does not address the true diverse nature of follows of the Way or Christ. The church that follows closely how the early matyrs and "church" fathers practiced would be in the Orthodox Church, Coptic Church and Ethiopian Tahedo Church. Their practices are more "conservative" if you will than most Prostant Western Churches are today.

As far as the comparison of Conservative being on fire for God and Liberal being lukewarm christian that is not a correct way to describe Christians on their journey to God and salvation.

When someone profess Christ with their tongue and believe in their heart and is baptised in the Name of The Father, SON and HOLY SPIRIT or in the name of JESUS CHRIST(depending our your denominational views) this person's life begins. Confession of Christ is not a magic pill and then you have your "breakthrough" and/are "delivered". Being with Christ takes WORK, patience and Seeking the Kingdom of God FIRST. Many people who confess Christ do not know nor understand this and most importantly getting to this point of revelation takes time and for some it takes a lifetime and for others a few months or years. That is not being lukewarm but that is being real about it. Many people are struggling in faith, if it was not so, then there would not be a need for DAILY BREAD. That is why we believers have to stay steadfast and keep on encouraging our brethren every step of the way. Life is not as simple as BLACK/WHITE and many believers struggle daily to keep on the road.

I believe the context of the "lukewarm" is taken out of porportion and is used as a badge. In summary, people are on different spots on the spiritual journey to God, some fall off, some pause for a second and some sprint to home plate. We have to be mindful that not every receives relevation at the same time and that God has to fix things in us to get us to the next level. That's not lukewarm, that is the path. A believer can not truly embrace the fullness of God without going through something and knowing that they know, that they know, that they know that I AM is I AM.
That cannot be taught but it has to be experienced. That is the difference between an Athiest and a believer. An athiest wants to read it,see it and prove it but a believer KNOWS it. Only life and experience can give you that. Now, is that conservative or liberalism? no. It is the way and path to eternal life.

ETA: If err in some manner please direct me in the spirit of Christ because I am always looking to learn and grow. Thanks!
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After a little searching on the subject, I found a pretty good article in Wikepedia concerning what liberal christianity is and they provide theological references. The methods they use to determine scriptural meaning are modern methods along the same line of biblical hermeneutics used today.

There are no preconceptions that scripture is inerrant nor dogma the correct translation therefore, liberal christianity does not hold to any particular set of beliefs by any organization or churches. But that does not mean that liberal christians do not hold to more traditional or orthodox beliefsets.

Even what we consider to be the O.T. and N.T. today do not include many ancient texts because councils decided at some point in time which books would be included. And just look at the variety of deonominations existing today due to differences in interpretation. They are, like others, interested in finding meanings and understanding of G-d based upon scriptures. So, I don't think that liberal christianity means that people disregard scripture, according to that article. It's just another type of hermeutics.

So, what does it look like pragmatically? We've probably moved through so much liberalism that we cannot recognize it today. Do women cover their heads? Female pastors? Is one sinning for not strictly observing the new sabbath on Sunday? Are men and women separated in the sanctuary? It goes so far beyond the issue of homosexuality. But where does it end, then? I believe that libertarianism refers to politics and liberal christianity is an individualistic type of hermeutics based upon interpreting scripture.
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from a political perspective
Either you follow Christ and believe or you don't. I don't believe in Christian Conservative(ism) politically. I believe it is a facade. I believe that economic conservatives use this label to tug on the heart strings of people who believe in Christ to support their cause and some people fall for it although economically they believe in more liberal views.

Both liberals and conservatives are guilty of this. No one group has a monopoly on any aspect of human nature.

From a spiritual perspective
I don't like to use those terms either because it does not address the true diverse nature of follows of the Way or Christ. The church that follows closely how the early matyrs and "church" fathers practiced would be in the Orthodox Church, Coptic Church and Ethiopian Tahedo Church. Their practices are more "conservative" if you will than most Prostant Western Churches are today.

From what I have seen, I'm not sure they are close to the original practices anymore. Jesus simplified things for us and we made it complicated again. I don't know... The only thing that I can see that has been consistent is the Bible itself.

Every time I see the word lukewarm, I think comfortable and/or complacent. You bring up some great points that may be better explored in another thread.
From a spiritual perspective
I don't like to use those terms either because it does not address the true diverse nature of follows of the Way or Christ. The church that follows closely how the early matyrs and "church" fathers practiced would be in the Orthodox Church, Coptic Church and Ethiopian Tahedo Church. Their practices are more "conservative" if you will than most Prostant Western Churches are today.!

Tawahedo. They certainly do not even regard each other fully, that's for sure. The Egyptian Copts think the Ethiopians err in some doctrines and neither, I believe, allow orthodox full communion. They will have to be rebaptised under that church. St. Mark's church is certainly old and unchanged! None of them think the catholics are right lol! And I will not insult the rest of the denominations in telling them how they are viewed. I had a fight on Youtube with this arrogant dude over that topic and the insults he gave against them. I won't have it.

Interesting you mentioned it. Do you attend orthodox church with the Ethiopians or the Copts in general???
i didn't read all of the thread, but just about the bolded...
its not accepting the world's system. its being tolerant of those around you. the gay married couple, the muslim, the rapist... all of these are people, and if they are unsaved they are going to hell... they are damned to eternal punishment. these people deserve our respect. they are not scabs in our lil Christian world.
We need to be prepared to debate our faith properly with unsaved people... Study the bible's truths and remember them. Forget the rest. Know what you know and live in tolerance and peace. Be an example of Christ's love. Then when you are given the chance, share the truths of His love and his gift of salvation.
If you are a believer you are blessed with an advantage... why not just share this advantage with others instead of trying to "set yourselves apart."
Jesus walked with the lepers, lets follow His example.
Jesus did not require tolerance; He wanted us to feed His sheep, to prepare His bride for His coming. He didn't walk with lepers; He cured them.

The topic is about the conservative/liberal mindset, so I thought the discussion concerned the mind and the world's influence over it. "To set apart" is a continuous mental exercise, not a physical one. Prayer and studying the Bible are two things that do set us apart from the world. One does not have to tolerate actions to be of any good to witnessing or sharing with others on the broad path.
Tawahedo. They certainly do not even regard each other fully, that's for sure. The Egyptian Copts think the Ethiopians err in some doctrines and neither, I believe, allow orthodox full communion. They will have to be rebaptised under that church. St. Mark's church is certainly old and unchanged! None of them think the catholics are right lol! And I will not insult the rest of the denominations in telling them how they are viewed. I had a fight on Youtube with this arrogant dude over that topic and the insults he gave against them. I won't have it.

Interesting you mentioned it. Do you attend orthodox church with the Ethiopians or the Copts in general???

Nope! My neighbors are! Tawahedo church (Thanks). During my life's journey I have researched and studied alot about the "roots" of Christianity because of some past experiences. In my life, I went from always have a knowing of God ( baptised at 11), weekly church attendance, various relatives are of the cloths. Close relatives in different offices in the church system to questioning everything, to changing religions to finding religion to being on a road to Atheism. Something happened in my life that stopped my free-fall from God( May 8th 2007, I accepted Christ as my savior again) and I have been back on the road, challenging myself and getting stronger in God, I am almost where I was before the fall. I have had many questions along the way. Part of my post was projective and reflective as what I have seen in others and in my own life experiences.

Yes, there was a break from the Coptic and Tawahedo Church. There is a Tawahedo Church locally in Nashville, I would love to visit but I don't speak Amharic nor read the Gee'z. I still love learning history and various theologies.
Sorry to be off topic, I just wanted to answer your question.
Nope! My neighbors are! Tawahedo church (Thanks). During my life's journey I have researched and studied alot about the "roots" of Christianity because of some past experiences. In my life, I went from always have a knowing of God ( baptised at 11), weekly church attendance, various relatives are of the cloths. Close relatives in different offices in the church system to questioning everything, to changing religions to finding religion to being on a road to Atheism. Something happened in my life that stopped my free-fall from God( May 8th 2007, I accepted Christ as my savior again) and I have been back on the road, challenging myself and getting stronger in God, I am almost where I was before the fall. I have had many questions along the way. Part of my post was projective and reflective as what I have seen in others and in my own life experiences.

Yes, there was a break from the Coptic and Tawahedo Church. There is a Tawahedo Church locally in Nashville, I would love to visit but I don't speak Amharic nor read the Gee'z. I still love learning history and various theologies.
Sorry to be off topic, I just wanted to answer your question.

I know what you mean, I've been there. At our St. Mary's Egyptian Coptic Church, they have on the screen the liturgies in Greek, Copt and English all translated right under each other. I really like their services...even the prospect that you have only 1 confessor and it's face-to-face. Scary, but I was reading how people's lives have been changed with having 1 confessor. Now I know why some in ours go to one priest solely and face-to-face. Pope Shenouda even visited here in Pittsburgh about last year and he dedicated the church! I wish I had bee involved then...sigh.

I dunno, it's a great idea and I have some people encouraging me. I remember the words of a very dear orthodox priest, Fr. Paisius in K.C., who told me something very kind and spiritual once. He was right. I find a lot of spirituality there...something that pushes me further. But I have to consider who would I marry? :yep: And my kids???
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ITA people are on different levels in their Christian walk...they can be a Carnal Christian, a Natural Christian and a Spiritual Christian.

But in Revelation, God says he will spit one who is lukewarm - neither hot nor cold -- from his mouth.

Lukewarm is one who knows better just can't seem to make up their mind whether to serve God or the devil and at times go in /out, based on how they feel at any given moment in life and can be in torment because of this. God will always take them back should they repent. But until they decide to give their life fully to God, they are lukewarm.

I believe the context of the "lukewarm" is taken out of porportion and is used as a badge. In summary, people are on different spots on the spiritual journey to God, some fall off, some pause for a second and some sprint to home plate. We have to be mindful that not every receives relevation at the same time and that God has to fix things in us to get us to the next level. That's not lukewarm, that is the path. A believer can not truly embrace the fullness of God without going through something and knowing that they know, that they know, that they know that I AM is I AM.
That cannot be taught but it has to be experienced. That is the difference between an Athiest and a believer. An athiest wants to read it,see it and prove it but a believer KNOWS it. Only life and experience can give you that. Now, is that conservative or liberalism? no. It is the way and path to eternal life.

ETA: If err in some manner please direct me in the spirit of Christ because I am always looking to learn and grow. Thanks!
Jesus did not require tolerance; He wanted us to feed His sheep, to prepare His bride for His coming. He didn't walk with lepers; He cured them.

The topic is about the conservative/liberal mindset, so I thought the discussion concerned the mind and the world's influence over it. "To set apart" is a continuous mental exercise, not a physical one. Prayer and studying the Bible are two things that do set us apart from the world. One does not have to tolerate actions to be of any good to witnessing or sharing with others on the broad path.

Couldn't have said it better, God's people is to be set apart FOR HIM, it's the whole point, and just our lifestyle sets us apart from the world; and yeah he didn't spend his whole life with them, the word does say not to have fellowship with darkness, in fact darkness doesn't even want to fellowship with light, you can be sure at some soint it'll get mad. lol :rolleyes:

and i'll just repeat what someone else said the answer to everything is in the bible POINT BLANK. any topic under the sun is either acceptable, or not acceptable, no grey area, it's either right or wrong. There is ONE Truth, only one, if you have two people that don't say the exact same thing about every topic, one or both is going to hell.

people don't like hearing that, but it's a fact, the Lord Jesus is not about confusion, when we have his Spirit indwelling it's one voice, in many bodies. If you have one that says something different, that's not the Holy Ghost in everybody, let's not forget Satan has a voice too, demons have a voice too.

so yeah i guess labels like conservative or liberal can only be wordly points of view looking at religious people, cause you either live and breathe the Truth or you don't:yep:
Add fornication to that list. The bible is clear on these matters. How can one say the word of God is our instruction manual and then pick and choose what applies to his or her life. The term liberal Christian cancels itself out by definition alone.
I agree. Along with adultery and divorce.

I just find it odd that America was brought up on Christian values, yet, divorce and abortion are legalized. :perplexed

I also wish fornication and adultery were spoken against more. It seems like these two sins are more condoned in the world, even among Christians.
I think Christians should not concentrate their WHOLE faith on abortion and homosexuality. It makes me think that many people believe as along as you disagree with these things, you are a "true" believer. What about prostitution, sexual slavery, physical slavery, the homeless, widow, orphan, poor immigrants, the depressed/mentally ill? Why dont we talk about those things as much?

And about abortion: Let's say you are against abortion...what about serving mothers who decided to have their child, but is unable to raise them? Shouldn't we encourage helping these women instead of just saying "no" to abortion?
I totally agree. In my initial post, I just listed those as examples and then put "etc." at the end. So I wasn't just saying we should base our whole faith on abortion and homosexuality. I wish there was more awareness on other sins as well.

Actually, I agree. The OP questioned just what makes a conservative or liberal. I'd like to know the definitions. I don't think liberal necessarily means one agrees with homosexuality. But I don't know because no one answered the question. I think she was asking within the context of true believers of the faith...according to scripture. I'm sure there are liberals versus conservatives. For me, I'm orthodox and protestants are liberals but they are both christians who follow faithfully. Just what actually makes one conservative and one liberal, abortion and homosexuality excluded?

Exactly!!! Thank you! :up:
There is a preacher in Arizona who wants G-d to kill Barrack Obama.

He is an ordained minister.

He does not believe in abortion or homosexuality.

He professes Christ as his Lord and Saviour.

What type of Christian is he?

Would the answer to this question be different if you insert Osama Bin Ladin instead of the POTUS?
Good point!!!

I'm sure people would see him as a conservative Christian, however, his words make me think he has a devil inside of him.