Is any one else loosing faith in growth aides?


Active Member
(rather long but please read)

Just wondering.
Since my last touch up (in september) i havent used my MTG or had any intrest in using external growth aides on my hair...
Mainly because i no longer believe in them. Since i stopped my growth aides, my hair has been growing at the exact same rate as when i was using them which is half an inch:ohwell:
... and the difference? i can manage my hair a bit better, that stuff dried and tangled the heck outta my hair. Plus i dont have to worry about oil stained sheets. I used to have to wear a shower cap to bed after seeing nasty greasy stains on my lovely sheets, but now, i just throw on my satin bonnet (must have for all you ladies that cant get your thriple tied plastic scal(ves)f to stay on all night) and go to bed.
I still use a lil WGHO on my hair to seal in moisture and aide detangling cos it softens my hair like no mans buisness, but it certainly dont make my hair i wont classify it as growth aide.

I have always used growth aides mainly because i believed my hair couldnt grow on its own...but i've found out it can and does grow on its own.
Mind you, i still use my supplements (when i remember) mainly because i want to be healthier. Also i think It does make sense to take a hair supplement cos it will supply hair follicles with needed material to make new hair

I've also stopped trying to over eat protein cos i read a few reports that say most people (except vegetarians) eat more than their RDA of protein and do i want to gain weight? No sirree!

I have noticed that many of the ladies with longer hair also dont use growth aides, not sure if its because they are satisfied with their hair length. But my theory is that they have realised (with proven results) that a consistent healthy hair routine will take their hair to they butts but growth aides prolly wont. (longer haired ladies, i think Henrietta just called you out:grin:)

So ladies,What are your thoughts on this?

Do you get growth without growth aides? If so, how much?

Do you use GA? If so, how much extra growth are you getting? (ie you usually gain half an inch a month (without aides) are you gaining moe than that?)
If so how much more?

Also if you're gaining an extra quarter or half inch per month (ie 3/4 of an inch or 1inch in total) what growth aide are you using?
If you are getting an extra 1/4 inch (on top of normal growth of half inch a month), you should be getting 3/4inch in a month, 4 and 1/2 inches in 6 months and 9 inches per any growth aider getting this growth?

and an extra half inch a month means 1inch a month, 6 inches in 6 months and 12 inches a year...not sure i've seen this kind of growth yet...
(and i do believe every one gets at least or just under 1/2 inch a month if i'm wrong please say)
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when i took my hair out of braids and used growth aides i noticed no spectacular growth. if i have no braids and no growth aides i notice no spectacular growth, it's when i combine braids, growth aides and supplements that i notice spectacular growth like an inch a month. just my personal experience, i dont know if its the braids the aides or what. also with braids i get slightly better growth but not as good as the combination. that's why i'm leaving my cornrows in over the winter and using a growth aide and my vits, because i know i will get some amazing growth. For example I texlaxed in june. from june to sept i got maybe (at the most) a 1/4 of an inch. I put in a sew in, with my hair in cornrows with fake hair underneath in september (the exact beginning of september, i remember because it was for the caribbean day parade in nyc 9/1/07) when i took it out like the second week in october (i remember because it was for my birthday on the 19th) I absoloutely HAD to get a touchup because I had at least 1.5 inches of new growth (per the stylist). so that's 1.25 inches growth in 1 month and 1 week. Also while i had the sew in i was applying a BT/ WGO/ DooGro mix and taking vits. so that's what i noticed. So no i haven't lost faith I just think alone they don't work as well.
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The verdict is still out with me. I scaled back on MTG to once a week because my neck turned black from daily use. I'm just going to keep using it until it's gone. I didn't notice any difference when I used it daily. I think they work for some, but not for all. Once it's gone, it's gone. I'll determine if it works after my 4-5 month stretch. I usually get less than 1/2" a month. I would love to get an 1/2" a month! I only started using it four weeks ago. So I'm still going to give it a chance.
No, because I feel that growth aides are to be used as a supplement just like other products. but if you soley rely on a growth aide to do all the growth for you then you are setting yourself up for a disappointment. Because then you are looking to gain an inch or more in a month. But you have to do your part as well, by taking care of the insides as well as your regular hair treatments. I have used BT but I didn't get the growth that others got, but it help to relieve my itchy scalp. I now use Claudies Growth Elixer 3 times a week because she has sulfur as well as some essiential oils that really does my scalp good and even help with the scalp soreness I sometimes get.
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I haven't lost faith but understand as others have stated that a combination is best.The best for me is a multi-vit, sensible, balanced diet {yee-haw to a new, heavily alkaline diet}, regular shampoo, deep conditioners, leave-ins and an oil sealer daily. I once in a while use some Surge products,Frenchee and a once in a while topical sulfur mix. Better still is daily moisture and ends protection, minimal combing.
I never tried them so I wouldnt know but from what I hear the other ladies here say I dont think it would be worth me trying.

They show these progress pictures and say how many inches they have accumulated in X months and I think to myself, "I am no mathematician but wouldnt you have gotten those same inches with an average growth rate of 1/2 inch per month?"

IMO, that is....
I have not used growth aides. I admit I was extra excited when I first joined. I was planning a BC and wanted something to help my hair grow back quick. But I noticed that most of the FOTM don't use growth aides. Also, no one consistently updates on growth aides. I see plenty of threads where someone says they got "X # of inches" but I haven't seen where people actually state they went from SL to BSL because of growth aides. I may have missed them though. I'm not knocking them, but I haven't seen consistent updates on anything that would make me want to use them.:ohwell:
For me its not the growth aid but my own lack of consistency in using the growth aid. I'll hit the ground running when I get a new bottle and I'll see a little progress but then it ends up in the cabinet collecting dust.

Also, I agree with what others said - its a supplement. No need in using a growth aid on your scalp for your new growth when the hair you already have is constantly being neglected and abused. Your hair will grow regardless (unless you are suffering from a medical condition) and an addition 1/8 of an inch from a growth aid may or may not be worth it to ya. Its up to the individual.
I WILL ALWAYS use growth aides-- be it scalp massages, hot and cold rinses, and Lenzi's Request. I just don't like sulfur oils... gotta be grease!
I'm still on the fence about this too:perplexed. I used to use Surge back in the day, and from what I remember I had alot to growth...especially my edges. I will start using it again as soon as I get the bottle. I tried using MN and homemade BT (not at the same time), I don't think I got alot of NG. I also tried increasing my vitamins, I got the 1 inch in 1 month, but after that month my growth rate went back to normal. I think my body just got used to the vitamin intake.
My hair grows just fine without growth aids.

I don't think I get 1/2 inch every month, though. I think there are times in the year when I get a little more a month so eventually maybe it evens out.

I have never used growth aids long enough to really be a good judge of them. I think after using them STRAIGHT for a year, I could really decide if any are for me, but I could never stick to it.

But, in the short time I used them, I did see an increase for that short time.
My hair grows pretty fast all on it's own, so I haven't had to use growth aides. But, I have been following some of the dietary changes mentioned on this board, and have found that, for me, it's all about what I put in my body that makes the biggest difference. My hair is definitely much healthier now and grows like weeds. :yep: :yep:

The growth creams, oils, spray, ointments, etc., stuff just isn't for me. :nono: But I'm glad to see it working for others. :up:
I experimented with MTG for a hot minute (a month) over the summer. I thought it was helping a little bit with growth. But I don't think so. I recently started using it again and have noticed absolutely no difference in hair growth. I think what I experienced over the summer was the standard summer spurt. Plus that MTG is causing excess shedding and flaky scalp...I'd only been using it for 3 weeks. Needless to say, I'm not foolin' with it anymore.:nono:
My hair grows just fine without growth aids.

I don't think I get 1/2 inch every month, though. I think there are times in the year when I get a little more a month so eventually maybe it evens out.

I have never used growth aids long enough to really be a good judge of them. I think after using them STRAIGHT for a year, I could really decide if any are for me, but I could never stick to it.

But, in the short time I used them, I did see an increase for that short time.

I agree.....I don't think many of use stay on them long enough to really determine whether they work or not. I know I get lazy and then stop using them but I don't knock the product because for many people, they work. Just like every shampoo and conditioner...what works for some does work for others but considering that your hair has its own natural growth cycle, it will take more than 3 weeks to really test a "growth" aid. If you are not willing to commit to staying consistent with a product for atleast 2 months, I don't see the point in trying it out with huge expectations. Everyone wants a quick fix. I think that growth aids have their place in a hair care regime but unlike a conditioner, you are not going to see amazing results in a week. It takes time. Many people have unrealistic expectations and then slam a product when it doesn't work for them like they would have liked it to work.

Also, growth aids for many people help improve the overall quality of the hair. When I would use the hairobics system my hair grew a little faster but the quality of hair was alot better. My hair was thicker, stronger and has more natural luster.
From my understanding..whenever you lose faith in won't work anyway.

Back to the topic...
I am experimenting right now so the jury is still out on this one. Last relaxer I was taking hair vitamins and sparingly using MN and my hair definately grew more than normal.:yep: I was just not sure it it was the vitamins..the MN or the combo.

So I am doing a 6 month experiment.

2 months with MN, Egg yolk & Coconut Oil ( my concoction)
2 months of the above with vitamins
2 months with just vitamins.

I will document my progress.

But...this is MY head of hair and some people react differently to different things. Gotta just figure out what works best for you. HHG!
Most ignore the directions of MTG. Once a week...and leave it alone...but no we want to slather it on everynight. So we make a substitute and do the same thing. Did we ever consider that "over application" of these growth aids" stunts the growth? Should we need to have out follicles "impacted and sealed over with stuff"? Moderation may increase our chances. bonjour
Most ignore the directions of MTG. Once a week...and leave it alone...but no we want to slather it on everynight. So we make a substitute and do the same thing. Did we ever consider that "over application" of these growth aids" stunts the growth? Should we need to have out follicles "impacted and sealed over with stuff"? Moderation may increase our chances. bonjour

Good point.
I never tried them so I wouldnt know but from what I hear the other ladies here say I dont think it would be worth me trying.

They show these progress pictures and say how many inches they have accumulated in X months and I think to myself, "I am no mathematician but wouldnt you have gotten those same inches with an average growth rate of 1/2 inch per month?"

IMO, that is....

Thank YOU!!
I have read posts about one inch a month then i think, why isnt your hair down to your butt after a year? Doesnt quite add up:look:
Most ignore the directions of MTG. Once a week...and leave it alone...but no we want to slather it on everynight. So we make a substitute and do the same thing. Did we ever consider that "over application" of these growth aids" stunts the growth? Should we need to have out follicles "impacted and sealed over with stuff"? Moderation may increase our chances. bonjour

I never quite saw it this way...:ohwell:
What you say does make sense
when i took my hair out of braids and used growth aides i noticed no spectacular growth. if i have no braids and no growth aides i notice no spectacular growth, it's when i combine braids, growth aides and supplements that i notice spectacular growth like an inch a month. just my personal experience, i dont know if its the braids the aides or what. also with braids i get slightly better growth but not as good as the combination. that's why i'm leaving my cornrows in over the winter and using a growth aide and my vits, because i know i will get some amazing growth. For example I texlaxed in june. from june to sept i got maybe (at the most) a 1/4 of an inch. I put in a sew in, with my hair in cornrows with fake hair underneath in september (the exact beginning of september, i remember because it was for the caribbean day parade in nyc 9/1/07) when i took it out like the second week in october (i remember because it was for my birthday on the 19th) I absoloutely HAD to get a touchup because I had at least 1.5 inches of new growth (per the stylist). so that's 1.25 inches growth in 1 month and 1 week. Also while i had the sew in i was applying a BT/ WGO/ DooGro mix and taking vits. so that's what i noticed. So no i haven't lost faith I just think alone they don't work as well.

This is very clarify, so you dont think growth aides could work well on their own?
I'm wondering if this is why i never noticed a huge difference...cos i dont do braids or weaves anymore:ohwell:
I experimented with MTG for a hot minute (a month) over the summer. I thought it was helping a little bit with growth. But I don't think so. I recently started using it again and have noticed absolutely no difference in hair growth. I think what I experienced over the summer was the standard summer spurt. Plus that MTG is causing excess shedding and flaky scalp...I'd only been using it for 3 weeks. Needless to say, I'm not foolin' with it anymore.:nono:

Girl i know...
I wanted it to grow my hair so bad that it would irritate my scalp madly and i would stop, only to reapply after the irritation died thoughts were always that if its irritating me it's growing....And in the beginning of my hair journey, i credited all my hair growth to MTG...Now after not using it for two months, i realise it was my hair that was growing not the MTG working...

To think of all the times i was going mad from itching my scalp till it got sore for something that wasnt working for me:wallbash:
I agree.....I don't think many of use stay on them long enough to really determine whether they work or not. I know I get lazy and then stop using them but I don't knock the product because for many people, they work. Just like every shampoo and conditioner...what works for some does work for others but considering that your hair has its own natural growth cycle, it will take more than 3 weeks to really test a "growth" aid. If you are not willing to commit to staying consistent with a product for atleast 2 months, I don't see the point in trying it out with huge expectations. Everyone wants a quick fix. I think that growth aids have their place in a hair care regime but unlike a conditioner, you are not going to see amazing results in a week. It takes time. Many people have unrealistic expectations and then slam a product when it doesn't work for them like they would have liked it to work.

Also, growth aids for many people help improve the overall quality of the hair. When I would use the hairobics system my hair grew a little faster but the quality of hair was alot better. My hair was thicker, stronger and has more natural luster.

I used MTG for pretty much a year, bar the times i had to discontinue because of irritations.... And i didnt have high expectations...i just wanted it to make my hair grow...and it did grow ....I just realise now that i'd have had the same hair growth without it...

Also, i just googled hairobics, it looks also seems to be a hair care sytem as opposed to a hair growth (ie apply on scalp and you get more growth) sytem.
It does make sense that it would make hair look longer if its preventing all the hoo ha that leads to breakage?
I really don't think people use them long enough.

Hmmm i find this intresting cos i know that if i used anything that would give me an inch a month (hellz even 3/4inch will do:lachen:) I would certainly keep using that thing till i reach my goal length.
Most of us want longer hair, why would you stop using something that gives an inch a month?:look:
From my understanding..whenever you lose faith in won't work anyway.

Back to the topic...
I am experimenting right now so the jury is still out on this one. Last relaxer I was taking hair vitamins and sparingly using MN and my hair definately grew more than normal.:yep: I was just not sure it it was the vitamins..the MN or the combo.

So I am doing a 6 month experiment.

2 months with MN, Egg yolk & Coconut Oil ( my concoction)
2 months of the above with vitamins
2 months with just vitamins.

I will document my progress.

But...this is MY head of hair and some people react differently to different things. Gotta just figure out what works best for you. HHG!

Girl i used that stuff for a year and believed it was growing my hair...but after stopping using it for 2.5 months i realised my hair (along with a million poos , pre poos, Cons, Treatments, Stretches etc) Was growin itself:lachen:
So i never lost faith it in when using was post using it that i realised my own hair grows at the same rate.

Your experiment sounds goood...:rolleyes:
Can i ask what growth rate you normally get, and what growth rate you got when using MN? When you say more than normal, where you geting 3/4 of an inch a month with GAs as opposed to say half inch without?
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LOL!!! That is a good point to, Bald headed as I am if it gave me an inch a month I would be a faithful user LOL!!!!! All you Ladies make great points!