HELP...PHYTORELAXER dried out my hair!

^^^^whooooa your hair looks so good...the the may pic too wow

OT: :thankyou: The ends look so good in May because I had just taken my scissors and hacked off 6 can probably tell by how uneven they are. It did the trick hair grew back much thicker and fairly quick.

(sorry OP!)
Sorry this had to happen to you.

I didn't read all the posts but as a user of Phytorelaxer Index II for 3 years I gotten to know that the reconstructor should not be used for more than the alloted time. It does dry out your hair and it must been used after the hair is neutralized and not before. What I do is relax, neutralize, reconstructor, conditon then set. I didn't know. I thought that you were supposed to add the protein when the cuticles were open (right after the perm). I know sistaslick and some other LHCF-experts do it that way so I was trying it out. I guess the phyto reconstructor is not the one to use in that way. Thanks! :yawn:
I'm sorry you were displeased w/your experience. It's a bit early though to determine how your hair really reacted to the relaxer. Reconstructor isn't a moisturizing product and since it was used twice w/o one, I'd expect your hair to feel dry now. As always, deep condition your hair to death the next time you wash it. When a product dries out my hair some times it takes a few week for it to really feel hydrated. I'm sure you will have no issues recovering.

However, I used Phyto for awhile. Actually, for a bit too long b/c it did a number on my hair. :nono: The Reconstructor has always sucked tho. After an attempt or two I never touched that stuff again. My hair has performed much better on Affirm, but it seems like you had issues w/that as well. :sad: Best Wishes tho, it's just that everythang ain't for everybody. *sigh* You'll be fine tho, do not despair. It's one day in the life of your hair and it looks like it's in great condition. :yep:

Thanks for the support. I am glad I posted now because I am getting such great advice from you ladies! Thanks a bunch!
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I'm straight. Thanks though.

Yes, we are all here to help each other. Sometimes responses will be sugary and hugs, sometimes it will be straight, no chaser.

I am quite positive and supportive -- It wasn't personal, I was responding based on the information given in the post. This relaxer is constantly getting bashed... and sometimes it seems like it's the user..and not the product itself sometimes.

Apologies if your feelings got hurt...I was just going by what I read.

As the saying goes on the board...all products, not meant for all heads.
So it was the Phyto, it wasn't you or the stylist. Got it.

Again, good luck with whatever you decide to do and best to you on your hair journey as well.


ETA: just saw the comment about it being the hairdressers fault -
okay...I took my box to the Dominicans up the street...didn't have a problem either (Spanish speaking, never used Phyto either)

- we just went by the directions...I told her what to do. We all have different levels of control I guess when visiting the salon. I now self-relax, doing the same thing I did at the Dominican Salon -- Hair life lessons come in time. It's all good.

Hey its all good. I'm really not here for drama...I am here for hair growth. I appreciated your message, I just didn't appreciate your tone. Tone is so important in life...and on the internet--its especially important. I am in medical school and I pride myself on my intelligence and when I feel like someone is being condescending, I don't deal with that well. Its really all good though... On a positive note, now I know what I can do to improve my relaxer experience next time if I decide to use Phyto again. Thanks for letting me know your opinion and I am glad that Phyto works for you.
I agree with the other ladies that I think doing the reconstructor twice dried your hair out. Since you really wanted to try phyto, you should give it another chance but next time use as directed on the product for best results.

Will do

You should try doing a strand test beforehand following all the instructions so you'll know what to expect. You can even do two different strand tests using both reconstructors; the phyto recon for one and the aphogee recon for the other. You can decide afterwards which reconstructor will give you the best results.

Great idea...:yawn:

I think after your second experience you'll be able to conclude as to whether this product is for you or not. Not everything is for everyone and there is nothing wrong with that;).

Ain't that the truth

In the meantime, deep condition with a moisturizing deep conditioner at least once a week for the next few weeks. Your hair will turn around.

Yup...I'm on that! I will do this every 3 days

Lastly, one thing I recommend is that you consult with your stylist before she touches your head just to ensure you both are on the same wavelength with respect to the type of results you want and how exactly you want your hair done. If she doesn't agree, you can always find someone else and consult until you find the right person that will address all of your hair needs. Good luck;)!

I am really sick of stylists...I want to learn how to self-relax. That way if I f-up...its all on me.
This is just my 2 cents...
I tried Phyto for the first time on my last relaxer.. 2-3 weeks ago. I LOVED how thick my hair was after I used it. Usually my hair comes out very thin with other relaxers, but the Phyto kept a lot of body and thickness to my hair which was great! The problem started in that my hair felt dry after I used it. It felt like straw! :eek: I thought I may have to stop using it. But it also felt like it was coated with something so I did a chelating shampoo on the first wash after my relaxer which made a HUGE difference. I also did an ACV rinse, and my hair is back to normal. I also agree with the other ladies because I did not like the reconstructor at all, so using it twice is serious over-kill. I am still waiting to see how it goes until my next relaxer but so far it has been great! And I am going to stick with Phyto now! HTH soon can I do a chelating shampoo?
Phyto has been a Godsend for me! My stylist though is trained in using the product, and most of her clients use the product. I think it is all in how its applied, and the moisture being replaced once the process is complete. I haven't had an issue w/dryness from the relaxer, but I always seemed to have dryness w/lye relaxers in the past. So maybe its just my strange hair! I love it hair has retained its natural thickness after 9 months w/Phyto...and is super healthy...i can't imagine using anything else. I know some people mix some oils into their relaxers, maybe you should have her try this.

Interesting...maybe that would increase the moisture factor!
Hey its all good. I'm really not here for drama...I am here for hair growth. I appreciated your message, I just didn't appreciate your tone. Tone is so important in life...and on the internet--its especially important. I am in medical school and I pride myself on my intelligence and when I feel like someone is being condescending, I don't deal with that well. Its really all good though... On a positive note, now I know what I can do to improve my relaxer experience next time if I decide to use Phyto again. Thanks for letting me know your opinion and I am glad that Phyto works for you.

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Difficulty neutralizing and the milky reconstructor are responsible for at least 90% of bad phyto experiences. :ohwell:

I do the porosity control, ACV rinse, and elucence acidifying poo neutralizing routine also. Once I started doing this, I had NO problems with dryness or tangles.

I skip the reconstructor, because my hair just doesn't like it. :nono: I prefer aphogee 2 min or keraphix, and I do apply my protein before neutralizing.

I also clarify (with a chelating poo) a week after I relax, which really makes my hair soft and manageable.

I LOVE phyto. :grin: I just had to figure out how to make it work for me.
Okay... so my hair felt very strong and had no shedding but the texture was dry and straw-like.

Here's how I solved that problem (for those with post-relaxer dryness):

1) Prepooed with Suave Humectant
2) Clarified with ORS Creamy Aloe Shampoo (let it sit in my hair for 3 minutes as directions state)
3) Oil Rinsed with Castor Oil
4) DCed with ORS Replenishing Pack

RESULTS: When I was washing out the deep conditioner, my hair felt like butter. The clarifying shampoo removed a lot of the build up that was left in my hair from the perm. It also allowed the deep conditioner to penetrate my hair. Now my hair feels like the soft, shiny, healthy, beautiful hair that I know and love. Thanks LHCF! :grin::grin::grin::grin:
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Difficulty neutralizing and the milky reconstructor are responsible for at least 90% of bad phyto experiences. :ohwell:

I do the porosity control, ACV rinse, and elucence acidifying poo neutralizing routine also. Once I started doing this, I had NO problems with dryness or tangles.

I skip the reconstructor, because my hair just doesn't like it. :nono: I prefer aphogee 2 min or keraphix, and I do apply my protein before neutralizing.

I also clarify (with a chelating poo) a week after I relax, which really makes my hair soft and manageable.

I LOVE phyto. :grin: I just had to figure out how to make it work for me.

So can you tell me your steps and products on relaxer day? Thanks in advance...I also pm-ed you about this. Your hair is beautiful, by the way!
Ive used phyto several times now and it does my hair out a little BUT my hair is always dry in the first place. (well Ive gotten that under control now but thats another thread).
Phyto is the best thing on the planet as far as Im concerned. It didnt damage MY hair like previous relaxers have. I would give it some time before trying any relaxer to ensure your hair is strong and it can be.
My hair respnded really well to the milky reconstructor and made my hair silky soft. Also adding some protein whilst my hair was damp (ego boost) really helped my hair.

I hope yu try it again and it works for you...if you chose not to use I hope that you can find a relaxer that helps.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience with Phyto. Maybe some of the suggestions others have posted will work for you.

I could not figure out how to make this relaxer work for me. I tried the chelating shampoo, and acv rinse. just didn't work. My hair would not hold moisture and had no elasticity. it always has this funny coated feeling to it, no matter what i did to it.
I'm not sure if they changed the formula, but my last two applications of Phyto made my hair extremely dry. I decided to use ORS no lye last month and my hair felt wonderful.
I'm not sure if they changed the formula, but my last two applications of Phyto made my hair extremely dry. I decided to use ORS no lye last month and my hair felt wonderful.

Wow...that's my plan B. If I try Phyto next time and it doesn't work well for me I will try ORS no lye. Can you pm me your routine on perm day for ORS...:grin:
Ive used phyto several times now and it does my hair out a little BUT my hair is always dry in the first place. (well Ive gotten that under control now but thats another thread).
Phyto is the best thing on the planet as far as Im concerned. It didnt damage MY hair like previous relaxers have. I would give it some time before trying any relaxer to ensure your hair is strong and it can be.
My hair respnded really well to the milky reconstructor and made my hair silky soft. Also adding some protein whilst my hair was damp (ego boost) really helped my hair.

I hope yu try it again and it works for you...if you chose not to use I hope that you can find a relaxer that helps.


Thanks. I do like the feel of my hair now...almost a week after Phyto. The newgrowth feels silky smooth and soft. I really want to make Phyto work for me so I will try it next time I relax. I will wait 16 weeks until my next perm and go to a dominican stylist (who will do whatever I want with my hair--without giving me any grief). I hope it works for me too. Thanks for your feedback.
I've heard about this with phyto. People say it's very difficult to neutralize and that you have to make doubly sure that it's neutralized or else it will dry out your hair. I never really understood what the big fixation with it was. It has the same basic ingredients as most no-lye relaxers. So why do they charge nine to ten times as much just for some egg and soy added to it?
I've heard about this with phyto. People say it's very difficult to neutralize and that you have to make doubly sure that it's neutralized or else it will dry out your hair. I never really understood what the big fixation with it was. It has the same basic ingredients as most no-lye relaxers. So why do they charge nine to ten times as much just for some egg and soy added to it?

Hummm...good question. I read that Phyto was supposed to be more moisturizing because it doesn't deposit calcium hydroxide into the hair like the other no-lye relaxers. Instead it uses Guanidine Carbonate as its active ingredient which is supposed to be less drying. I really do feel like my new growth is silkier and softer after using this relaxer (since I clarified). I want to believe that for $60 a box, Phyto has unique ingredients that will leave the hair healthier. :rolleyes:
I will give it another try using some of the techniques that I learned from this thread.