What's Your Current Pre-poo Regimen?

I don’t prepoo with heat.... HOWEVER I’ll prepoo someone else’s hair with heat if they’re low porosity.

I’ll prepoo to finger detangle in one step. Prior to June I was prepooing with aloe vera leaves & henna sooq cocoveda oil.

In June I prepoo’d with Belle Bar Cairo. Currently I’m in box braids for the next 2-3 weeks and I’ll be prepoo’ing with Cairo {+ Aloe & cocoveda if im in the mood}
Pre poo'd with coconut oil and honey tonight.

I rubbed the coconut on my dry hair first. Then added honey. I put a dollop in one hand, wet the other hand, rubbed together, and massaged through my hair. Put on a plastic cap, wrapped a towel on my head and let sit for an hour.

Loved it! My hair was so soft when I rinsed it out. Followed with a WEN cowash and airdrying now.
I take whatever conditioner I’m fancying, section my hair, and with a spray bottle detangle each section focusing on applying conditioner to my ends. I put a cap on and leave for as long as I have time. I think it works!!
When I’m organised I’ll pre poo overnight, I get very nice results doing this. Or sometimes I will pre poo in the morning and keep it in my hair all day while I’m at work. The hair isn’t dripping with oil, it just looks like I thoroughly moisturised.

Lately though I’ve just been pre pooing for a couple of hours, I still get good results.

I like to use Philip Kingsley Extreme Elasticizer or Mane Choice Halo. I will sometimes couple this up with an oil mix or Amla oil.

Co-signing on a Pre Poo Challenge thread. :yep:
Recently I have been doing a scalp treatment with Heritage Rosewater Vinegar spray under a plastic cap for 30 minutes or overnight (if I have a nasty flare up of eczema).

When I go to blow out my hair I will also pre-poo with with Alikay Naturals Avocado Cream Moisture Repairing Mask.
I generally just massage my scalp with JBCO and call it a day. Today, I was super tired and just put suave naturals on the ends to slide all the knots out. Hair came out feeling like silk - nice, inexpensive kicker, smells like strawberries :3
Reviewing that moisture drenched chicoro prepoo thread, mine is basically that. I'm sure I read that thread in the past and came to my current routine:
Divide into 8 sections, and twist removing shed hair. Dampen hair with tea mix (usually 1/2 AVJ + what ever tea/mix im brewing currently hibiscus/amla) . Then coat hair with olive oil, and sometimes use a scalp oil like NJoy's oil and get under a heating cap for a while. +/- If I'm feeling fancy I add conditioner and dc with heat or overnight. Same with scalp massage.
My last wash day I skipped the pre-poo step. It was a no go. Never again, I have to prepoo. I spent so much time detangling in the shower with my rinse out conditioner it felt like more manipulation and eventually hair lost.