The Battle of the oils.. which one reigns as the most effective

The best all around oil for your hair health

  • Jamaican black castor oil/Castor oil

    Votes: 29 40.3%
  • Extra virgin coconut oil

    Votes: 28 38.9%
  • Alma oil

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Olive oil

    Votes: 7 9.7%
  • Sweet almond oil

    Votes: 2 2.8%
  • Jojoba oil

    Votes: 6 8.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Okay ladies, I'm trying to narrow down to the most effective oils to use on my hair/scalp for hair grown, retention and overall health of my hair. The more popular oils that I have read about on this hair board are: jamaican black castor oil, extra virgin coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, alma oil, and a few others that I can't remember. What is your vote for the best all around oil for hair health?
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*Runs In - Oil Head Here!*:peace:

I voted: Jamaican Black Castor (preferably Extra Dark JBCO) for right now.

If this was Spring/Summer, I may have voted for a lighter weight Oil.

But right now, in these sub-zero temperatures it's all about the JBCO.:cold:
I love all oils but if I had to narrow it down, it would be castor oil. I have used both regular and jbco and I see no real difference.
I'm torn between jojoba and castor.
EVCO is great on my scalp all year round but not so much for my hair during the winter/early spring. EVOO is good too though...shoot, idk anymore lol
Grape seed oil - Lubricate ends when my hair is straight

Wheat germ oil- pre shampoo treatment

Palm oil - pre shampoo treatment, sealant on wet hair for natural styles

Castor oil - sealant on wet hair, use with scarf to lay edges down

My hair doesn't like straight olive oil, jojoba oil, or coconut oil. I can use them in product formulations but not as a pure oils.
Olive oil is my #1- I use it on my skin, I seal with it, it can be added to dcs and pretty much detangles and protects my hair.

Coconut oil is #2-this miracle oil is great for moisturizing dry skin and nails/cuticles, I use it as an overnight prepoo before I get salon blowouts. This is also my favorite oil to cook with.

Argan oil is #3-this is the newest oil in my regimen. I use it on my hands, seal my ends, and I add it to all my leave ins and conditioners. It is lightweight and odorless.
I voted for sweet almond oil. It's one of those oils you can use all year long without it hardening in the winter or running down your face and neck in the summer. It's definitely been my go to for a while.
Coconut oil has been a revelation these past 3 months! I have previously only used castor or olive. Putting coconut oil prior to co-washing has given me hair I just can't stop caressing! It's shinier and softer. More recently I started applying coconut oil to my face, I have sensitive skin and so I am hoping I don't develop acne etc but for now all I can say is that when I look in the mirror, I double take because I look air brushed!! I do think my skin will revolt soon though, so perhaps I'll just stick to coconut oil on my hair.
Grape seed oil - Lubricate ends when my hair is straight

Wheat germ oil- pre shampoo treatment

Palm oil - pre shampoo treatment, sealant on wet hair for natural styles

Castor oil - sealant on wet hair, use with scarf to lay edges down

My hair doesn't like straight olive oil, jojoba oil, or coconut oil. I can use them in product formulations but not as a pure oils.

I love me some grapeseed oil. Softness and shine all the way! I like mixing it with my deep conditioners. Same with rice bran oil.

I'm really loving castor oil right now. Great for hair AND scalp. I'm going to try black seed oil soon also and see if it's as good as castor... Going to re-introduce flaxseed also. My hair enjoyed it the first time... very moisturized and shiny.
My favorites aren't on the list: avocado oil & Argan oil make my hair so soft & silky and not greasy. These are my two favorites.

Castor oil: does absolutely nothing for my hair. It's heavy, sticky and makes my hair greasy and dirty feeling. Least favorite.

Coconut oil: Causes unbearable acne. I like it for my hair but I had to give it up because of the skin issue. Its greasy and transfers to bonnets, pillows and to my face too easily which causes acne. Sometimes it would also make my hair feel hard. I like coconut oil in water based moisturizers but can't use the straight oil because of the skin reasons.

Olive oil: I like it, it makes my hair soft but it's still a little too heavy for my hair. Braggs Olive oil is my favorite oil oil to use for my hair when I do use it.

Jojoba: it's ok for me. Not to heavy but doesn't make my hair feel soft.
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Oh I forgot. Sweet almond oil was ok and I could also use it directly skin with no problems. I still like argan oil & avocado oil better.
By what everyone says, castor oil or coconut oil. But I think an oil is an oil. Just different consistency and a sealant. I don't think highly of oils. Currently I am using grapeseed oil just because it's light. I use to use coconut oil but it started to behave like a protein after a while and dry my hair out. One time I put it on my hair wet and slept over night and it was multiple dreads. I lost so much hair that day!
My faves are olive oil, grape seed oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil, and rice bran oil. I REALLY love rice bran oil.
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I forgot about grape seed oil! That's probably the only oil besides jojoba that I can liberally slather on but my hair still soaks it up without feeling greasy. Great for oil rinses too.
Castor oil - it makes my hair very soft, smooth and shiny and its great on the scalp.

Avocado oil - great as a sealant, in conditioners and as a pre-poo. I use it with glycerine on my body during winter too.

Jojoba oil - I like it as a sealant on straightened hair

Rice bran oil - nice, medium weight oil and it's full of linoleic, oleic acids and vitamin e

I don't care for coconut or olive oils as sealants but I will use them to prepoo as they've been scientifically proven to penetrate strands and coconut also helps prevent damage during shampooing caused by the swelling of the hair shaft.
I love avocado oil. Sweet almond oil would be my 2nd fav. Grapeseed oil is okay, but too light for me. Olive oil is good, but I don't like the smell.

I hated Coconut oil (hard hair) and Jojoba oil (didn't absorb=greasy). Castor Oil is too thick and sticky for me.
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There is no one size fits all answer. It depends on the current health of your hair, whether you are relaxed/natural/transitioning & the porosity of your hair.
Coconut oil- great for pre-shampoo treatments, penetrates hair, leaves hair feeling plushy the day following use

Castor oil- great for all around hair health but needs to be diluted and used as a sealant for me, ideal for ends and on wet hair, great for definition when used on wet/damp hair, maintains moisture for days

avocado oil- great for daily maintenance, softness, manageability, and it penetrates hair

grapeseed oil- improves elasticity for me

jojoba oil- It is great for daily maintenance, manageability, silkiness, and sheen. It acts like a silicone serum in my opinion. It also should be used primarily as a sealant.

My single favorite is avocado oil because it is the ideal weight for me (not too heavy/not too light), penetrates hair, and also leaves lasting softness.

I keep all of these oils on hand though because they all have specialized uses for me.
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Coconut is my beau-thang!!!! Completely cured my issues with hygral fatigue :yep:. Vatican oil ( CO on steroids) is so good to me :kissing4:. Sealing, DCing, leave-in, as a conditioner- it's great for everything my hair needs!!! Sweet almond is my second fave. It's a great leave-in, and has never failed me :yep:.

Castor oil broke off my ends being so dang thick, and my hair seems to hate argan oil mixed in anything. Olive oil is amazing, but only when mixed with CO. For a little while, I was using a CO/OO blend as my condish :lick:
I voted for Olive, but my absolute favorite is Hempseed Oil. I like both Olive and Hempseed.

How did I forget hempseed oil?! I love this stuff too. Very light, nourishing, and provides a nice sheen.

I definitely do not advise anyone to use Wheat Germ Oil even though it is high in ceramides. WGO is FUNKY. I could not get the scent out of my hair until my next wash.
If I could only use one oil for the rest of my life it would be JBCO no matter the season. But olive oil was really good when I was pre-shampooing. I might go back to that.
JBCO- good for pre-pooing and sealing
Sweet Almond Oil-love it because it's so light
Grape Seed Oil-light and makes hair shiny
Avocado Oil- great as a pre-poo treatment and penetrates the hair