Share your stretching tips... Please

Thanks to everyone that has posted. I've noticed some slow but steady growth since I cut my hair in January so want to stretch for another surprise at my touchup.
I am a long stretcher, I recently finished an 8 month stretch, and have decided to continue to do 6 month stretches, I am a frequent exerciser and I air dry most of the way. I am currently just about 11 weeks post, and I have to say that I have found what works for me.

Here are the blog posts that I have done about what has helped me along in my stretches:
Proper Detangling
Air Drying
Hair Accessories
Aubrey Organics Conditioners
Taming the New Growth

Thanks! These are some excellent tips

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I learned stretching isn't for everybody.I only can go exactly six weeks before I can't no longer control it. I dO also notice when my mOm did my relaxers I could strtch longer lol.then again I hated her doing my relaxers so maybe I stretched because of hat reason too
1. Pre-poo'ing (Especially a steam pre-poo on dry hair with oils and conditioners)
2. M/S at least 2x/week - I don't do it daily because I love my swang from my sets.
3. Protein weekly! Either a conditioner, a leave-in, a treatment, etc. I try not too use too many protein products at one time.
4. Deep Conditioning!!!
5. Rollersetting
6. Wrapping my hair every night/Silk scarfing every night.
When I was relaxed, I could go 6 months by wearing wet buns. As long *** I did this, my hair was fine. I used Afroveda Shea Amla and Sulfur 8.:lol: Deadly mix, but I did retain length.
Don't! Just kidding. But seriously long stretches never worked for me with good results. I stick around 11-12 weeks post to avoid breakage which results in thin hair. My last stretch was 14 wks I think and that wash was not good. I have learned to listen to my hair. Cowashing/wash, air dry and bun.
I am in week 14 now and wearing my hair out and straight today. I did a light warm blowdry today. To get rid of the tangles I sealed my damp hair and NG with AVG. My hair is so smooth.

I LOVE this HHJ!!
I am a long stretcher, I recently finished an 8 month stretch, and have decided to continue to do 6 month stretches, I am a frequent exerciser and I air dry most of the way. I am currently just about 11 weeks post, and I have to say that I have found what works for me.

Here are the blog posts that I have done about what has helped me along in my stretches:
Proper Detangling
Air Drying
Hair Accessories
Aubrey Organics Conditioners
Taming the New Growth

MissMusic thanks for the awesome links!
I tilt my head back and let the water pressure do it's thing. Also using my Denman brush.

I tilt my head back and tie a scarf around my hair.

My new growth dries stretched and flat.
Thanks sunnieb, seems the difference is many are doing their hair several times per week. I don't have that kind of time so maybe 10-12 weeks will remain my norm. My hair tangles too badly to be fooling with it multiple times per week. No trying to sound defeated but I just know frequent washing is not my thing. I've never had hair that detangles easily, unfortunately.
Thanks sunnieb, seems the difference is many are doing their hair several times per week. I don't have that kind of time so maybe 10-12 weeks will remain my norm. My hair tangles too badly to be fooling with it multiple times per week. No trying to sound defeated but I just know frequent washing is not my thing. I've never had hair that detangles easily, unfortunately.

Washing more during the week after 10 weeks helps me too, but I usually end stretches because it takes too much. I might learn to just keep it up.

Have you ever considered detangling in the shower?

From one extreme tangly to another...Hear me out.....

I was a ONLY out-the-shower detangler for YEARSSSSSSSS! It freaked me out to see my shed hair on the floor of the shower. But after watching my ends being chewed up religiously I decided to tried to detangle in the shower and I swear to you I almost cried. It was effortless. I used a cheap rinsing conditioner (V05) and my comb just glided through my hair. If you don't trust the slip of the conditioner alone you can add mucilage rich herbs and oil(you can try this recipe: 2 cups of conditioner, 2 tbs already prepared marshmallow root, and your favorite oil. My Personal Mix).

There was a knot every now and again, but it was smooth sailing compared to my hour long detangling terrors. Not only that, but my hair was smoother and I completely free of ALL shed hair. It wasn't until I started detangling in the shower that I finally came to grips with the fact that I shedded like a cat. I always thought it was detangling technique, but it was honestly because I shed more then the average person (100-160 hairs a day). It sucks, but at least I know...ya know?

I know your regimen is set, but PLEASE just try it once.

1. Part hair into sections
2. Apply a slippy conditioner and light finger detangle.
3. Once you rid your ends of excess shed hair lean your head under the running water and detangle with your comb from the ends up.
4. once done just rebraid and pin it up

Once you get out the shower the only thing you have to do is add your leave ins.

Another small tip is lightly finger detangling AT EVERY STEP! This includes shampooing/co-cleansing. This way when it comes time to detangle the session should go a bit more smoothly.

I know it may seem a bit much at first, but I will be 7 months post this saturday and this is the routine that has gotten me there :yep:.

HTH's :hug2:

ETA: I forgot to add that detangling takes me 15-20 minutes tops and this is at almost 7 months post. When I was 2-3 months it took 10 minutes and when I was freshly texlaxed 5-7 minutes.
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Thanks EnExitStageLeft, when I first started the journey, I was detangling in the shower - in 4 sections, in all all going backwards, in 2 sections and other variations. I then moved to detangling outside the shower because shower detangling wasn't going that great. I have since tried detangling in the shower periodically but results are not dazzling enough for me to stick with it. That's cool that you Nix08 sunnieb and the others have great successes.
divachyk I caught myself going into stretch mode and figured I'd post about it.

I'm 8 weeks post today. Mentally, I told myself that I have 12 more weeks before I relax again. That seems to help get me in the stretching state of mind.

The hair laziness I felt a few weeks ago has been banished. Relaxer stretchers ain't got time for dat! :lol: Water must touch my head 3x a week. No exceptions! I'm back to bunning most days, so the low daily manipulation helps.

1st - clarify, shampoo, and dc (rotate between a moisture dc and a protein dc)

2nd - cowash with WEN

3rd - honey/evoo treatment

I think of my hair weeks in terms of Sunday through Saturday. Each week, I do the 3 washes above depending on my schedule. Sometimes it may ovelap - for instance, I'm doing a honey/evoo treatment tonight and a protein dc tomorrow. It's all because I have other things going on next week, so I had to push my dc to Sunday to make it work.

I actually write my hair time on a calendar and stick to it. I'll check in with you next week.:yep:

Deep conditioning weekly is a must! I also noticed that I am super heavy handed with my dc's.

Prior to applying Motions CPR tonight, my wet hair started getting that webbing-effect. I never worry about this. I just goop on dc like it's going out of style from root to tip. Gotta keep that line of demarcation strong! The webbing disappears and all my hair is smooth. I slick it up in a bun and cover for an hour.

Also, be sure your dc caps are tight-fitting. I buy my caps in bundles so that I always have them on hand. As soon as a cap gets loose, I toss it. :yep: