How are you praying for what you want?


Well-Known Member
Last night I was reading a book that talks about prayer and it listed 10 of the most powerful prayers and the individuals who experienced the blessings from their prayer request. One of the first I read was the story of Hannah. As you all know she was not able to conceive and prayed for many years without answer. What did Hannah do differently to finally answer her prayer of giving her a child? This is what the book list...
1. She changed the way she was praying. Instead of just asking God for a child she asked for a child she could sacrifice to God. This showed God that although Hannah wanted a child so badly she would be willing to offer it to God. A lot of times when we are blessedest with something we put that thing before God and until we learn to put God first we will not reap the blessings he has in store for us.

2. PRAYING at the house of God. Though one can pray anywhere but the Bible mentions the best place to pray and be heard is the house of the Lord which is the temple/church. To many times we say we are praying but not being heard but if we reflect we are not going to church to make these prayers. Going on Sunday mornings and making a short prayer just wont work.its not enough. If you need to plea your case than you have to make prayer meetings at church a priority. I believe this is why fasting gets such great results. God likes to see us make sacrifices to get closer to him.

3. Hannah's prayer was blessed by Eli. Prayer alone is fine but praying in a group of two or more people for the same cause is almost gauranteed results. Now this is tricky because you cant trust everyone with your hearts desires. But if you have close friends and family or even church members that truly have relationships with God they can help you pray.

When Hannah was finally blessed with a child it was Samuel and not only did God bless her with him he blessed her with 4 more children. Some people are afraid to sacrifice because they feel they cannot find better or will be left without but God never leaves his children hanging. You sacrifice in good faith and God will bless you so much you'll be speechless.

Now I know I'm totally guilty about where I pray because though I go to church on Sundays I don't go to prayer. This is something ill be incorporating into my schedule. Secondly I'm really private so though I want to marry but I'm not close enough to my church members to express this to them. I need to really work on that. I'm a work in progress but after reading about Hannah's story I realized I'm going about this all wrong. God needs more from me and I got to get it together.

I wanted to post this for others who may be struggling and don't understand why their prayers have gone unanswered. Now if you doing everything Hannah. Did and still no results than all I can say is continue and be patient.
I love the story of Hannah. :yep: There is so much to glean from it, as you posted.

Regarding number 2, I try to make an attempt to pray Mass on Sundays to spend quiet time with Him after receiving communion, but I also try to go at least once during the week to pray in front of the tabernacle or in front of the exposed Blessed Sacrament. My goal is an hour but sometimes, circumstances only allow for 15 minutes.

These are great tips.
There are many reasons why prayers are temporarily unanswered, delayed or just plain denied - is it according to G-d's will, is there unforgiveness, is there unconfessed sin, envy, greed, ulterior motive? There is no specific formula one must use except FAITH and that it line up with scripture. If there is unbelief, you've squashed your efforts right then and that might be evidenced by attempting ways to coerce G-d to grant your prayer.
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