2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Water ...water...living waters is the theme for today. It has the power to both heal and destroy. I pray for revelation on what this means in my life and the lives of others I'm connected with.

This may too basic for the OG's in this section but this may help some others.

This month is love month for me in my study time. I this is my first month in really taking a topic and studying it. But anywho this is my thoughts.

Love is patient or long suffering. Long suffering meaning we are able to endure. Endurance per Webster states "the ability to withstand hardships;the ability to sustain prolonged stressful effort or activity. So in essence we must be able to hold through the rough times.

Love is kind which means sympathetic or helpful nature. So we must show ourselves as someone who has a true concern for others needs.

I will place the full scripture at the bottom of this post.

Another area that really hit me was verse 7 which states that states we must endure again and be persistent. Persistence means to go on resolutely or stubbornly in spite of opposition ,importantly or warning. So to me this means that we must go through no matter what the elements or hurdles.

Lastly without love we are nothing. I peeped this as saying God=love. So without God we can't be anything. He is the tree we are the branches. He is the potter we are the clay.So without God we are nothing. Again God=love=without love=nothing.

I hope this helps someone if not it will just reaffirm my study time. We must love ourselves as well as others. We can't love others and be raggedy. If we have love for ourselves we are able to love others. Love for ourselves doesn't mean being self-seeking. It does mean we take care of our spritual,mental and physical needs and enjoy life. Love goes freely. Like the son in the prodigal son our father is waiting for us. He is preparing a table for us. He loves us so dearly like in that same book of Luke if he losses one of us he will leave the 99 others to look for us.

Love is not rude or boastful. We all go through times where we don't want to do something and well it what it is. We have to dig deeper to push through. I'm trying to always trying to keep a check of what I say bc you never know how the next person may perceive something.

Ok I'm done ladies. Thank you for putting up with ladies. I am blessed due to ladies. And big hug to loolalooh I have hit 100 book of Psalms bc of you and sidney and you know why.
This may too basic for the OG's in this section but this may help some others.

This month is love month for me in my study time. I this is my first month in really taking a topic and studying it. But anywho this is my thoughts.

Love is patient or long suffering. Long suffering meaning we are able to endure. Endurance per Webster states "the ability to withstand hardships;the ability to sustain prolonged stressful effort or activity. So in essence we must be able to hold through the rough times.

Love is kind which means sympathetic or helpful nature. So we must show ourselves as someone who has a true concern for others needs.

I will place the full scripture at the bottom of this post.

Another area that really hit me was verse 7 which states that states we must endure again and be persistent. Persistence means to go on resolutely or stubbornly in spite of opposition ,importantly or warning. So to me this means that we must go through no matter what the elements or hurdles.

Lastly without love we are nothing. I peeped this as saying God=love. So without God we can't be anything. He is the tree we are the branches. He is the potter we are the clay.So without God we are nothing. Again God=love=without love=nothing.

I hope this helps someone if not it will just reaffirm my study time. We must love ourselves as well as others. We can't love others and be raggedy. If we have love for ourselves we are able to love others. Love for ourselves doesn't mean being self-seeking. It does mean we take care of our spritual,mental and physical needs and enjoy life. Love goes freely. Like the son in the prodigal son our father is waiting for us. He is preparing a table for us. He loves us so dearly like in that same book of Luke if he losses one of us he will leave the 99 others to look for us.

Love is not rude or boastful. We all go through times where we don't want to do something and well it what it is. We have to dig deeper to push through. I'm trying to always trying to keep a check of what I say bc you never know how the next person may perceive something.

Ok I'm done ladies. Thank you for putting up with ladies. I am blessed due to ladies. And big hug to loolalooh I have hit 100 book of Psalms bc of you and sidney and you know why.


:cry3: *happy tears*
What do you typically tell someone who has a Gift (not same as natural talent) and is using it for God's glory alone?
Ever did something with good intentions
but the outcome of the thing you did left you feeling horrible
I needed to learn this lesson I believe
nevrtheless the crushing words that were hurled at me
really really really hurt me deeply
they were filled with hate and vile and every intention to hurt
and had me questioning myself
maybe I shouldn't have done what I did
I feel so conflicted now.....
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@LoveisYou your intentions were good like you said and I know that you have a good heart. I'm so sorry you're hurt. You aren't "too" anything to be used by God and to be called his child. :bighug:
LoveisYou girl boo. You know the word says we will be persecuted for his name sake. So you did something with good intentions pure focus and it didn't go in the fairytale way we think it should right. Ok pray and count it all joy bc you are right on course for the Lord. Shake the hater off and keep praying and doing God's will love. Everyone isn't in a level to accept you boo..its something I have learned from past experience.
I will continue to fight Lord. I may want to quit but I can't bc I know what your words says. I know your word says if one keeps the good fight they will be blessed even if that means not in this world but when we come home. I feel real unsure of things Lord in regards to my fate in this world. But God your here and if I have no one I have you Lord. You have been that mother and father to me when those on earth are unable. I will continue to do what is right in my life even if I don't see any changes immediately. Something will change at least or if nothing else I'm better than I was.
^^^I've been feeling that way lately, but each day I grow closer and closer to God. I thank you Father, Abba for loving me and caring for me.
God I haven't wanted to be great so bad as I do now. I'm pouring all I can into others Lord but when I look at my own situation it's a mess. Car making noises and I'm 60 dollars to paying off my last car repair from Nov of last year. I'm working out so I won't be fat and icky and no move on the scale--I can't see the lbs lost before,I'm faced with so many who feel so down trodden but I feel every bit of their grief. Lord please help me not miss the mark. I will keep studying your word so I won't just give up. I will continue to remember it could be far worst and I will be grateful for the things that are ok like living.
I pray for my sister to be released of any pain and confusion. Provide her with clarity and peace of mind. Guide her in the right direction, allow her to go to you for guidance and only you lord. Thank you, in Jesus name. Amen!!
When in the heck did all these new school gospel music start acting like God is a darn genie? I mean I may be not peppy sappy enough but there has been alot of songs on my gospel Pandora site I have given the major side eye bc I don't believe in some of this foolishness that is being spewed out like it's gospel. This is why some babes in Christ think things are rough or that it's ok to maintain the life they are living still smoking,drinking to drunk and sexing up the pastor and deacons by some of the music. I mean prayers go up blessings come down. Are the flipping serious.NO that isn't what the word says. All this stuff is making for a weak generation of believers. Give me some old Yolanda Adams,Karen Clark-Sherd or Clark sisters or some old choir songs..We are to be uplifted but not with foolishness..it will then disappoint folks when their little prayer for a new car doesn't pan...I'm done please don't stone me..
An important relationship in my life is under strain and i am totally distressed over it. I can't completely sever ties because it doesn't seem like the Godly thing to do. However, I am ready to walk away. How do I force myself to have a relationship with someone who vexes me?
I'm so disgusted with situation, with myself. What do you want me to do Lord, help me.
You can have all the beliefs you want, but it is what you do in charity that counts the most. Many don't realize that one religion pitted against another is not the point of the universe. We"re eventually all brought central. But pointing the finger is getting others pointed back in return. It's then an endless cycle of the blame game. All people have their preferences and we are all still G-d's children...some of us obedient, some of us not. How pointless to belittle another because they don't fit into your circle.
I rebuke the enemy in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. I will not question my faith. I will not question my faith. You have no power against me for mind is protected by the most High. I will not allow you to sneak into my thoughts and remind me of the past. God is my armor. He is my shield and he holds me close. There is some remainder there and I will root it out so you have no power against me in that area ever again. God loves me and He has only good thoughts of me.
Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Father.
"Bearing with one another in love sometimes require us to overlook each other's weaknesses. The people we love will not always be nice and dandy, but these are the times they need love and compassion most." Today's sermon
I can be honest here without too much shade being thrown. Today's sermon is still working in me. When he spoke about yoke I'm just now getting it. I use to be major jealous of others who get to do such great things and have such awesome possibilities just seeming to fall into their laps while I had to work so hard for any thing to happen. Now I can see you can't hate on anyone's yoke as it may be way too heavy for me. See a yoke is to keep your productive and focused on the goal and it has to be measured to ensure proper fit. God won't give any of us more than we can bear there that is why in Matthew 11:28-30 God's yoke is light bc it will be in proportioned to what were were created for. Now when I see someone sharing about this or that I won't feel less than I will just know my yoke wasn't that. Sometimes things I see others go through may not be for me and I should feel bad for not being able to bear that.Like wise some things I have gone through would kill others. God thank you for your word it truly is making me a better servant.
Sometimes you can't win so you must gracefully bow out. My focus will be on God and hopefully I will be able to share with others. I hope in coming months to find at least one person I can be accountability partner with and move. I also hope that the season of being isolated is coming to a end so that the things that fill my time now will be replaced with something else. This thing a gift and a curse.
Watching this show, "America Now, Lost in Suburbia" and it's made me nauseous.... how the economy is exposing pride. While it is not a crime to have to ask for help, the staunch reality of the economy is making some act as if it is. I'm thankful for the lessons God teaches His Children on humility. We ought to be able to give and receive. A Giver also can receive. While it is good to be a blessing to others, we must be wary and not let the devil trick us into thinking we should only Give, because when it comes time to receive we wouldn't be able to. Big difference between receiving and taking...

God teaches us this important lesson with salvation. We must first receive Him to be able to Give back...

Absence of pride keeps us humble. Presence of pride keeps us arrogant and unthankful.

America is getting a wake up call....

**end vent*
I dislike when I can't sleep. After today I will need to find myself deeper in my walk because I can't continue to allow things to mess me up. I know I seem hard on myself but it seems to be the only way to comply with God's rules and regulations. I just deleted both online dating profiles as I need to be obedient and not be impatient. My impatiences is a result of some unbelief in things and also my way of trying to control my life. I am not my own I have been bought for a price therefore I need to act accordingly. I need to not seek friendships here either as much as I desire to I need to meet people the old fashion way. I think I use certain things as a crutch and won't allow certain things to blossom.

God thank you for mercy and grace when I don't deserve it. May all of you walk in your grace and anointing this week.