Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

chrisanddonniesmommy said:
Is there any way you can just focus on your scalp while shampooing? Maybe that will help.

The shampoo I use is Giovanni's 50:50 Shampoo, which I buy at Target. It's a clarifying/moisturizing shampoo. I only shampoo once a month since I cowash weekly. Give it a shot.

I had been putting my hair in four braided sections, take down one braid, shampoo, rebraid, 4 times. Now I see my mistake. I should keep it braided while shampooing my scalp only, rinse, then take down the braid to condition, rebraid, right? This sounds promising! I'll try it, thanks!

Sent from my T-Mobile G2
For those that transitioned for more than a year so far, when did it start to get difficult? I'm only 19 weeks post and so far dealing with my hair has been a breeze. Although, I do keep my hair in twists(with my hair) for at least 2 weeks a month.
For those that transitioned for more than a year so far, when did it start to get difficult? I'm only 19 weeks post and so far dealing with my hair has been a breeze. Although, I do keep my hair in twists(with my hair) for at least 2 weeks a month.

I'm still waiting, lol. It's been good so far. It's all in your attitude and technique, I've figured. Each head's different. But, if you see the positive light at the end of the tunnel, you can get through the difficulty. If you're aren't facing any difficulty, bask in the joy, girl! :lachen:
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I had been putting my hair in four braided sections, take down one braid, shampoo, rebraid, 4 times. Now I see my mistake. I should keep it braided while shampooing my scalp only, rinse, then take down the braid to condition, rebraid, right? This sounds promising! I'll try it, thanks!

Sent from my T-Mobile G2

Yeah, keep the braids in while shampooing. It'll be much easier for you.
I'm going to have to stay out of threads dealing with relaxed hair. I just read the thread about going from natural to relaxed.... And I'm questioning myself..... Now I'm thinking well maybe I should just go on a healthy hair journey, grow my hair out and become a stretcher....
Co-signing with chrisanddonniesmommy it's all about the mental attitude. I try to think good thoughts on wash day and be patient and think of the end result.

If I have a slight attitude, I usually don't wash my hair that day. :lol:
I'm going to have to stay out of threads dealing with relaxed hair. I just read the thread about going from natural to relaxed.... And I'm questioning myself..... Now I'm thinking well maybe I should just go on a healthy hair journey, grow my hair out and become a stretcher....

It didn't work for me. I started stretching to 12 weeks, then 16, then 20 weeks and I still can't get rid of the itch for experiencing my natural cushiony puff for the first time. Now I'm stuck in limbo: Am I stretching? Am I transitioning? :spinning: :drunk: (Even though I really do know in my heart what I'm going to do...:look: )
Grrr...I waste sooo much money on getting braids when after 2 weeks I get antsy to take them out! They usually don't last longer than 4 weeks. Glad my sisters-in-law did it for free as an extra baby shower gift. Fingers crossed that I can keep them in for at least 5 more weeks! :perplexed
For those that transitioned for more than a year so far, when did it start to get difficult? I'm only 19 weeks post and so far dealing with my hair has been a breeze. Although, I do keep my hair in twists(with my hair) for at least 2 weeks a month.

MsDee14. I'll be two years post on Monday :)grin:) and things only became difficult because I used to try to make my hair do things it didn't want to i.e. be straight in humid weather.

I think you should be fine with the protective style regimen that you have. At first I would always rollerset my hair which became a problem around 6-9 months? Things were easier for me once my natural hair was able to fit into a ponytail because then I could pretend to be natural :cool:

:hiya: Don't stay away so long!

How have you been wearing your hair? Are you DC'ing w/every wash?

I don't know how to do the mention thingy...

I wear my hair out every single day usually. (I can get away with it because my hair is relaxed/texlaxed/underprocessed right in the middle of my strands which blends in with my natural hair). I know I'm causing all of the problems by doing this but I just don't know any other way to wear it without feeling ugly. I look awful with slicked back buns and all that. I can't walk around everyday feeling bad, once or twice a week I can handle but not daily. lol

I DC weekly and I co-wash in the shower everyday. From what I've read, it probably needs protein but my hair normally doesn't like protein so I'm afraid. Also, the products that I used to like don't feel the same on my hair anymore. I think I am going to try more natural products.

I need to keep things as simple as possible. I have two attention hogging kids, one of which has a mild case of cerebral palsy and requires extra mommy time. I am too exhausted to have hair that needs a lot of maintenance.
daviine said:
I'm going to have to stay out of threads dealing with relaxed hair. I just read the thread about going from natural to relaxed.... And I'm questioning myself..... Now I'm thinking well maybe I should just go on a healthy hair journey, grow my hair out and become a stretcher....

You and me too!!! I am stuck in limbo because I love my relaxed hair. Right now I am so sick of ponytails, I don't know if I can take it. I am about two going three months, I don't know how to style my hair ugh.
3jsmom said:
You and me too!!! I am stuck in limbo because I love my relaxed hair. Right now I am so sick of ponytails, I don't know if I can take it. I am about two going three months, I don't know how to style my hair ugh.

I created an album of my favorite transitioning and natural hairstyles in my fotki album to help me get through the tough times. The link is in my siggy. Maybe it will help? Hth
I'm 21 weeks post relaxer, there's no looking back at this point. I never knew I had such nice hair all these years... Shame on me for not transitioning sooner! Lol


It sounds like you have a lot on your plate, and I totally understand not wanting "high-maintenance" hair. I'm extremely hair-lazy, which is why I seldom wear it down, lol.

Most of the updos and buns in my profile albums don't involve slicking the hair back, and I often wear long, side-swept bangs for a softer look. :yep:

Best wishes on the rest of your transition!

BTW: to mention a member, just type "@" and then the member's name. (don't use a space between @ and the name)
Thanks @newbeginnings2000 I will check them out this evening

@naturallygoldie I guess in my mind relaxed hair is easier to maintain than two types of hairs I have right now. I am considering getting it braided or tree braids something for me not to look at it, that will keep me from to have to figure a daily style. My dd got a straw set and it looked cute for her shorter hair, I might try that as well.:look:
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I'm 20 weeks today. I'm not sure if I've gone this long before but I'm excited nonetheless.

I think my hair's growing slow because I've been stressed out and not taking care of myself lately...or it could also be because I'm watching it all the time now.... or both. LOL

I think I've slowed down the breakage so now I need to work on maximizing moisture retention--after I get the moisture in.

Confession: One of the reasons I decided to transition is because I needed a distraction from things going on in my life. But now I need a distraction from my hair because it's all I seem to think about!
For those that transitioned for more than a year so far, when did it start to get difficult? I'm only 19 weeks post and so far dealing with my hair has been a breeze. Although, I do keep my hair in twists(with my hair) for at least 2 weeks a month.

I'm 36,weeks post and have no intention of cutting my hair. This video helped me learn what to .expect.


Long hair don't care llc three phases of transitionn
I remember when this used to be my main thread. I didn't even sign out.
Good luck ladies, one day you'll look back and reminisce on this thread thinking about how far you've come.
I'm 7 months post (31 weeks tomorrow) and still feeling kinda at a loss as to what to do with my hair. I'm not enjoying this transitioning phase at all but getting through it with wigs (lace, half-wigs as full etc.).

Also, my tex-laxed/relaxed hair is not doing well- breaking off as usual but I don't care as much because I see a BC in the future (maybe at the 1.5 yr mark; basically once I think I have enough hair to fit in a ponytail/bun).

Braid-outs fail- my fine hair laughs at any attempt, and as much as I'd like to, I hardly ever wear my own hair in a bun style right now because some parts of my hair refuse to slick down! The first time I went natural this wasn't a big problem. My hair's the same as then- mostly 4a with 4b edges/hairline, but somehow the 4b (c?) parts are 'harder' and more stubborn this time. Could be the change in location and/or type of water etc.
Any tips? Gel doesn't work, and neither does jam or wax...well only for a little bit (with tying down/head-cloth method) but those wiry suckers come back up within a very short period of time!

So now I don't bother doing anything at all with my hair- just throw on a wig when leaving the house and when at home, leave the wig cap on but take the hair off (too itchy).
So yeah, not bringing the sexy around my poor husband lol.
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