Ladies, I'm asking for some serious prayers


Well-Known Member
My cousin who is pregnant with twins is in hospital. She's 22 weeks and 2 days pregnant and needs to reach at least 24 weeks for the babies to have a chance at viability. I know that God is able and we are trusting Him for the victory. We've seen God's grace operate in this situation already and we are trusting and agreeing on His promises in this situation. I'm asking each of you to please, please, please, take a moment out to just say a prayer for full term pregnancy, and that God deliver these babies full term and healthy. We need at least 2 more weeks, but are believing God for 4 more months.

My family and I thank you in advance for your prayers.

Definitely keeping your cousin and those precious babies in my prayers! I'm thanking Him in advance... God bless.

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Dear Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank you for the lives of these precious babies and their Mom. Father thank you for strengthening her uterus and securing her womb, as their shelter as she carries them full term.

Father thank you for your word in Genesis that promises us blessings of the deep, blessings of the breast and of the womb. Thank for your word in Malachi which promises that the 'fruit will not fall from the vine before its time.'' Father, thank you that the babies will not come forth premature, but in your timing of full term.

As we pray, thank you for strengthening their lungs, their tiny hearts, their kidneys, their liver, the total function of their brains, that there will be no birth defects, nor anything abnormal regarding their health and develpment as they grow. Let them be protected from all manners of harmful bacteria, viruses and infections, for the babies and their mom. Father, strengthen their immunities to all that is foreign and may present harm; please guard and protect their susceptability to all that is internal and external, in Jesus' Name.

Father we honour you and give you the glory the honour and the praise with total thanksgiving for keeping the lives of this precious family in your care. We thank you for the perfect conditions and the perfect timing for when they come into this world giving glory and honour to you.

Please keep Shorty's heart at peace and bless her for the love that she has for her family, for she brought them all in prayer unto You.

We love you Father, we place our trust in you; in Jesus' Name.... Amen and Amen.
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I stand in agreement ! Amein~

Dear Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank you for the lives of these precious babies and their Mom. Father thank you for strengthening her uterus and securing her womb, as their shelter as she carries them full term.

Father thank you for your word in Genesis that promises us blessings of the deep, blessings of the breast and of the womb. Thank for your word in Malachi which promises that the 'fruit will not fall from the vine before its time.'' Father, thank you that the babies will not come forth premature, but in your timing of full term.

As we pray, thank you for strengthening their lungs, their tiny hearts, their kidneys, their liver, the total function of their brains, that there will be no birth defects, nor anything abnormal regarding their health and develpment as they grow. Let them be protected from all manners of harmful bacteria, viruses and infections, for the babies and their mom. Father, strengthen their immunities to all that is foreign and may present harm; please guard and protect their susceptability to all that is internal and external, in Jesus' Name.

Father we honour you and give you the glory the honour and the praise with total thanksgiving for keeping the lives of this precious family in your care. We thank you for the perfect conditions and the perfect timing for when they come into this world giving glory and honour to you.

Please keep Shorty's heart at peace and bless her for the love that she has for her family, for she brought them all in prayer unto You.

We love you Father, we place our trust in you; in Jesus' Name.... Amen and Amen.