Video I found on Youtube... good for a laugh.

This is a comment a relative said to me back in the 70's when I started going natural. I had my hair pulled up and she said, "where are you going with that pony 'nub' on top of your head, it's not even a pony tail it's a damn nub, you look's a comb!" I think it's toasty where she is now.
Thanks for the tag! I'll have to check it out when I get home from work. They have YT blocked on the work comps...bastards!
Thanks for the tag...I laugh the whole time...Why you running in the

Happy Hair Growing!
I love this video! (Thanks for the tag!)

LMAO @ "Oh you don't want a hat? Then here's a comb cuz you need to do somethin' with that hair..." :lachen:
I'm not gonna lie...I always used to run from the rain when I was relaxed. ESPECIALLY when it was fresh!!:nono:

Thanks so much for this...much needed laugh at the end of a hectic day!