Use 1 buy 1 Challenge 2010 pt.3

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Just finished washing my hair. I scrubbed the mess out of my scalp and for once it doesn't itch. I detangled with the last of some Skala I was tired of looking at and was able to use up. Then I mixed together Shea Moisture Deep Cleansing shampoo, ORS aloe shampoo (the chelating one), a generous amount of tea tree oil (1-2tsp), and baking soda diluted with bottled water. I stripped every lil bit of moisture and dead skin and anything else that was on my hair and scalp. It feels so refreshing!! Trying to figure out what to do next because I don't want to clog my scalp but I need some moisture in this mop top pronto. I may put some of my HOT oil and baggie overnight.

Glad it worked for you vonnie. Im on day 2 and no itchies. hoping this continues. I would not mind a little itch but not that unbearable itch like before. I have just been using my spritzes since i did that and my hair is soft and responding well.

My curlmart order will be here today so i get to make the leave in tommorrow for wash day.
i co washed my twist out today with AO GPB and used kbb hair milk to style in a puff.

im so down right now about my work situation. i have decided to ask to be transferred to another place of work.
i co washed my twist out today with AO GPB and used kbb hair milk to style in a puff.

im so down right now about my work situation. i have decided to ask to be transferred to another place of work.
Che, what is your supervisor saying about this situation?
CW w/Sebastian Light and wetbunned with Qhem CocoDetangler. That coco detangler is all I've used since my last wash and its been upgraded to "staple" status.
they said they might give him a warning. im not sure if theyve done it already but i have to see him tonight.
to me its that bad but everyone else around me seems to think its not a big deal.
even if they move him im afraid they will tell him that im the one that requested it so over all i feel like its best for me to leave even though i shouldnt have to.
Got my knot today, did they change the formulation because when i used it back i think almost 2 years ago it was not this thick.

Im sorry che for what your going through, i have to go read the thread to catch up on the situation, if management doesn't do anything start looking for another job. Don't leave without finding something else first. You've been having problems with this place for a minute. Ill be praying for you hun. *hugs*
they said they might give him a warning. im not sure if theyve done it already but i have to see him tonight.
to me its that bad but everyone else around me seems to think its not a big deal.
even if they move him im afraid they will tell him that im the one that requested it so over all i feel like its best for me to leave even though i shouldnt have to.

Oh my this si still going on. I'm sorry and hope you have everyone watching out for you. Do you ride the metro? Put the neighborhood on watch too!
no, i drive which is a good thing. at least i dont have to sit around waiting for anyone so im happy about that. he doesnt bother any of the guys here, just the women.

on another note, this weekend i think i will use curl junkie curl fix again, i really like what it did for my hair when i first used it.
IDT I bought a new steamer today! I killed my old one. You already know the pathetic story LOL I got it from for $119.

This time don't be filling it up with Oils, Perfumes etc....Just follow the directions and use it correctly. AND......don't be putting pieces & parts in the Microwave.:rolleyes:

Hi Ladies:

Just stopping in. A big chunk of something fell out this afternoon, I called the Office and the Surgeon has not called me back. I need to know what's going on? :violin:

I called him at home. Hopefully, someone will call me back soon.:phone:

Still in some pain. I was messed up yesterday. Upset stomach (can't tell if it was the Pain Meds or the Antibiotics?):barf::barf:Literally.

And I got a HUGE HAUL in the mail yesterday and couldn't even enjoy my 'spoils' I was too sick.:sleeping: So, I just opened the boxes and put things away.

I e-mailed BJ to see if I could add that Methi Stuff to my order (I haven't heard anything back). I prolly can't.:sekret: And don't want to pay another $10.70.

My Dr's. excuse is good until Monday. So, I'll be home tomorrow (still), so if I feel better, I will be on longer to chat.

Take Care Ladies,

Love Ya'll:grouphug:
IDT, I hope you feel better soon!!!!!
What fell out exactly? I would call the doctor back ASAP, can't play with stuff like that.
Hi Ladies:

Just stopping in. A big chunk of something fell out this afternoon, I called the Office and the Surgeon has not called me back. I need to know what's going on? :violin:

I called him at home. Hopefully, someone will call me back soon.:phone:

Still in some pain. I was messed up yesterday. Upset stomach (can't tell if it was the Pain Meds or the Antibiotics?):barf::barf:Literally.

And I got a HUGE HAUL in the mail yesterday and couldn't even enjoy my 'spoils' I was too sick.:sleeping: So, I just opened the boxes and put things away.

I e-mailed BJ to see if I could add that Methi Stuff to my order (I haven't heard anything back). I prolly can't.:sekret: And don't want to pay another $10.70.

My Dr's. excuse is good until Monday. So, I'll be home tomorrow (still), so if I feel better, I will be on longer to chat.

Take Care Ladies,

Love Ya'll:grouphug:

:yay: T is going well:grin:We were worried but knew you had to be down if not on here inserting your smileys!:spinning: Well you rest up, I'm glad you got your packages go rest right now:sleeping:
:wave:T. im glad you came on to let us know you are ok. i hope you feel better and whatever fell out they better fix. we cant have stuff falling all out of our T:lol:
:kiss:feel better.
Hi Ladies:

Just stopping in. A big chunk of something fell out this afternoon, I called the Office and the Surgeon has not called me back. I need to know what's going on? :violin:

I called him at home. Hopefully, someone will call me back soon.:phone:

Still in some pain. I was messed up yesterday. Upset stomach (can't tell if it was the Pain Meds or the Antibiotics?):barf::barf:Literally.

And I got a HUGE HAUL in the mail yesterday and couldn't even enjoy my 'spoils' I was too sick.:sleeping: So, I just opened the boxes and put things away.

I e-mailed BJ to see if I could add that Methi Stuff to my order (I haven't heard anything back). I prolly can't.:sekret: And don't want to pay another $10.70.

My Dr's. excuse is good until Monday. So, I'll be home tomorrow (still), so if I feel better, I will be on longer to chat.

Take Care Ladies,

Love Ya'll:grouphug:

T take care of yourself, it might have been a piece of gauze or a clot, hopefully they will get back to you as soon as possible. Make sure you eat something with those meds because they can make you sick. Feel better soon.
Wash day tommorrow, im going to wash with baking soda, condition and detangle with moisture maniac, dc with burts bees and braid with k-leave in and seal with sweet almond oil. Im going to tj maxx tommorrow to see if they have any liters of moisture maniac, and im going to order some kinky curly gloss pomade from curl mart. That is about it, getting the rest of my stuff ready for winter then i will be good. I was going to get more body stuff from hairveda but i changed my mind, don't need nothing else.
no, i drive which is a good thing. at least i dont have to sit around waiting for anyone so im happy about that. he doesnt bother any of the guys here, just the women.

on another note, this weekend i think i will use curl junkie curl fix again, i really like what it did for my hair when i first used it.
This is kind of sounding like a hostile work environment, I am sure your employer doesn't want a lawsuit.
I forgot to order a shampoo bar from HV. I thought about email BJ but I decided that I was probably doing too much and I will just order later.
Hi Ladies:

Just stopping in. A big chunk of something fell out this afternoon, I called the Office and the Surgeon has not called me back. I need to know what's going on? :violin:

I called him at home. Hopefully, someone will call me back soon.:phone:

Still in some pain. I was messed up yesterday. Upset stomach (can't tell if it was the Pain Meds or the Antibiotics?):barf::barf:Literally.

And I got a HUGE HAUL in the mail yesterday and couldn't even enjoy my 'spoils' I was too sick.:sleeping: So, I just opened the boxes and put things away.

I e-mailed BJ to see if I could add that Methi Stuff to my order (I haven't heard anything back). I prolly can't.:sekret: And don't want to pay another $10.70.

My Dr's. excuse is good until Monday. So, I'll be home tomorrow (still), so if I feel better, I will be on longer to chat.

Take Care Ladies,

Love Ya'll:grouphug:

Good to "see" you T.

About Hairveda I've ordered 2x during on a sale on several occasions :look: and each time they automatically combine my order and refund the shipping. If I remember currently they didn't refund the shipping until they shipped. I hope that makes sense. They couldn't do that for me last BF because I ordered so much they had to ship separately :look:.
ok i feel a little better. i talked to the big boss and hes going to handle it tomorrow. just wanted to update yall.
T- I'm glad you are feeling better. Even though I'm not a dentist nor an MD but as a doctor nonetheless I would advise you to seek some help ASAP. It may be something minor but if they didn't instructor you on what to do at home in case something like this happen call until you talk to someone. I've never had dry socket but I heard that is the worse pain ever and we can't have you hurtin like that.

Che- I'm praying for your situation. I am glad your big boss is handling the situation. If it doesn't come to the outcome that you would like keep going up the ladder. If you feel that you need to leave I agree find another job first. You have rights and you should keep exercising them even if it means you have to file a lawsuit. We are concerned about your safety above all else.
My scalp still feels great. I air dried overnight in a ponytail. Today I put in some twists. I used my spritz with added peppermint EO (thanks LC) and some Avocado butter down the length and the ends. I was very careful to keep it off my scalp. This was my first time doing dry twists and it wasn't so bad. You can see a little more of the length then wet twists. Some of the ones in the front don't want to hold as much but I'll spritz them twice a day and the water will help them hold better. I'll probably cowash Sunday or Monday and wear a twist out for a few days.
Hey Girlies!:wave: Thanks for all the Love! You Ladies are wonderful.:giveheart:

I am feeling 'slightly' better today. The Surgeon called me back. (I hated to call him at home). It was some 'putty' like stuff they put around the tooth to protect it. I 'think' the girl told me that it would fall off in a coupla' days "Post Op" w/my instructions, but I was to woozy to remember and it wasn't on the sheet.:dazed:

Anyway, Let's get to Hair!:lol: I think I have some other stuff prolly my Indigo in my box, but don't feel like getting it (yet).:ill:

I got a Curlmart order (imma hafta' leave them alone --- too easy), some Komaza, Ori Organics, something from Esty (has anyone orderd from ndbcosmetics?) Shay: You might want to check 'us' out (read her profile). I ordered her Mango w/Green Tea Extract Hair Butter, I really like the consistency. My Christine Gant came, Claudie came. So, I was loaded down Wednesday.:sekret:

Used up 1 Aveda Universal Styling Hair Cream (thanks Che). I have a back-up that I purchased. May try to sell it. It's 'okay'. really.:yep: *if anyone wants to do a swap, lemme know.:look:

I am getting ready to Steam w/a Combo of MHC Organic Shea Butter Hair Paste & MHC Honey Hair Masque. Should use both of these up today. So, I am on a roll.:woot:

Njoi was suppose to have a Sale at Midnight last night, I got up for it, but didn't see no Sale prices.:rolleyes:

I Co-Washed with the Ori Organics Golden Jojoba Hydrating Conditioner. I like it.:grin:

Be Back Later Ladies.....Glad all is well.
hey T. im so glad you are feeling better.

i took my moms black hair rinse and used it lol. i wanted to see what my hair would look like jet black without using a permanent color. im waiting for it to dry now. im using kbb hair milk for moisture and if my hair feels dry i will add qhemet heavy cream.
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