Lenten Plans?


New Member
I'm Catholic and very relapsed one at that. Being abroad, it's a bit harder to get out to mass, but this Lent, I'd like to really focus on giving something up. What are you Christian ladies doing for the Lenten season?
Me too! I am thinking about limiting my leisure time on the computer to an hour or two hours a day
For me, lent is a time of prayer, reflection, and repentance in preparation of Easter--a celebration for the resurrection of my Lord and Savior, Jesus. I am very well aware of the origins of Easter and many other religious holidays. I know who I celebrate and honor and He is not one of the false god listed on the website.
Thanks, but I didn't really want to debate the origins of the holiday...just kinda wondering what other Christians (who follow Lent) are planning to give up and why.

I accidentally ate some meat on Ash Wed. but I think I'm cutting all meat, except seafood from my diet. Really hard, since I luv me some chicken!
I decided yesterday to try to give up all meats. I really don't care for fish, but I am willing to try eating more. So we will see.
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I'm giving up facebook and sweets, including soda. I'm not suppose to have sodas or sweets, but in moderation because I'm diabetic. When I get stressed or scared I tend to lean towards them. I'm also addicted to facebook. My co=workers/friends don't believe that I can last a week without fb but I'm determined to yield to the Lord and allow him to direct my paths.
I decided yesterday to try to give up all meats. I really don't care for fish, but I am willing to try eating more. So we will see.

I didn't really like fish either at one time. But since I learned that it's good for you for the omega 3, I'm game. I forgot what omega 3 is good for.
I didn't really like fish either at one time. But since I learned that it's good for you for the omega 3, I'm game. I forgot what omega 3 is good for.

Omega 3 reduces the risk of heart disease by preventing clots, I believe, and lower blood pressure. So, yea I need to eat more fish.

I have a friend that gave up facebook as part of the Daniel fast. Girl, you would have thought it was the end of the world for her, but she made it.
I've given up all meats except for seafood (fish since I'm allergic to shellfish) and also sodas. I tried to give up sweets but cracked my first day, so I'm keeping sweets, just limiting how much I consume)