THREAD for no reason - Random Hair Thoughts Here


Well-Known Member I am irritated at work and am retreating to LHCF....I dont really have anything to say :p I thought I would start a random hair thoughts thread...

So post all the random hair thoughts that you have but never started a thread about.

I'll start:

I always wonder how ladies back in the day (think like Billie Holiday era and before) used to have long pretty shiny black hair using petrolatum-based products and the pressing comb every week. If it worked for them, why is it like the hair nemisis now. That just my random thought.

Whats yours?
It's time for me to maxiglide my hair and take my January comparison pics, but bedamned if I just don't feel like taking the time to straighten my hair.

I really :love: my natural hair, but having to snip these damn knots is interfering with me getting to my goal length.:mad:
I really believe that the women of LHCF know more than the average stylist about how to ensure the health and growth of BLACK hair!

And the fact that we are sharing this information among other black women is a BEAUTIFUL thing! ;)
I often wonder how I'm going to care for my hair when it gets longer. Right now, it's not even shoulder length, so it doesn't take much time to airdry and style and stuff. I haven't had shoulder length or longer hair since I was in grade school. My ultimate goal is brastrap length, but I wonder how the heck I'm going to manage all that hair (that's A LOT of hair to me!). I guess I'll figure it out as I go along.:look:
I'm sitting here debating on whether or not I should use a pass and flat iron my hair for the LHCF NY Meet-up tomorrow or just wear my same ole boring bun or one of my falls. I really want to have some of the ladies analyze my situation. I even went as far as thinking about bringing some scissors with me and having one of them give me a trim but I've never met any of them and they might think I'm nuts :lol: .
often wonder how I'm going to care for my hair when it gets longer. Right now, it's not even shoulder length, so it doesn't take much time to airdry and style and stuff. I haven't had shoulder length or longer hair since I was in grade school. My ultimate goal is brastrap length, but I wonder how the heck I'm going to manage all that hair (that's A LOT of hair to me!). I guess I'll figure it out as I go along.

Get outta my head!!! I feel the same way and my ultimate goal is waist length!!:eek: And girl I have a lotta hair! But you know what? I still want waist length hair! Actually when I think about it it won't be that bad. I think the worst part will be straightening it or dealing with it when it's wet. When my hair gets that long (and it will!) I will wear it long and flowy (yes I know that's not a word) or in one long braid (which has been my dream for the longest).
I'm just thinking about cutting down my vitamins to one or two. I think they could be a waste of money sometimes:look: I'm trying to decide which one to keep, since I get most of my nutrients from food.
I'm sitting here debating on what to do with my hair...

I'm on a serious budget for 07, but I really want to get micros. I made an appointment, and everything. But my pockets keep saying "don't do it!" So my husband suggested I get a blowout every week instead. I explained that I'm supposed to be hiding my hair until April and that weekly blowouts might do more harm than good. He just gave me that "WTF???" look. I've been bunning since I took my weave out, but I'm sick of it already. But I don't want to spend that $$$ for the braids. And I don't want to risk my hair breaking from blowouts... I've been losing sleep over this for 2 days. I'm buggin...I know. And I think I'm PMS'ing, which is making this situation a lot bigger than necessary. I almost cried about this today! :lol: :lol: :lol: TGIF!!!
angie10 said:
I'm just thinking about cutting down my vitamins to one or two. I think they could be a waste of money sometimes:look: I'm trying to decide which one to keep, since I get most of my nutrients from food.

What do you take, maybe I can help you decide
I'm wondering if my natural growth rate is good enough, or if I should use something to speed it up. I don't want to apply anything drying to my scalp because then I think I might confuse dryness with new growth. MTG is out of the question, but Odorless MTG sounds appealing. I only have $11 in my paypal, and I'm just not motivated enough to put another dollar in the account so I can buy from Naturallady.

Also, I have been airdrying for the past month, and I was one of those people who was having outrageous breakage with airdrying. I kept doing it, and guess what... my hair got used to it and it no longer breaks.:look:
gymfreak336 said:
What do you take, maybe I can help you decide

Hey gymfreak,
I take Nioxin
GNC ultra nourish hair
MSM (2000mg)
Ester C
grapeseed extract
Fish & flaxseed oil
I just literally prayed to GOD that the silicon mix conditioner is the answer to my detangling nightmares and stretching problems. I want to be able to stretch for long periods like DivineI, Sylver, and most of the other type 4 greats. And I also miss washing twice a week ( I cut down because the detangling process was too much). Plus Aveda and Keracare is getting too expensive and I don't like having to use two conditioners (one for moisture and the other for slip) to get desired results.

I am also gonna buy the Breakthru shampoo since it is supposed to work as good as CON shampoo.

GOD please let this be the answer I need. I am tired of looking.:angel:
CurliDiva said:
I really believe that the women of LHCF know more than the average stylist about how to ensure the health and growth of BLACK hair!

And the fact that we are sharing this information among other black women is a BEAUTIFUL thing! ;)
Amen to that:)

it's the end of the week and since i'm washing anyway, i just took my 2 hands and stuck them into my hair and massaged the he!! out of my scalp.


a totally orgasmic experience let me tell ya.

all of life's problems should be solveable with a deep scalp massage.
angie10 said:
Hey gymfreak,
I take Nioxin
GNC ultra nourish hair
MSM (2000mg)
Ester C
grapeseed extract
Fish & flaxseed oil

Are you having any trouble with your weight?

I also don't think you need the Nioxin AND the GNC. One or the other should work.
i have no clue what half of those vitamins do. i went and looked at vivscials website and they cost 60 per bottle... I want long hair but geeze
Today I could not believe how excited I was to leave work for lunch. I planned on going to Sally's today to use that $5 off coupon. I have not been to Sally's in abut a month.

I bought:
(2) Mane n Tail conditioners (Buy one get one free :D )
(4) packs of rollers
(1) Wide Tooth Comb (like I really needed another one of these :))
(1) bottle of the original Aphogee Keratin 2 min reconstructor (the last one of those :D )
(3) Semi-permanent hair color creams in Black - can't remember name - Bronze bottle (you guys know which one) They were buy 2 get 1 free.

I felt so happy with my goodies as I drove back to the office. It was a nice break from the busy day.
Off topic:

HoneyDew, I just ordered some of the Sidr Tree Balm today because you rave about it. It sounds awesome! I'm going to try it as an airdrying aid and as a daily moisturizer, and see how it goes.:D

HoneyDew said:
Today I could not believe how excited I was to leave work for lunch. I planned on going to Sally's today to use that $5 off coupon. I have not been to Sally's in abut a month.

I bought:
(2) Mane n Tail conditioners (Buy one get one free :D )
(4) packs of rollers
(1) Wide Tooth Comb (like I really needed another one of these :))
(1) bottle of the original Aphogee Keratin 2 min reconstructor (the last one of those :D )
(3) Semi-permanent hair color creams in Black - can't remember name - Bronze bottle (you guys know which one) They were buy 2 get 1 free.

I felt so happy with my goodies as I drove back to the office. It was a nice break from the busy day.
I just got back from the BSS and Sally's to get the stuff from that great recipe Softresses has... I'm sooooo excited to see if it works.

**Great minds think alike... I almost started a random hair thread here this morning :lol:
preciousjewel76 said:
Off topic:

HoneyDew, I just ordered some of the Sidr Tree Balm today because you rave about it. It sounds awesome! I'm going to try it as an airdrying aid and as a daily moisturizer, and see how it goes.:D

I really like it. I don't use it everyday, but I know there are ladies here that do and love it.

It has really been great for me. My hair stays moisturized. I like that it has no cones, protein, mineral oil or petroleum.
CurliDiva said:
I really believe that the women of LHCF know more than the average stylist about how to ensure the health and growth of BLACK hair!

And the fact that we are sharing this information among other black women is a BEAUTIFUL thing! ;)

I agree completely...

I am glad I started this thread...yall got a lot of hair stuff on your mind :lol:
angie10 said:
Hey gymfreak,
I take Nioxin
GNC ultra nourish hair
MSM (2000mg)
Ester C
grapeseed extract
Fish & flaxseed oil

Well, if you take your MSM with a glass of oj then you can cut down on your ester-c. I would drop the fish oil and eat fish 2-3x a week instead. Keep the flaxseed oil and grapeseed extract. With the nioxin and ultra nourish hair, you could probably drop one of those. If you eat a balance diet then you won't really need both. Do you exercise or stress out alot.
MsDee4 said:
I just got back from the BSS and Sally's to get the stuff from that great recipe Softresses has... I'm sooooo excited to see if it works.

**Great minds think alike... I almost started a random hair thread here this morning :lol:

They sure do...are you trying that homemade Curly Pudding recipe?
angie10 said:
I'm just thinking about cutting down my vitamins to one or two. I think they could be a waste of money sometimes:look: I'm trying to decide which one to keep, since I get most of my nutrients from food.

I only take one vitamin... womens one a day. I get majority of my nutrients and vitamins from foods also.
brownsugarflyygirl said:
They sure do...are you trying that homemade Curly Pudding recipe?

No. It's a recipe where you mix Silk Elements Cholesterol, Kemi Oil, and Aphogee treatment for damaged hair. Supposed to be a great treatment for hair... now I just have to get my lazy butt up and do it. :)
LocksOfLuV said:
Are you having any trouble with your weight?

I also don't think you need the Nioxin AND the GNC. One or the other should work.

No I'm not having trouble with my weight, I gained a little weight but I lost it. Why do you ask? I'm also thinking about dropping either the Ultra nourish hair or nioxin. I don't know which one to drop, I like them both:confused:
I :love: that LCHF'er are so open-minded. We can run up in here and say anything and somebody, somewhere, eventually back you up.

Off to put an MSM capsule in my grapeseed oil...
gymfreak336 said:
Well, if you take your MSM with a glass of oj then you can cut down on your ester-c. I would drop the fish oil and eat fish 2-3x a week instead. Keep the flaxseed oil and grapeseed extract. With the nioxin and ultra nourish hair, you could probably drop one of those. If you eat a balance diet then you won't really need both. Do you exercise or stress out alot.

Thanks, I do exercise about four times a week. I don't stress out a lot, and I'm also thinking about taking either the nioxin or ultra nourish hair. I'm just having trouble picking which one. I agree about eating fish instead, I only take the fish oil when I'm not eating fish. I take the ester c because it's suppose to be a powerful source of vitamin c, I believe. It's the chewy kind, so I like the taste:grin: