Spring Here I come! Get me ready ladies!!


Well-Known Member
Ok, I think I have made a decision. I am going to go pretty text-ulaxed come spring. March-April if I can hold out that long. I've use the S-curl texturizer, but my hair is still pretty kinky. No silkiness just easier to comb. I plan on going further texturized ( silker) in the spring. I need you ladies advice. I won't go bone straight, but I will relax the curl a pretty good deal more. I want the option of wearing it wavy ( bun it), and then for special times, straight without the use of heat. Can I switch textualzers like a real relaxer without causing damage? S-Curl is lye so I think it might be best to stick with lye? What do you think?

I plan on purchasing caruso curlers.

What I want to know is, how text-ulaxed do I need to be that will allow me to easily straighten without excessive heat or damage?[/COLOR] How do you straighten without the use if heat? Anyone have any pics of text hair and your straight styles?

What should I do to start preparing and strengthing my hair up until the day I do this? Product Recs? Any ideas on what I can do to protect/strengthen those ends.

I can't wait to here from you. I'm getting excited all ready!!! TIA
My tips

-In preparation Alternate between moisturizing and protein conditioners on a weekly basis.
- Perform strands tests to ensure you get the results you desire (stick with lye)
-To straighten textlaxed hair you can air dry in a bun and then wrap it with a scarf or rollerset and wrap.

Den1 your braids are so pretty! Does your head ache? I'm sure that it took a lot of time to do. I'll keep this in mind. Thanks for your input:D