Rabbi Barclay accuse Candace Owen’s of being antisemitic

I found it profoundly draining to listen to him!

He would sidestep, deflect, and try to redirect a great percentage of her questions.
Then be argumentative, feign indignation, or proclaim victimhood when she asked a question.

There was a series of exchanges where he'd be like "let me ask you a simple question", "why can't you address this simple issue", then when she asked him a particular [simple] question he responded..."I can't answer because I don't use (or acknowledge) that word". In this case his response was akin to the "I don't see color" trope.

He wants the world to be sensitive to his view of anti-semetism; and his definition of it, and his understanding of His peoples experience of it; YET at in the same breath would retort ALL LIVES MATTER to any one who even mentions Black Lives Matter.

Oh and the talking over her; made me very angry.......and I'm not one to defend her or her platform but in this case her messages were correct; though her platform choice wasn't one I'dve engaged on.
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@Ivonnovi thank you for taking the time to watch this video. I know a lot of ladies and by extension a lot of people in the black American community dislike Candace for the comments she has made about the Black community, rightfully so. But honestly believe, that even when we are not aligned with our kinfolk we need to compartmentalize when there is clear evidence of disparaging/condescending attitudes towards people of our race. This is a small glimpse on a public platform of the behaviour of a Jewish supremacist, now imagine behind the scenes.

I command Candace for standing up for her belief and not allowing them to force her to kowtow to a world view she doesn’t share. People are very afraid to criticize the Jewish community publicly in moments like this due to fear of reprisal.

she has been allegedly fired from Daily Wire. All I am saying, it speaks volumes to the narrative that is being built around the Israel-Palestine conflict.
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@larry3344 I will
confess I was
reluctant to listen,
even with your
kind encouragement
because I have
a bias against Candace
and have found
her to be cultish
in her following
of racist folks
at the expense
of her own people.

But after reading
@Ivonnovi's comment,
I am intrigued
and will listen.

I have been
so confused about
why folks seem
to ignore the
plight of civilians
in Gaza all in
support of Israel.

I don't know
enough to defend
either side but
I cannot help
but hurt for
victims of a war
they have nothing
to do with.

So I look forward
to listening and
thank you both
for helping me
put my pride
aside and listen.
I decided that
will need to
comment in installments
because there's a
lot to address
and I will not
remember it all
if I watch to
the end. So here's
my first reaction.

This so-called
Rabbi is scary
and IMO the
reason why the
Bible tells us
to test everything
and why we
cannot just take
people at their
word but need
to question everything.

Rabbi Barclay is NOT
hearing ANYTHING
Candace Owen is saying.

So she played
a clip in
question in which
she explained that
the word "Nationalism"
is wrongly associated
with Hitler and in
her opinion the
association is wrong
because Hitler was
not a Nationalist.
He was a globalist
and wanted to
make different nations
German and take
them over. Her
point being that
to her "Nationalism"
is not a bad word
when used correctly.
It is its attribution
to Hitler erroneously
that makes people
hate the word.

From that clip
this rabbi makes
the "genius" inference
from that--which
he shamelessly had the
nerve to publish
completely misrepresenting
Candace--was that
she said that Hitler
was OK. What????

When she points
out he is wrong
AFTER showing receipts
that support her
statement, this dude
segues to "But
why bring up
Hitler of all people?"
How about it is
because he was
relevant to the
point she needed
to make. I get
he hates the
name Hitler, but
uhmm... who died
and made him
god of what
people can and
cannot talk about?

Anyone that
wants to erase
history and cancel
certain topics taking
them off the table
of any discussion
is IMO scary
and a real
menace to society.

I was only
2/7th way through
watching the video
when this dude
accused Candace
of not being
sensitive to what
Hamas did to
Israel victims on
October 7th and
implied that she
was pro-Hamas.

Now see, this
is such cultish
bull that I cannot
wrap my head
around. If you
in any way
do not agree
100% with Israel
or if you condemn
the terror that
civilians in Gaza
are dealing with
due to attacks
from Israel then
you are pro-Hamas,
or worse, anti-Semitic?

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@PatDM'T you said "
"I have been
so confused about
why folks seem
to ignore the
plight of civilians
in Gaza all in
support of Israel.

I don't know
enough to defend
either side but
I cannot help
but hurt for
victims of a war
they have nothing
to do with."

She she spoke about this too, and each time he'd default back to the events of Oct 7. But wouldn't address the continued suffering.
(As a 2x War Vet, I was Very Proud of the Truths she told on this matter)

He has a "bbbbut WE are Special" mantra playing in his head, and is married to an ""Attacking" Argumentive" Style.
@PatDM'T you said "
"I have been
so confused about
why folks seem
to ignore the
plight of civilians
in Gaza all in
support of Israel.

I don't know
enough to defend
either side but
I cannot help
but hurt for
victims of a war
they have nothing
to do with."

She she spoke about this too, and each time he'd default back to the events of Oct 7. But wouldn't address the continued suffering.
(As a 2x War Vet, I was Very Proud of the Truths she told on this matter)

He has a "bbbbut WE are Special" mantra playing in his head, and is married to an ""Attacking" Argumentive" Style.

Gurrrrl...I have not
spent a lot
of time in many
of the threads
about any wars
because I find
my head spinning
as I read some
of the biased
opinions with no
objectivity or moderation.

It's like folks
are so brainwashed
and programmed
to indiscriminately
take up a side
and defend it
at all costs.

I have a long
way to go
to finish the
video, but by
2/7th point of
the clip, I have
nothing but major
respect for Candace.

I never thought
I would ever
say anything positive
about this woman.
But maybe I was
the one being
cultish in my
opinion of her just
because one or
two things she
said before, rubbed
me the wrong way. :scratchchin:

But I still
have more
to listen to
and one video
does not a
saint make, but
it does remind
me not to
judge a book
by its cover.

I am so glad
I started this video.
So Rabbi Barclay
accuses Candace of
insulting another rabbi
and when asked
when this was,
he mumbles something
about he would
be happy to find
the quote. So wait
is this dude
just a conspiracy
theory reader/listener?
And people call
him a "teacher"?
Color me confused.

How is it that
43 minutes into
the video, he is yet
to produce receipts
for anything he
has said or
written about Candace?

Gurrrrl...I have not
spent a lot
of time in many
of the threads
about any wars
because I find
my head spinning
as I read some
of the biased
opinions with no
objectivity or moderation.

It's like folks
are so brainwashed
and programmed
to indiscriminately
take up a side
and defend it
at all costs.

I have a long
way to go
to finish the
video, but by
2/7th point of
the clip, I have
nothing but major
respect for Candace.

I never thought
I would ever
say anything positive
about this woman.
But maybe I was
the one being
cultish in my
opinion of her just
because one or
two things she
said before, rubbed
me the wrong way. :scratchchin:

But I still
have more
to listen to
and one video
does not a
saint make, but
it does remind
me not to
judge a book
by its cover.

I am so glad
I started this video.
:toocool: I didn't watch the video through in 1 seating. For various reasons I had to pause and walk away; if you can do it good for you.

Sometimes people are do committed to their beliefs, that they don't leave room for personal growth. I'm proud to say that in this case on Candice I experienced "personal growth". My girl stands 10-Toes-Down on her "rights"; and provides receipts to validate her claims and facts. HE on the other had, provides what I'd call a series of Concentric Circular Arguments that all conclude that she's wrong, and is victimizing his community.

OH, and when you get to the part where he's telling her the exact WORDS she should use to acknowledge her [wrongness] then on the flip side saying "I don't recognize/acknowledge" that word so I can't respond; WAS FOR ME MADDENING; I wanted to bust him upside the head via my TV screen and coffee mug.
According to Rabbi
Barclay, Candace calling
Rabbi Shmuley "unholy"
is totally out of
line? Wait...so do
Jews believe rabbis
are holy? As in
without sin and
pure like God?

If a rabbi
is not being
nice, or not
saying nice things
about something,
y'all make excuses
for him because
heaven forbid
you use an
adjective like "unholy"
in reference to him?

GTHOOH :rofl:

Rabbi Barclay is
asking Candace where
she gets off
calling Rabbi Schmuley
unholy when she
does not even
know what a
rabbi does. What
has that got
to do with
price of eggs?

So it does
not matter that
Candace knows the
definition of the
word "holy" and
its antonym "unholy"
is at liberty to
use adjectives toward
subjects guilty of
behavior that is
fitting of that description?


That there are
some human beings
that people make
so reverend that one
cannot, should not,
must not DARE
say anything negative
about them or else...
totally boggles my

I have news
for this dude.
For all humans have
sinned and fallen
short of the
glory of God,
we all are
therefore unholy...
and rabbis are
no exception..
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:toocool: I didn't watch the video through in 1 seating. For various reasons I had to pause and walk away; if you can do it good for you.

Sometimes people are do committed to their beliefs, that they don't leave room for personal growth. I'm proud to say that in this case on Candice I experienced "personal growth". My girl stands 10-Toes-Down on her "rights"; and provides receipts to validate her claims and facts. HE on the other had, provides what I'd call a series of Concentric Circular Arguments that all conclude that she's wrong, and is victimizing his community.

OH, and when you get to the part where he's telling her the exact WORDS she should use to acknowledge her [wrongness] then on the flip side saying "I don't recognize/acknowledge" that word so I can't respond; WAS FOR ME MADDENING; I wanted to bust him upside the head via my TV screen and coffee mug.
Oooh...Sistah! What
in the what what????

I just got to
where he is
nitpicking her words
and trying to
justify his bias
and narrow view
of them and
make Candace out
to be in the wrong.

So now the
word "hag" is

Talk of reaching. :rofl:

He started the
whole discussion
talmbout how words
evolve and that
the word "anti-semitism"
gets "Window Updates"
(my words) and
that is OK, yet
when it comes
to the word
"hag" he wants us
to go back
to what it
meant back in
the day
its updated meaning.


Dude has me
doing some research. :lachen:

I had to pause
it again...because
Rabbi Barclay just
called out Candace
again for using
the word "unholy"
with reference to
Rabbi Schmuley
claiming that she
had no right
to use it on
a rabbi because
she does not
know a rabbi's
job or Judaism,
nor what is
considered kadosh.

Is Candace and
the rest of
the world supposed
to be under
some Jewish rule
and law whereby
we have to look
at everything through
a Jewish lens and
only use words
in the way
Rabbi Barclay and
his folk understand it?

Did Candace at
any time say
she was speaking
in Judaic terms?

"You don't know
what is considered
kadosh"... :huh:

I might have
to listen to
what this Shmuley
guy said about
Candace because
so far, the insults
where "Candace crossed
a line" was because
she called a
rabbi unholy and
his daughter a hag.

(Whenever I've heard
the phrase "the old
hag" not once
have I thought
of a magic
woman with a
pointy hat or
sorcerer or even
Snow White's evil
stepmother showing
up at her window
with an apple. :lachen:

Funny how the
language updates in
this guy's head
only apply to
words convenient to
his narrative and agenda.
@PatDM'T I am glad you took a chance and decided to watch the video. I totally respect your position on Candace - she is deserving of the criticism that she is getting from the black community for her past stance.

But in this scenario I would stand with her. This is what I was referring to, in the Israel-Palestine that we all need to be very careful as people of African descent to take absolutist stance for or against any group of people. None of these people respect us and think we are entitled to our own opinion and positions. Rabbi Barclay wanted to shame her into submission because he figured since she on is on a platform cofounded by a Jewish Zionist that she will bend over and concede. Given that these shaming tactics have been used in other black entertainers before.

This is why no group no matter their history should be incapable of being criticized when it is deserved. It is very clear that some members of the Jewish community have let their outsized influence on media/entertainment go to their heads and think they are above reproach and a cut above everyone else. The fact that this man is a religious leader should make us all pause.

This man has largely insinuated that a Jewish life has more value than any other, and that their pain is more important than any other. And I do not doubt that there are many in Jewish circles who think just like him. This is why this Israel-Palestine conflict is something that all of us should pay attention to, because this has far reaching repercussions.

Over the years, people have honed in solely on Muslim/Arab extremism and have let the Jewish extremists slide for far too long and it needs to stop.
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@PatDM'T I am glad you took a chance and decided to watch the video. I totally respect your position on Candace - she is deserving of the criticism that she is getting from the black community for her past stance.

But in this scenario I would stand with her. This is what I was referring to, in the Israel-Palestine that we all need to be very careful as people of African descent to take absolutist stance for or against any group of people. None of these people respect us and think we are entitled to our own opinion and positions. Rabbi Barclay wanted to shame her into submission because he figured since she on is on a platform cofounded by a Jewish Zionist that she will bend over and concede. Given that these shaming tactics have been used in other black entertainers before.

This is why no group no matter their history should be incapable of being criticized when it is deserved. It is very clear that some members of the Jewish community have let their outsized influence on media/entertainment go to their heads and think they are above reproach and a cut above everyone else. The fact that this man is a religious leader should make us all pause.

This man has largely insinuated that a Jewish life has more value than any other, and that their pain is more important than any other. And I do not doubt that there are many in Jewish circles who think just like him. This is why this Israel-Palestine conflict is something that all of us should pay attention to, because this has far reaching repercussions.

Over the years, people have honed in solely on Muslim/Arab extremism and have let the Jewish extremists slide for far too long and it needs to stop.
preach (1).gif
Never said she should but I think the exchange is a very important watch.
I understand. He represents how a lot of certain groups and individuals feel. But standing with her is not something I would align myself with. She has a different agenda and she is anti-black. She is no different than him and she is a grifter. All I see is racists and bigots talking about who is a bigger racist and bigot..
Rabbi Barclay is
a self-righteous,
arrogant, narrow-minded
piece of work.

How does he
figure it is
OK to write
about someone
w/r/t something
they said in a
show when he
never watched the
show but only
saw clips?

But the way
he kept twisting
her words even
when she would
play the clips
tells me it
would not make
a difference if
he watched the
whole thing. He
clearly thinks Jews
and their lives
and their laws
are more important
than anyone else.

Candace was more
respectful than I
could have been.

I listened to it while running errands and in traffic. With that said, Yes and No 'cause I was distracted. I'm not at all surprised she has been somehow or another "de-platformed". (From my 3min research, I cant tell whether she resigned or was terminated)

1. I am proud of her for not being bullied into monitoring what she said. My girl said I'm standing 10-toes-down on what I said...or did not say, ...and she did.

2. I do hope this serves as a life lesson to her that though she be the constant of White-Insertion (seggs); and in the approving company of whites/non-blacks/others; she ain't one of them and can real quickly be dealt with as the non-other she is.

3. As one commenter stated; that Jeopardy music was on-point.

4. I've already voiced my disdain for the Jewish dude; but I feel obligated to point out he's a: Race/Religion Playing Snowflake (candy-pants) Karen. I.Do.Not.Like.Him.

AND #5 It really grinds my gears as to how these Snowflake groups want special identity under Hate Crime Laws; But hey, I was just as vocal back in the 90's era when some non-melinated folks came up with and started filing snowflake suites called 'Reverse Discrimination"! How da'hell you do that? Were you discrimanated against or naw? (I too almost got fired, but they understood my point.)
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I was able to watch 32 minutes and 13 seconds. I had to stop cause I was really finding it difficult to care. It’s like watching Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmar arguing about who has the worst ethics. Um… both of you n*ggas are serial killers.

While this Rabbi seems unhinged, but I don’t think anything he is saying or believes is any more harmful to the Black community than the things Candace Owen’s has said and believes. She emboldens racists and bigots on a daily basis. Black lives have been lost because of the very narratives that she proudly promotes. It’s because of coons like Candace that our community is on such a shaky foundation. We are deteriorating from the inside, leaving us susceptible to being pwned by Jews and any other race we come up against. So…

Despite being accused of running the media, Jews, especially Rabbi's are culturally and intellectually incapable of speaking in soundbytes. That's why the people who do control the media, i.e., white people (remember them?) and assorted minions can run game accordingly. The Rabbi in the video lost 90% of the audience when he mentioned the year 1144, two minutes into the discussion. Meanwhile, in MENA people with a passing knowledge of history will know what happened before and after that reference but that doesn't work with an American audience. The Rabbi lost by agreeing to be on her show because Candace knows better than him how and what to play to her audience.

Candace Owens is an antisemite and she doesn't :censored: with black people because the white people she entertains don't :censored: with either groups. If her rhetoric didn't result in potentially getting me killed/disenfranchised I would respect her hustle. Candace's goal is ego based. She wants her face and voice to reach the world but I wonder if she really believes that her husbands wealth can shield her if her audience turns on her.