*~Praise Report Thread~*

Perhaps it's my turn. I just want to say I thank God for this board. Ladies on this board have been so kind to me. I am grateful for your support. You ladies make yourselves available when there is no sister, brother or parents. I want to say thanks to everybody!:bighug:
this is the Psalm (the only one I know by heart, I believe) that is overwhelming my heart so much tonight repeatedly so that I just hear myself in my heart nonstop speaking and feeling it! have noticed this subforum since I joined and wondering if I should click. will use this thread to share these moments or read through previous posts if I need the refreshment
this is my favourite link to remind myself of it because I prefer to look at the earlier versions, but can get a thorough feel by reading all of them, iykwim.

I feel like my heart is beside the still waters with David tonight, after several distressing interactions with my XH.. because I know my goal is not to get approval or safety from the person but from God and with God. And then when I thought that , and thought I will keep on, not connect to the distressful thoughts..and God will fade out that feeling -- is when this immediately came into my mind again and again and the feeling washed over me.

not Christian but praise of God especially among sincere people, is what every human being craves imo.
not saying its the only thing but IMO it is the one thing that connects everyone including those whose every other need is fulfilled and have the best of everything, we still long for it, whether we know or acknowledge it or not
This was a great day after a difficult time worrying for kids-- yesterday + today worked out perfectly, despite difficulties with the foot and all..
Recited PSALM 23 on way back, in AM, because it totally was my feeling 100%, from the relief and happiness

Best miracle (THANK YOU GOD ), my son used his PECs properly for things other than video (SLEEP). Huge!!
Thanks to God for protecting my loved ones
Thanks to God for blessing me through good people
Thanks to God for removing the people who caused distress and had bad intentions (wolves in sheep's clothing)

thanks to God:
For a new day and waking up wanting to start the day
For good teachers
For food water and indoor heating
For portable heater (Could not sleep due to the cold before) brought over
For good people wherever I go
I praise and thank God for every good and for giving me more good in ways I cannot imagine beforehand, for where I live and what I eat. I thank God for putting kindness for me in people's hearts, even those who hurt me before, helping me now
Thank you God for helping me study and giving me a website to get my 'social fill' for breaks so I don't feel depressed and lonely.

Thank to God for making items come to use now that I know what to do with them, and putting it in my head to do so!
All credit to God for keeping kids safe and healthy through us and other adults around them.

Thank You God for being the Truth, the Light, and the Most Powerful upon Whom we can lay our burdens and our worries for our friends and family and people we do not personally know.
And Who guides us to do right by people where we can, AND
gives us the means to do so.

Thanks to God for giving us a leader who has a soul and a conscience. Thanks to God that there are enough good people in power in the country that we aren't dealing with the sort of injustice Americans are subjected to.

Thanks to God for helping me distinguish truth from falsehood, and not leaving the matter confusing lest I proceed on a whim (as per Abu Bakr).

Thanks to God for guidance, purpose, and contentment. Thanks to God for having a place to write all this out and not feel unsafe or like I'm putting my family in danger, simply
for proclaiming YOUR Glory and gratitude to you - unlike so many millions out there that I know of who are suffering, for such a basic thing! Protection from God, goodness from God, and may God protect us from the foolishness or evil of ourselves,
or of those around us, and protect us from our mistakes, and others' mistakes, as He has done so far
Thank You God for making it so I can look back on these posts when my spirit lags..and be reminded of all it was I thanked You for before in total sincerity and awe! Esp the Psalm 23 one which I still can come back to and feel exactly the same (never fails) due to the strength beauty n poetry of those words total eloquence that paints the whole scene in a way you feel you are there with your messenger

Thank You for making me verbal and hyperlexic so I never have the frustration of being totally unable to put into words the entirety of what I wish to Express.
Thank You for my excellent and perfect angelic sons. Thank You for giving me understanding of their feelings even if they cannot say them so zi can respond in a way that might reach them better esp in the elder's loneliness.
(I ask you to increase friends and happiness and communication for him n understanding for him of others and others of him!!)
Thank you for Tanya who gave him the presents Ll the way ar XHs home n did not forget him n the presents he soooooo appreciated!! Thank You for protecting and helping her and her family.

Thank You for the clean pure heart of ppl like her who stay away from nastiness even if immersed in it thru no reason but others' injustice and wrongdoing YET still maintain so much strength and love in her heart that she does things like that.
Thank You for having her brother be able to move to help her since her parents no longer can

Thank You for MY brother and his help as well.

Thank You that I can look at others' posts that there is an outlet to see it and be refreshed by them
Thank You for ppl who continue to love each other FOR YOUR SAKE through PRAISING YOU.
Thank You for keeping me away from hypocrisy bcuz I doubt hypocrisy can ever let anyone feel satisfied

(after I read about a lady who lived a farce for no discernible reason)
Thank You for giving me nutritious juices today gifted by someone else!! And for my son!!.
Thank you, Lord for people like @bzb1990 who recognize the need to give you thanks and praise even for the smallest deeds and acts of kindness of others.
Thank you for that maybe that's why in daily life I've been more God conscious these past couple of days. Since if we give thanks God magnifies or increases that thing.

Thank You God for whatever balance You put in our lives though we may go to extremes always guiding us to the balanced way in different ways. Thank You for expanding our knowledge of what is beneficial and making it useful in our lives.
God is so good. Today I found out that I got a promotion at my job. I had applied for a promotion in June and didn't get selected. I was pretty devastated and then God helped me to get over it and myself. Less than 2 months later he blessed me with the job I had been crying about. This was a lesson about casting my cares before Him, not coveting my neighbors goods (I didn't get selected the first time because it wasnt my job to have), seeking God first, recognizing that He is my provider, the importance of prayer, coming to him like a child, etc. God is so good!
God is so good. Today I found out that I got a promotion at my job. I had applied for a promotion in June and didn't get selected. I was pretty devastated and then God helped me to get over it and myself. Less than 2 months later he blessed me with the job I had been crying about. This was a lesson about casting my cares before Him, not coveting my neighbors goods (I didn't get selected the first time because it wasnt my job to have), seeking God first, recognizing that He is my provider, the importance of prayer, coming to him like a child, etc. God is so good!
Congratulations @futureapl. I am glad that you recognize that promotion comes from God and that you give Him all of the glory and praise He so rightly deserves for raising you up at the right time.
CT scan: Normal
MRI Scan: No Abnormality Detected
Initial respiratory distress: Restored to 100%
Urine sample: Normal
Cognitive function: Restored
Motor function: Restored
Neurological function: Back to baseline when observed, we are going to follow up with more detailed tests to prove it.

The neurologist did prescribe her anti-seizure medication and rescue medicine based on the initial state she was in on the day we rushed her to the hospital and the overnight VEEG they completed. She told me she was requesting an MRI because an abscess or lesion that the CT didn't detect would explain the activity detected on the VEEG. Evil can't have my healthy child and sickness/attacks on her health can't either! I prayed, laid hands on my baby, activated scriptures of healing, the name of Jesus, and the Power of the Holy Spirit over her all night before her MRI today....didn't close my eyes for a power nap until 5 am this morning then got right back to praying all day and quoting the prayers and scripture others sent to me on her behalf. While I was in a posture of prayer I requested others(including you wonderful ladies) join with me and prayer continues to work! @Chicoro and @blessedandfavoured I thank you from the bottom of my heart! I read your responses and added them to my prayers throughout today.

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6-7

I know there are a lot of women who are challenged when the health and development of their children come under attack. I want ya'll to remain encouraged and keep Christ and the Holy Spirit within the treatment plan. My baby did start anti-seizure medication this week and is taking it as directed by her neurologist, but I am still believing in upcoming tests to demonstrate her full healing. I will continue to cover my little one in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit. My child has NEVER had health issues before now and this was serious. All of a sudden her health gets attacked when phone lines go down across multiple carriers, DH has a DMV issue that he was trying to resolve this week, and many pharmacies get closed within my city? I rebuke that in the name of Jesus!

I recognized the favor I received during this episode. DH and I were able to get her to emergency care and on oxygen within a few minutes and recognized the seizure very quickly. Minutes mattered and I thank the Lord for our proximity to urgent care, us both being available when the episode occurred, and the amazing response we received from the health professionals when all of this happened. Everyone pivoted on the dime to recognize the emergency and accommodate her. I hope my experience can share that the power of God is the best part of the treatment plan and you do not have to accept preliminary curses that illnesses or that people (including doctors and professionals) speak over your fearfully and wonderfully made child...sometimes the miracle is already on the way and you are positioned to overcome the attack from the moment it happens. I will keep the Lord in the treatment plan and claim every miracle that belongs to me and my little one.

Thank you, God! What illness and people expected for my child don't hold a candle to your intercession and favor in situations! Tonight I get to watch my baby sleep peacefully in her bed instead of the hospital bed. For me, there was nothing more terrifying than seeing my baby in a medical emergency and there was nothing that would make me forget who I belonged to and could call on for help.

Psalm 121
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

2 My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.

3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.

4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

5 The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.

6 The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.

7 The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.

8 The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.

John 10: 27-30

27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all[c]; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. 30 I and the Father are one.”

When doctors expect one thing and my God confirms another then that is the final say! There is power in believing in, clinging to, and relying on the Lord.

ETA: Added clarifications to my thoughts. I am in a posture of praise. Thank you and Hallelujah Jesus! What started as tears of distress have become tears of joy!
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CT scan: Normal
MRI Scan: No Abnormality Detected
Initial respiratory distress: Restored to 100%
Urine sample: Normal
Cognitive function: Restored
Motor function: Restored
Neurological function: Back to baseline when observed, we are going to follow up with more detailed tests to prove it.

The neurologist did prescribe her anti-convulsants and rescue medicine based on the initial state she was in on the day we rushed her to the hospital and the overnight VEEG they completed. She told me she was requesting an MRI because an abscess or lesion that the CT didn't detect would explain the activity detected on the VEEG. Evil can't have my healthy child and sickness/attacks on her health can't either! I prayed, laid hands on my baby, and activated scriptures of healing, the name of Jesus, and the Power of the Holy Spirit over her all night before her MRI today. Didn't close my eyes for a power nap until 5 am this morning and got right back to praying all day and quoting the prayers and scripture others sent to me on her behalf. During that time, I requested you ladies, and members of my family, and prayer continues to work! @Chicoro and @blessedandfavoured I thank you from the bottom of my heart! I read your responses and added them to my prayers throughout today.

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6-7

I know there are a lot of women who are challenged when the health and development of their children come under attack. I want ya'll to remain encouraged and keep Christ and the Holy Spirit within the treatment plan. My baby did start anti-seizure medication this week, but I am still believing in upcoming tests to demonstrate full healing. I will continue to cover my little one in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit just as regularly as I you administer her prescriptions. My child has NEVER had health issues before now and this was serious. All of a sudden her health gets attacked when phone lines go down across multiple carriers, DH has a DMV issue, and many pharmacies get closed within my city? I rebuke that in the name of Jesus!

I recognized the favor I received during this episode. DH and I were able to get her to emergency care and on oxygen within a few minutes and recognized the seizer very quickly. Minutes mattered and I thank the Lord for our proximity to urgent care, being available when the episode occurred, and the amazing response we received from the health professionals when all of this happened. Everyone pivoted on the dime to recognize the emergency and accommodate her. hope my experience can share that the power of God is the best part of the treatment plan and you do not have to accept preliminary curses that illnesses or that people (including doctors and professionals) speak over your fearfully and wonderfully made child...sometimes the miracle is already on the way and you are position to overcome from the moment an attack happens. I will keep the Lord in the treatment plan and claim every miracle that belongs to me and my little one.

Thank you God! Tonight I get to watch my baby sleep peacefully in her bed instead of a hospital bed. For me, there was nothing more terrifying than seeing my baby in a medical emergency.
Hallelujah! Thank God for His power and favour and love. The good work He has started in your daughter's life, He will continue to completion in Jesus' holy name. Amen.
CT scan: Normal
MRI Scan: No Abnormality Detected
Initial respiratory distress: Restored to 100%
Urine sample: Normal
Cognitive function: Restored
Motor function: Restored
Neurological function: Back to baseline when observed, we are going to follow up with more detailed tests to prove it.

The neurologist did prescribe her anti-seizure medication and rescue medicine based on the initial state she was in on the day we rushed her to the hospital and the overnight VEEG they completed. She told me she was requesting an MRI because an abscess or lesion that the CT didn't detect would explain the activity detected on the VEEG. Evil can't have my healthy child and sickness/attacks on her health can't either! I prayed, laid hands on my baby, activated scriptures of healing, the name of Jesus, and the Power of the Holy Spirit over her all night before her MRI today....didn't close my eyes for a power nap until 5 am this morning then got right back to praying all day and quoting the prayers and scripture others sent to me on her behalf. While I was in a posture of prayer I requested others(including you wonderful ladies) join with me and prayer continues to work! @Chicoro and @blessedandfavoured I thank you from the bottom of my heart! I read your responses and added them to my prayers throughout today.

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6-7

I know there are a lot of women who are challenged when the health and development of their children come under attack. I want ya'll to remain encouraged and keep Christ and the Holy Spirit within the treatment plan. My baby did start anti-seizure medication this week and is taking it as directed by her neurologist, but I am still believing in upcoming tests to demonstrate her full healing. I will continue to cover my little one in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit. My child has NEVER had health issues before now and this was serious. All of a sudden her health gets attacked when phone lines go down across multiple carriers, DH has a DMV issue that he was trying to resolve this week, and many pharmacies get closed within my city? I rebuke that in the name of Jesus!

I recognized the favor I received during this episode. DH and I were able to get her to emergency care and on oxygen within a few minutes and recognized the seizure very quickly. Minutes mattered and I thank the Lord for our proximity to urgent care, us both being available when the episode occurred, and the amazing response we received from the health professionals when all of this happened. Everyone pivoted on the dime to recognize the emergency and accommodate her. I hope my experience can share that the power of God is the best part of the treatment plan and you do not have to accept preliminary curses that illnesses or that people (including doctors and professionals) speak over your fearfully and wonderfully made child...sometimes the miracle is already on the way and you are positioned to overcome the attack from the moment it happens. I will keep the Lord in the treatment plan and claim every miracle that belongs to me and my little one.

Thank you, God! What illness and people expected for my child don't hold a candle to your intercession and favor in situations! Tonight I get to watch my baby sleep peacefully in her bed instead of the hospital bed. For me, there was nothing more terrifying than seeing my baby in a medical emergency and there was nothing that would make me forget who I belonged to and could call on for help.

Psalm 121
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

2 My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.

3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.

4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

5 The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.

6 The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.

7 The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.

8 The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.

John 10: 27-30

27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all[c]; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. 30 I and the Father are one.”

When doctors expect one thing and my God confirms another then that is the final say! There is power in believing in, clinging to, and relying on the Lord.

ETA: Added clarifications to my thoughts. I am in a posture of praise. Thank you and Hallelujah Jesus! What started as tears of distress have become tears of joy!

No additional seizures. She is in speech and occupational therapy for full recovery. Gratefully all her side effects since the initial seizure are side effects to the medication, not the seizure itself or evidence of ongoing cognitive issues. Therapy is offsetting the medication side effects but we had an additional neurologist follow-up today and he agreed our challenges were most likely related to the side effects of the medication. Because her initial seizure was so serious she will remain on medication for now but she is switching to a low-dose option with much fewer side effects.

We did have to reinforce her prior learning. Following her seizure she regressed significantly so we took her back to her toddler curriculum and redid that along with re-doing preschool. She relearned those lessons consistently and quickly, which is a good sign, but it did reveal a decline in her focus. There is a lot of promise that the medication adjustment will alleviate that. Her screenings continue to prove no brain damage or cognitive delays but this is quite the journey. Her treatment plan still targets full recovery, but we have to improve her focus, and speech and reinforce her baseline behavior. Still praising the Lord. Still praying that no weapon formed against my child prospers. Still claiming the signs and wonders that follow those who believe. Still certain that nothing and no one can pluck us from his hand. We are still going through it, but in that...we are absolutely claiming and praising through it.