Platelet Rich Plasma (prp) For Androgenic Alopecia

Update on my PRP treatments:
My hairline - where the treatments were applied is thick So are my sideburns. Hair on my sideburns stretches to below my jaw. Other than the one stubborn area on the left t side, the hairline thinning has disappeared. I'll have my last (#6) PRP treatment, in the series of six, next week. As I mentioned before, the anesthetic injections hurt like the dickens - but I would do PRP again. I was considering doing an additional 6 months of treatment, however my doctor wants me to take a 3-6 month break.

During the 3-6 month break I'll continue applying emu oil and folligen.
@intellectualuva - I mix half folligen and half emu oil in a small bottle and keep it in on my bed table with my other nightly goodies. I keep a bottle of the mixture in my bathroom "morning drawer" as another visible accessible location. Having the items visible and handy helps me to use them daily and be consistent, so I rarely if ever miss a dose or applying product.
Thanks @ilong

I've been reading some forums about applying Copper Peptides directly to the scalp. I know Folligen has Copper Peptide...but what are your thoughts about applying CP directly with Emu Oil.
I'm not familiar with a CP that is not in the forum of a serum, such as Folligen. It's my understanding that the CP in Folligen is the highest (and maybe best) form of CP. Skinactives manufactures a CP product, but I don't believe it's as potent as Folligen/Skin Biology. People wear copper jewelry (especially bracelets) because of copper's healing properties, however I don't think copper should be applied directly to wounds.
I had my first prp treatment today...yeah! This doctor recommends a series of 3 injections about 6 weeks apart. First the doctor took pictures of my problem areas than drew my blood and spun it down. Afterwards, it needed to injected into my scalp within 10 minutes. He did not use any anesthetic since he said that he would have had to put too much goo in my hair. Besides, why get stuck twice? Therefore I was able to walk out of the office as if I didn't have anything done, hair still looking alright. The injections were tolerable but by no means fun. I can't shower or wash my hair until tomorrow. I'll be back in 6 weeks for treatment #2. I'll be giving updates. My fingers are crossed.
I had my first prp treatment today...yeah! This doctor recommends a series of 3 injections about 6 weeks apart. First the doctor took pictures of my problem areas than drew my blood and spun it down. Afterwards, it needed to injected into my scalp within 10 minutes. He did not use any anesthetic since he said that he would have had to put too much goo in my hair. Besides, why get stuck twice? Therefore I was able to walk out of the office as if I didn't have anything done, hair still looking alright. The injections were tolerable but by no means fun. I can't shower or wash my hair until tomorrow. I'll be back in 6 weeks for treatment #2. I'll be giving updates. My fingers are crossed.
Sizzle where are you located?? I'm in NC and I have been diagnosed with CCCA. I'm on a steroid and Rogaine but I'd like to weigh my'other options as well.
@sizzle - CONGRATULATIONS!! :toocool:

Your are my shero, :notworthy: enduring your first PRP injections without an anesthetic. My last two treatment brought me to tears.

Do you plan on using any type of aid to promote the treatments? (i.e copper peptide)

Thank you for sharing and please keep us updated.
Hi there #naturalfinally, I am in the Philly area. I looked high and low for at least a year before I located this doctor who is a plastic surgeon. This procedure is becoming increasingly popular. I hope you find a provider.
@naturalfinally - I know your question was directed to @sizzle but here is an EXCELLENT doctor in your area.

Dr. Jerry Cooley – Carolina Dermatology Hair Center ( Charlotte, NC (704-542-1601)

I know Dr. Cooley offers PRP - don't recall his pricing - but he does offer free consultation. He is a also a highly regarded hair transplant surgeon and with CCCA you probably should consult someone skilled and knowledgeable in treating hair. He may be able to counsel you on if pursuing PRP is worthwhile with the presence of CCCA, or he may recommend some additional options.

There is another good surgeon in your area but I think he only does FUE hair transplants. He may do PRP - not sure, but it won't hurt to call and ask. Here is his info.
Dr. Mike Vories – Carolina Hair Surgery, ( Mt. Pleasant, SC (843) 844-1258 and Charlotter, NC 803-217-3065
I have my consultation appointment for PRP on Thursday, February 23rd and I'm really excited! My PRP appointment is at 11:00 and my dermatology appointment to see how the Clobetasol and Rogaine are doing is at 2:00. If all goes well with the PRP appointment, I will inform the Derm about it. It's all too exciting!! I'll keep you all posted on how this turns out!
I have my consultation appointment for PRP on Thursday, February 23rd and I'm really excited! My PRP appointment is at 11:00 and my dermatology appointment to see how the Clobetasol and Rogaine are doing is at 2:00. If all goes well with the PRP appointment, I will inform the Derm about it. It's all too exciting!! I'll keep you all posted on how this turns out!
Praying all goes well
I have my consultation appointment for PRP on Thursday, February 23rd and I'm really excited! My PRP appointment is at 11:00 and my dermatology appointment to see how the Clobetasol and Rogaine are doing is at 2:00. If all goes well with the PRP appointment, I will inform the Derm about it. It's all too exciting!! I'll keep you all posted on how this turns out!
@naturalfinally - how did your appointment go? What doctor did you decide to go to? Did you get the PRP treatment?
Hi ladies I just left the Dermatologist office. Ok, here are the details: I had the consultation at the first dermatologist to review PRP as an option. They were very surprised that I had been given a diagnosis of CCCA. This dermatologist could see hair follicles and new growth sprouting. She asked for my records to be sent to her with the results of the biopsy. She was very encouraging. I viewed their site and they did PRP on African Americans with a really good results. Jernigan's in Raleigh.
Next I saw my usual dermatologist. He's the one that gave me the biopsy and diagnosed me with CCCA. He also prescribed Clobetasol and rogaine. I told him about the PRP therapy and he wasn't enthused. He did suggest hair transplanting as an option. He did state that his clinic looked at adding PRP to their options but he wanted to wait for more data.
Ladies I'm going to pursue the PRP therapy. I think it's the next option for me. I feel encouraged that the circumference in my crown is closing in. It was 8 X 10 and now it's 6 X 6.
I'll keep you all posted as this unfolds.
Hi ladies I just left the Dermatologist office. Ok, here are the details: I had the consultation at the first dermatologist to review PRP as an option. They were very surprised that I had been given a diagnosis of CCCA. This dermatologist could see hair follicles and new growth sprouting. She asked for my records to be sent to her with the results of the biopsy. She was very encouraging. I viewed their site and they did PRP on African Americans with a really good results. Jernigan's in Raleigh.
Next I saw my usual dermatologist. He's the one that gave me the biopsy and diagnosed me with CCCA. He also prescribed Clobetasol and rogaine. I told him about the PRP therapy and he wasn't enthused. He did suggest hair transplanting as an option. He did state that his clinic looked at adding PRP to their options but he wanted to wait for more data.
Ladies I'm going to pursue the PRP therapy. I think it's the next option for me. I feel encouraged that the circumference in my crown is closing in. It was 8 X 10 and now it's 6 X 6.
I'll keep you all posted as this unfolds.
@naturalfinally - that ^^^^ <bolded> is awesome news!
@sizzle - how are you coming along after your PRP treatment(s)?

Hi @ilong. Thanks for asking about my progress. I had 3 treatments and its been almost 5 months. I now see some stumbles of hair coming up...I hope its not wishful thinking! I will give it another 3 months to determine whether it was successful or not. I fear that I might need more treatments.
I visit my doctor next month. I'll make a decision by that time whether or not to do another PRP treatment series immediately or delay until next year.. My hairline is still very good - so a delay is more than likely.

I'm bacccckkkk! I don't know why/how I didn't subscribe to this thread. What did you decide last summer? Also do you mind giving us an update and sharing your doctor's information?
04/11/2017: Hello All, I am usually someone who hovers, but I thought I would talk on this subject as I have been receiving PRP treatments since October 2016. I have been seeing Dr Rapport in Englewood, NJ for PRP treatments. I posted on my You Tube channel how my hair was prior to the treatment. It has filled in significantly and I am scheduled to have my fifth treatment in May 2017. However one thing I noticed from the PRP process is that my Ferritin level dropped from 22 to 9 in approximately three months. So I just want people to be mindful that taking blood and resiting it elsewhere will lower your iron. I have returned to my trusted source of supplement which is Ferrasorb. I am currently using Rosemary oil with Fertilizing hair serum to rub in my balding patches. I am also doing a parasite cleanse which has helped me to detox parasites (worms). Anyone who has pets, has eaten pork, sushi, worked in a hospital or has children, may have worms. I am willing to try anything to reduce the damage to my scalp. Parasites rob the body of essential vitamins. In essence they leech off us from the inside. I felt that something was taking away my nutrients so hopefully on the next round of treatments I will be better prepared. One's body has to be ready for the treatment to be able to work. I am also receiving acupuncture as I have been told that my Yin is depleted. I hope that I did not speak out of turn. But that was my experience. I would recommend it to anyone. I have a relatively high pain threshold so I was not as intimidated by the PRP as I thought I would be.
04/11/2017: Hello All, I am usually someone who hovers, but I thought I would talk on this subject as I have been receiving PRP treatments since October 2016. I have been seeing Dr Rapport in Englewood, NJ for PRP treatments. I posted on my You Tube channel how my hair was prior to the treatment. It has filled in significantly and I am scheduled to have my fifth treatment in May 2017. However one thing I noticed from the PRP process is that my Ferritin level dropped from 22 to 9 in approximately three months. So I just want people to be mindful that taking blood and resiting it elsewhere will lower your iron. I have returned to my trusted source of supplement which is Ferrasorb. I am currently using Rosemary oil with Fertilizing hair serum to rub in my balding patches. I am also doing a parasite cleanse which has helped me to detox parasites (worms). Anyone who has pets, has eaten pork, sushi, worked in a hospital or has children, may have worms. I am willing to try anything to reduce the damage to my scalp. Parasites rob the body of essential vitamins. In essence they leech off us from the inside. I felt that something was taking away my nutrients so hopefully on the next round of treatments I will be better prepared. One's body has to be ready for the treatment to be able to work. I am also receiving acupuncture as I have been told that my Yin is depleted. I hope that I did not speak out of turn. But that was my experience. I would recommend it to anyone. I have a relatively high pain threshold so I was not as intimidated by the PRP as I thought I would be.
I have my consult with Dr. Rappaport in May 2017. I have been reviewing his website. Really looking forward to it.
I had my first PRP with Dr. Jefferey Rappaport in NJ. I have a followup in one month. I was also given a Minoxidil. He has an office in Northern NJ, Englewood Cliffs to be exact. Will keep you all posted.
@kimsamram - thank you for the testimony and advice. That is a very interesting and important detail about iron levels and it makes so much sense. I hope others undergoing and considering the treatments read your post and prepare accordingly

I may not have experienced low iron symptoms (shortness of breath, fatigue, weakness, tingling, etc.) during the time of my treatments due to my vitamin regimen. Chlorella and spirulina are key members of my regime. Chlorella is an excellent detoxer and cleanser for me. I usually take my vitamins 8-8:30am and by 9:30 I'm in the restroom :sekret: :shhh: :shocked: . Many of the supplements I take have iron so perhaps they sustained my iron levels during my treatments. I also do oil pulling every morning.

In terms of parasites, you are so right. A friend was diagnosed with parasites last year. She was taking various meds already and didn't want to add any additional to treat the parasites, but of course she wanted to eliminate the parasites. A herbalist recommended she do a "good cleansing" and take a pro-biotic after. She reported feeling a "big difference" after her cleansing. (I should add, I've been telling this friend about oil pulling and chlorella for years. SMH)

Have you had your May PRP treatment ? Are your treatments monthly? How many treatments are you planning?

If you don't mind please keep updating the thread with your experience with PRP and Dr. Rapport. I'm sure many will benefit.