Blogs and websites


New Member
Hello all.
I have decided to finally start a blog and expand my hair compulsion:lachen: I really need something to keep my mind off of my growth. So anywho here is my Blog link I am still working on it and maybe someday it will be as good as some of the others here. I plan to add tutorials and lots of product reviews etc. I think we should also use this thread to list any other good blogs or personal sites out there.
Hello all.
I have decided to finally start a blog and expand my hair compulsion:lachen: I really need something to keep my mind off of my growth. So anywho here is my Blog link I am still working on it and maybe someday it will be as good as some of the others here. I plan to add tutorials and lots of product reviews etc. I think we should also use this thread to list any other good blogs or personal sites out there.

Thanks for posting your blog, it's really cute. There's a similar thread:
Nice Website Shady-

I like your henna info. I'm going to try the idea of rinsing your hair in the tub first.

TY I am going to be doing a full henna from start to finsh tutorial hopefully starting on saturday and hopefully I can do it on video. That way you can see the baathtub tech, it really works.
I feel so honored tonight! You are also one of the people that encourged me to start my blog:grin: I am so happy you liked the henna info, check back in the near future for my 1st tutorials on henna:yep: I think it will be fun creating my first tutorial I can't wait! I luv helping other people out and when I was looking to henna my hair I wish that I had an n-depth tutorial.
TY I have been on it all day today and last night trying to get up and running.:perplexed But it's neat and helping me on my web-building skills.:grin: I am a computer geek.
I try to post everyday too, but sometimes I dont have anything to say:ohwell: so I don't post. Then other days I have two and three posts in one day! anyway i like the hairstory blog too