Your Opinion? Should I Pay & Attend This Flat Twisting Class When . . .

Should I go ahead and purchase a ticket and attend the upcoming flat twisting class?

  • Yes. Pay, attend, and try to donate or sell the swag bag contents.

    Votes: 8 50.0%
  • Yes. Pay, attend, and just store the products. You might decided to try them later.

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • No. Wait until she offers a swag bag you actually want for a future flat twisting class.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. $60+ is too much for a flat twisting class, swag bag or not. Esp. if you don't like the products

    Votes: 7 43.8%

  • Total voters


On break
Hi, all.

I'm torn.

There's a lady that offers a flat twisting class every 2 months or so. She's offering one this weekend.

I really, really want to go so that I can (better) flat twist my hair for the Thanksgiving holiday.

However, the class costs a little more than $60 because it includes a swag bag of full-sized hair products, a Denman brush, etc. Problem is, I don't want the products, she says she can't give me a different swag bag, and she says she can't discount my ticket if I don't get a swag bag.

What would you do? Would you purchase a ticket and attend the class this time around, or would you just keep watching for a class to be offered (in the future) with a swag bag you actually wanted?

These are the products that will come in the swag bag. I know I'll never use them. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

What's really more important? The knowledge of how to flat twist which you can use regularly or the "swag" bag?

IMHO I'd pay that much for hands on help with learning how to flat twist my hair. Forget the swag bag. Take it and give to someone that isn't as selective about products.
Thanks for putting it into perspective.

I can do a LOT with $60. :lachen: And I'm SICK of hair products. It feels like I'm wasting money instead of patiently waiting, but I'll sign up and see if my old hair dresser can take the products.
It’s an investment in your hair journey! Just imagine when you get the technique down, how many different styling options you can create! Hair dressers take classes like this all of the time. It’s part of their continuing education. I just took a class on cosmetic testing.
I charge for private makeup lessons, and I don’t give out swag bags! Lol so you can see this is a sponsored event.

I had decided to take you guys' advice and just attend. I looked at more video reviews of the products, and I decided that if I couldn't gift the products, I would just add oils and powders and doctor them up. The ingredients seem alright, from what I saw from video reviews (the product site was down when I tried to view the original ingredients lists).

The class is from 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM, but when I went back to the site today to purchase a ticket, it said "Sales Ended."

So I can't go this time.

Here's a video promo of it.

I say don't go and try to teach yourself how to flat twist. That is how I learned and after some tries it worked. Or get someone you know that can show you how without paying. But if you want to just treat yourself, meet new people, and get out of the house, go.

I have taught myself how to flat twist, but my technique needs improvement. I was looking forward to practicing on those dummy heads, but oh, well.

Maybe in a couple of months when she offers another one.

I have taught myself how to flat twist, but my technique needs improvement. I was looking forward to practicing on those dummy heads, but oh, well.

Maybe in a couple of months when she offers another one.

From what I've seen on Amazon and eBay, you would spend at least $30 buying a practice dummy head with "Afro" hair. Maybe more if you buy a stand.
I'd send an email and find out if its still possible to attend. It may not be sold out. It could be that they arbitrarily stop sales so many hours before the event starts. If there's space and someone is checking the email account then you'll probably be able to go.

I have taught myself how to flat twist, but my technique needs improvement. I was looking forward to practicing on those dummy heads, but oh, well.

Maybe in a couple of months when she offers another one.
Just get a regular dummy head, and make sure it comes with the clamp so you can attach it to a table, or counter. They have stands for those too..

I had decided to take you guys' advice and just attend. I looked at more video reviews of the products, and I decided that if I couldn't gift the products, I would just add oils and powders and doctor them up. The ingredients seem alright, from what I saw from video reviews (the product site was down when I tried to view the original ingredients lists).

The class is from 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM, but when I went back to the site today to purchase a ticket, it said "Sales Ended."

So I can't go this time.

Here's a video promo of it.

Ahhh! You missed the chance!