Witchcraft - Now What?

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Re: Oh My God! witchcraft - Now What?

Shimmie said:

Now here is where we have to take heed regarding witchcraft:

Simply don't take part in their practices. That's it. Do not take part in what they do. Do not worship their gods.

Interesting. I'm not that familiar with witchcraft. What practices are you referring to? I'm sure some delve in witchcraft without being aware.
I'm sure that Shimmie only had the best of intentions in the creation of this thread but I wanted to know where the whole notion of witchcraft being something that was an overwhelming fear was coming from. I was under the impression that as a Christian, one should not hold fear of anything or anyone in their hearts because they have faith that rules their lives and that unwavering faith irradicates any fear. Why have fear in your heart when God is ruling over your life? If you are faithful, why would God allow harm to come to you?
Bella_Ballerina said:
I'm sure that Shimmie only had the best of intentions in the creation of this thread but I wanted to know where the whole notion of witchcraft being something that was an overwhelming fear was coming from. I was under the impression that as a Christian, one should not hold fear of anything or anyone in their hearts because they have faith that rules their lives and that unwavering faith irradicates any fear. Why have fear in your heart when God is ruling over your life? If you are faithful, why would God allow harm to come to you?

Hi Bella, faith is a growth process, as with anything is in life. There's a familiar saying, "What doesn't kill a person, only makes them stronger."

The longer we practice something the stronger it gets. In many instances 'faiith' is like muscle training. The more one trains it, the bigger and stronger it becomes. But faith must also be fed, and the feeding of the Christian faith is the word of God.

Consider this. Children are taught to fear. Literally, a child has little fear of anything until they are taught. As children, many have been taught to fear the boogey man, fear the wicked witch of the West, fear ghosts and to fear the devil. And it's not until they are 'confirmed' otherwise that they no longer walk in fear.

As humans, everyone has a 'fear' of some kind. It's normal. But it's when God shows us in His word, that those things which we once feared are no longer in rule, that one becomes strong and are no longer fearful.

Everyone needs encouragement with something. I don't care who it is or what they claim to have or to be.

I hope this helps to answer your question somewhat. Faith as with anything in this life is a process.
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trimbride said:
Welcome Back Shimmie:love:

I know you will touch many people with your words and your passion.

Hey Sweet Angel... :kiss:

Passion... you say? Oh well. :lol:

Blessings to you and 'hubby'....;)
For clarification:

witch (wch)
1. A woman claiming or popularly believed to possess magical powers and practice sorcery.
2. A believer or follower of Wicca; a Wiccan.
3. A hag.
4. A woman considered to be spiteful or overbearing.
5. Informal A woman or girl considered bewitching.
6. One particularly skilled or competent at one's craft: "A witch of a writer, [she] is capable of developing an intensity that verges on ferocity" Peter S. Prescott.
v. witched, witch·ing, witch·es
1. To work or cast a spell on; bewitch.
2. To cause, bring, or effect by witchcraft.
To use a divining rod to find underground water or minerals; dowse.

[Middle English wicche, from Old English wicce, witch, and wicca, wizard, sorcerer; see weg- in Indo-European roots.]

witcher·y (--r) n.
witchy adj.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witchcraft has more info.

Discussing this from a biblical perspective we need to widen the definition because, as I stated in my previous post, the biblical definition includes using any type of manipulation to control someone or take away their free will. This is the more important aspect, in my opinion, as most Christians can usually recognize a ritual or spell as witchcraft, and avoid formal practice of it, but not the more subtle types of manipulation that we actually come into contact with on a daily basis, may have commited ourselves, and therefore are more likely to cause harm.
I have been there...like some of the women who probably pm'ed you privately, inquiring about certain recent topics on the forum recently. I totally understand your need to reach those who were confused and had questions and concerns.

I think back to when I was just saved and there was a lot that I was confused about. And yes, you can be a devout Christian and have fear. Have you every casted out demons, have you heard someone who was demon possessed speak, have you ever been physically attacked by demonic spirits. Just reading this someone is probably :lol: or :eek: . Maybe even thinking that I am :nuts: And I'm not even talking about the non-believers, I'm talking about the Christians, because of a lack of knowledge.

When I got really into spiritual warfare I discussed my finding with many Christians and it was not a topic many of them were prepared to handle, because of FEAR. Like many of the ladies stated before there is NO reason to fear because GOD has given us the spirit of power, love and of a sound mine (2 Timothy 1:7). And the entire army of Satan is no match for God or his children who are covered in the blood.

But what about the ones who have not gotten that far yet?

I wish(for lack of a better word) I had this forum when I was saved and having my friend inquire about me to her "Christian" pyschic, or when I would occasionally read horoscopes, etc. I was navie and did not know that I was tapping into Satan's world on several occassions, not intentionally of course. I honestly didn't think there was anything wrong with it. The Devil has a lot of us fooled. He is using tactics masking them in such a way that he even has Christians buying into his deceit.

Even though some of us may not agree with the manner in which it was presented it still does not take away the information that you shared. Thanks Shimmie.;)

Be Blessed Ladies.
I don't feel lead to share a specific response and I'm really tired anyway, but I want to say this:

A lot of these issues are real and it's good to talk about them. I just pray that everyone can do it in a manner that is Christ-like, I'm not saying anyone has or hasn't - in fact I haven't even read the whole thread (sorry, I'm kind of sore). I just know that threads like this, LOA, soulmates, etc attract a LOT of individuals, both Christian and non-Christian, members and non-members.

Many people are NOT saved who are reading these forums, some of them are curious about Christianity, don't have many Christians friends....others have just been saved, are very new in their walk, have fallen, have poor tastes in their mouths about Christians etc...So let's just be mindful of how we're portraying ourselves, our faith, and most improtantly, actually really the ONLY Important issue...how we're reflecting Christ. And whether we've been Christian for one year or 40 years or w/e, we're alwayssss going to be learning so let's just try to put our best teachings/opinions/words out so that we can learn from one another...

We're not perfect, we're flesh and we're sinners but by God's grace havewe been saved. We're going to argue but let's just keep it tasteful if there's any at all...I just want us to act as a body of Christ....pushing one another to get to know and love Christ more than ever. This forum is attracting a lot of people. I love this site and this forum! Hehe

You women are great. I'm learning a lot. Again, I'm not saying anyone has made it untasteful or that it's an untasteful situation, I just felt like speaking up about my feelings - just to clarify =)
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brownsugababe said:
I have been there...like some of the women who probably pm'ed you privately, inquiring about certain recent topics on the forum recently. I totally understand your need to reach those who were confused and had questions and concerns.

I think back to when I was just saved and there was a lot that I was confused about. And yes, you can be a devout Christian and have fear. Have you every casted out demons, have you heard someone who was demon possessed speak, have you ever been physically attacked by demonic spirits. Just reading this someone is probably :lol: or :eek: . Maybe even thinking that I am :nuts: And I'm not even talking about the non-believers, I'm talking about the Christians, because of a lack of knowledge.

When I got really into spiritual warfare I discussed my finding with many Christians and it was not a topic many of them were prepared to handle, because of FEAR. Like many of the ladies stated before there is NO reason to fear because GOD has given us the spirit of power, love and of a sound mine (2 Timothy 1:7). And the entire army of Satan is no match for God or his children who are covered in the blood.

But what about the ones who have not gotten that far yet?

I wish(for lack of a better word) I had this forum when I was saved and having my friend inquire about me to her "Christian" pyschic, or when I would occasionally read horoscopes, etc. I was navie and did not know that I was tapping into Satan's world on several occassions, not intentionally of course. I honestly didn't think there was anything wrong with it. The Devil has a lot of us fooled. He is using tactics masking them in such a way that he even has Christians buying into his deceit.

Even though some of us may not agree with the manner in which it was presented it still does not take away the information that you shared. Thanks Shimmie.;)

Be Blessed Ladies.
You know...you have knowledge of this.

When I got saved 25 years ago, I thought that horoscopes, and the like were innocent activities and yes, I practiced witchcraft. I used to get paid to 'read' people. All of this not knowing that I was delving into the occult. But thank God for Jesus.

As a Christian, I grew and I learned and it wasn't easy. You see my family was still involved in much of these activities and could not understand why I no longer wanted to be a part of it. What happened on the forum today (the reactions) is nothing compared to what occured with me and my family members who were totally against my new life in Jesus Christ. But Jesus had a hold onto my heart and He would not let me go. Neither could I let Him go. I fell in love with Jesus Christ and wanted no other god.

I learned that what I was doing was wrong and also why. God taught me, through my Pastors and other men and women of God, that my gifts for 'reading' people were actually 'Gifts of the Spirit' that satan was trying to use for his glory and not God's.

I learned about the controlling Spirits that are prevelent in the Church; one being, "The Spirit of Jezebel". And you are so right that too many Christians are fearful of addressing these spiritual issues, for they fear unable to handle them.

I was sharing privately with a precious friend, how we had assigned Intercessors in our church (most churches do) trained to pray throughout the church and the Altar 'before' services and during Altar calls. We cover our Pastors, and all of the members and attendees. Why? Because there are assigned demonic activities to interfere with the work of God. 'Controlling Spirits.' As an Intercessor, you learn to battle in prayer and win. Actually, the battle is already won. Jesus already did on the Cross.

25 years and I've seen more than I care to see or even speak of. But Jesus always shows up in a mighty way. With each new service, it begins all over again, helping the saints, new and old, get over the fears that have been imparted into them, years prior. And the biggest fear they have is of 'demonic activity and controlling spirits' and those who 'control'. I've cast out many a devil...in my own home...out of my children when they had a smart mouth or attitude. :lol:. But only because of the authority that Jesus has given us by His love and His shed Blood.

May I share this? If you just look at some of the thread topics, you can tell which spirits are in operation. It's easy. The Holy Spirit shows you and directs the right words and the right prayers to fit each one.

Precious Sister, I wish you well beyond your deepest prayers and dreams. For all of you and yours...your loved ones, the blessings of the Lord will cease not, for you. They cease not, but continue forever.

Peace and blessings.... ;)
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I just wanted to say, that I appreciate this thread.:Rose: I have seen and read quite a few posts on this forum, lately, that made me, as a Christian, raise my eyebrow and unsettled my spirit. I've also seen a few posts that so clearly had elements of occult (as described by the bible), that I had to go back to the Bible and review what it said on the matter. People have the rights to their beliefs and how they practice, so I don't say anything in those threads, but I was surprised to see them. IF there are Christians out there who are afraid of these things, then it is good that they are reminded to not be afraid.

Its good to see you posting Shimmie. :). Thank you for bringing the Word (as usual) and encouraging those who may not be as strong in their faith as you are in yours. I appreciate your service/ ministry, because not everybody has the same understanding or breadth of knowledge when it comes to the Bible. Its always good to have some help/a reminder. Its also good to have a discussion. Though, your posts often shake things up, I see this as only a good thing. Its good to have a more fundamentalist view of things in this time of PC Christianity. God gave us all freedom of choice. If people choose to believe the info is there for them to see. For those who read and choose a different path, when they go before God and have to make their account, they can't say they never heard these things.

Finally, I also appreciate your thread because lately, it has been on my mind, that alot of ministries out there do not go back to the Word or they used just one scripture to try to make a sermon. What these ministries have to say sounds good and PC, but without enough scripture to back it up, is it really right? I guess it has been more on my mind to go back to the Word and stop putting so much faith in what people are is so. So again, thanks for bringing the scriptures and thanks for taking a bold and unapologetic stance on what you believe and what the bible says. You better believe that other people will be bold and unapologetic about what they believe.


As for LOA and some positive thinking programs, I don't think they are inherently evil, but I think they are deceptive. God tells us to seek Him and His righteousness for the things that we need (I believe this goes for wants as well) (Matt. 6:25-34). It seems that LOA does not do that. It tells you to seek the Universe or to use energy within oneself to manifest the things you want. One may get everything they want that way, but they'll not get it the way God wants them to. Who knows how many other blessings they're passing up because of how they're seeking their desires.
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ThursdayGirl said:
I just wanted to say, that I appreciate this thread.:Rose: I have seen and read quite a few posts on this forum, lately, that made me, as a Christian, raise my eyebrow and unsettled my spirit. I've also seen a few posts that so clearly had elements of occult (as described by the bible), that I had to go back to the Bible and review what it said on the matter. People have the rights to their beliefs and how they practice, so I don't say anything in those threads, but I was surprised to see them. IF there are Christians out there who are afraid of these things, then it is good that they are reminded to not be afraid.

Its good to see you posting Shimmie. :). Thank you for bringing the Word (as usual) and encouraging those who may not be as strong in their faith as you are in yours. I appreciate your service/ ministry, because not everybody has the same understanding or breadth of knowledge when it comes to the Bible. Its always good to have some help/a reminder. Its also good to have a discussion. Though, your posts often shake things up, I see this as only a good thing. Its good to have a more fundamentalist view of things in this time of PC Christianity. God gave us all freedom of choice. If people choose to believe the info is there for them to see. For those who read and choose a different path, when they go before God and have to make their account, they can't say they never heard these things.

Finally, I also appreciate your thread because lately, it has been on my mind, that alot of ministries out there do not go back to the Word or they used just one scripture to try to make a sermon. What these ministries have to say sounds good and PC, but without enough scripture to back it up, is it really right? I guess it has been more on my mind to go back to the Word and stop putting so much faith in what people are is so. So again, thanks for bringing the scriptures and thanks for taking a bold and unapologetic stance on what you believe and what the bible says. You better believe that other people will be bold and unapologetic about what they believe.

As for LOA and some positive thinking programs, I don't think they are inherently evil, but I think they are deceptive. God tells us to seek Him and His righteousness for the things that we need (I believe this goes for wants as well) (Matt. 6:25-34). It seems that LOA does not do that. It tells you to seek the Universe or to use energy within oneself to manifest the things you want. One may get everything they want that way, but they'll not get it the way God wants them to. Who knows how many other blessings they're passing up because of how they're seeking their desires.
Thank you Thursdaygirl for such a beautiful Wednesday morning message.

Your post is honest and beautifully put. Yes, the Lord does use me to 'shake things up', but in His 'Body' in the Church He has 'shakers and movers' to cast the devil out of where he's had rule far too long. Chriistians have no need to be fearful of what any devil may do to them. he does not have that authority over us. We have full authority over him.

God hears the cries of His children, whom He loves so dearly. In the book of Psalms, you will read over and over the cries of distress and the fears that came upon many.

King David cried out often to God and one of his most powerful prayers is in Psalm 3. He was tormented by many who said there was no help for him in God.

And sadly, that's how it is today for so many Believers. They are told here and there, that there is no help for them in God. The devil wants to break them down in fear. And they live in fear and torment and despair. Yet God in His love sends them the Truth to set them free. He becomes the lifter of our head.

Psalm 3:

1 Lord, how are they increased that trouble me! many are they that rise up against me.
2 Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God. Selah.
3 But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.

4 I CRIED UNTO THE LORD with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah.
5 I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me.
6 I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people, that have set themselves against me round about.
7 Arise, O LORD; save me, O my God: for thou hast smitten all mine enemies upon the cheek bone; thou hast broken the teeth of the ungodly.
8 Salvation belongeth unto the LORD: thy blessing is upon thy people. Selah.

God's word never fails us. And fear has no place in our walk with the Lord. God's word displaces the enemy and his lies out of our lives. And we become more than Conquerors through Jesus Christ who loves us.

God bless you, Thursdaygirl...Have a day and life full of love and blessings.
Hey Shimmie,

As the Christian Fellowship Forum description states in the caption above, this Forum is for believers of Jesus Christ to discuss topics related to Christianity.

Shimmie, may you continue to speak the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth which comes from the only Truth which is located in the Bible, the Word of God.

For you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.
Spoken by Christ Jesus, Who is The Only Begotten Son Of God and Only Savior of the world, The Redeemer, Ruler, Deliverer, Judge, The Holy Spirit, and coming back again, King of heaven and earth)!!!!!

Welcome back. You were really missed. And that's the truth.:)
I guess when Jesus said these things, He was out of order, huh? I'm assuming that Jesus shouldn't have said what He said to those people, because they were going to be offended. Well, I wonder if Jesus didn't say and do what the Father told Him, where would we (those of us who say we are christians) be today? I'm not going to say anything else about this...I don't need too....the WORD OF GOD says it all.

Please read:
Seven Woes to the Scribes and Pharisees -

Matthew 23

23:1 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, 2 “The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat, 3 so practice and observe whatever they tell you—but not what they do. For they preach, but do not practice. 4 They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, [1] and lay them on people's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger. 5 They do all their deeds to be seen by others. For they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long, 6 and they love the place of honor at feasts and the best seats in the synagogues 7 and greetings in the marketplaces and being called rabbi [2] by others. 8 But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all brothers. [3] 9 And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven. 10 Neither be called instructors, for you have one instructor, the Christ. 11 The greatest among you shall be your servant. 12 Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
13 “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut the kingdom of heaven in people's faces. For you neither enter yourselves nor allow those who would enter to go in. [4] 15 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel across sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him twice as much a child of hell [5] as yourselves.
16 “Woe to you, blind guides, who say, ‘If anyone swears by the temple, it is nothing, but if anyone swears by the gold of the temple, he is bound by his oath.’ 17 You blind fools! For which is greater, the gold or the temple that has made the gold sacred? 18 And you say, ‘If anyone swears by the altar, it is nothing, but if anyone swears by the gift that is on the altar, he is bound by his oath.’ 19 You blind men! For which is greater, the gift or the altar that makes the gift sacred? 20 So whoever swears by the altar swears by it and by everything on it. 21 And whoever swears by the temple swears by it and by him who dwells in it. 22 And whoever swears by heaven swears by the throne of God and by him who sits upon it.
23 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others. 24 You blind guides, straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel!
25 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and the plate, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. 26 You blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and the plate, that the outside also may be clean.
27 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people's bones and all uncleanness. 28 So you also outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
29 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you build the tombs of the prophets and decorate the monuments of the righteous, 30 saying, ‘If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.’ 31 Thus you witness against yourselves that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets. 32 Fill up, then, the measure of your fathers. 33 You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell? 34 Therefore I send you prophets and wise men and scribes, some of whom you will kill and crucify, and some you will flog in your synagogues and persecute from town to town, 35 so that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of innocent Abel to the blood of Zechariah the son of Barachiah, [6] whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar. 36 Truly, I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation.

Lament over Jerusalem

37 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not! 38 See, your house is left to you desolate. 39 For I tell you, you will not see me again, until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
meek&quietspirit said:
Hey Shimmie,

As the Christian Fellowship Forum description states in the caption above, this Forum is for believers of Jesus Christ to discuss topics related to Christianity.

Shimmie, may you continue to speak the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth which comes from the only Truth which is located in the Bible, the Word of God.

For you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.
Spoken by Christ Jesus, Who is The Only Begotten Son Of God and Only Savior of the world, The Redeemer, Ruler, Deliverer, Judge, The Holy Spirit, and coming back again, King of heaven and earth)!!!!!

Welcome back. You were really missed. And that's the truth.:)

Can I get a AMEN?
meek&quietspirit said:
Hey Shimmie,

As the Christian Fellowship Forum description states in the caption above, this Forum is for believers of Jesus Christ to discuss topics related to Christianity.

Shimmie, may you continue to speak the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth which comes from the only Truth which is located in the Bible, the Word of God.

For you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.
Spoken by Christ Jesus, Who is The Only Begotten Son Of God and Only Savior of the world, The Redeemer, Ruler, Deliverer, Judge, The Holy Spirit, and coming back again, King of heaven and earth)!!!!!

Welcome back. You were really missed. And that's the truth.:)

Thank you :kiss: I really mean it.
Thank you Shimmie for this message.

God gave all of us freewill and the right to choose to serve whatever/whomever we want to serve. I have absolute respect for everyone's freewill.
The overall tone I get on this forum is that there is a general respect for that God given free will and other people's right to choose.

However I appreciate this as biblically backed effort to remove the fear(founded or unfounded) any Christian or even non Christian may carry in their mind, consciously or subconsciously about things of the esoteric/mystical/ nature.
I view it as an encouragement to other Christians or people trying to be stronger Christians.

I don't take it as witchhunt. Shimmie's message has not made me view anyone on this forum that might be a practitioner of "esoteric" philosophies differently, rather its cause for ME to check myself and sharpen myself accordingly.
IMO, the main focus of the message is on the individual recipient developing herself ,feeding and growing on the word of God (removing the log in your eye), not going out on a fear mongering/ witchhunting rampage (removing the log in other's eyes)
I did not send you a PM, so if you had responded privately, I'd have missed out on the benefits of your words. So, I'm glad you posted it here.
The truth is, there is freedom in allowing circumstances to be what they are and people to be who they are, whether you agree with them or not. - The Art of Allowing:)
trimbride said:
The truth is, there is freedom in allowing circumstances to be what they are and people to be who they are, whether you agree with them or not. - The Art of Allowing:)

I like this. ;) It's a beautiful statement. The Art of Allowing. And it fits life. In my heart it is to 'Allow' Jesus Christ to be glorified. He loves us so much.

What price...the Cross of His love, which crossed over our sins and gave us a hope and a reason to live. I love our Lord Jesus. We all do. And the love and the freedom He has given us ...is 'Allowed'.
I have not read all the responses but I wanted to post an objective view on the subject. As Christians we are supposed to put GOD first in all we do. That's it and no one else. So nothing should take the place of GOD as far as serving, worshipping etc. When you look at it from that perspective then you can understand where we are coming from. Posting about things that are not of GOD and clarifying does not mean we fear or are afraid. We are supposed to be wise so as to not stray away. Some of the things that keep us from GOD are not of themselves evil but when they take the place of GOD then we need to check ourselves. It could be the tv, the internet, whatever that may distract us from giving GOD our all. Please don't confuse making sure we continue put GOD first, worship Him alone, and serving HIM alone means we want to bash someone else. We are called to help others along their path. Yes it means that we don't follow or support someone else's beliefs and practices but we still love the person. Q
Due to the overwhelming request for the information contained in this thread it has been placed back into the forum for viewing purposes only. About half the responses have been deleted. If your post was deleted it was either offtopic, referenced a post that was off topic, or was posted after the original thread had been copied for reference.

Be Blessed!
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