Winter is coming... what's your reggie?

Prelude to a Kiss

M'Baku School of Wakandan White Silencing
Winter is just around the corner :cold: (at least it is in KS) and I was wondering what will be changing in you ladies's regimens? I'm not sure what to change in mine. I usually just cw, bun and am out the door in the morning. How should i dry it? Sleep with it wet? Any help would be appreciated! TIA
Well you could just CW at night and airdry and then it should be dry in the morning for your bun. I'm transitioning and even though I'm getting the BC fever I'm going to stay in braids for the cold months to protect my hair. I think any kind of protective styles are best during this time. (weaves, braids, buns, wigs etc.)
My reggie is pretty much the same, but I do moisturize and DC more. I stretch relaxers longer though. I also wear half wigs to minimize the heat and clothes rubbing on my hair.
usually with the heater on in my hair will dry overnight. As oppose to the summer where my hair is still damp when i wake up. I do a lot more phony poneys in the winter...a lot of em. Ill still cowash a lot, and do braidouts but not as often.
Winter in my opinion is the best time I grown lenght for the spring, all I do is wash my hair every 3 to 4 days, air-dry my hair in 4 braids, and bun everyday, and moisturize and seal twice a day. I may even stretch my relaxer for more than 10 weeks in the winter due to my hiding my hair.
The same. Winters here still have a little humidity in the air. The difference will be that I'll be wetting my hair in the evening and not in the mornings.
I co-wash and bun everyday in the summer. But now that winter is here I will be washing/deep conditioning and rollersetting once a week and will maintain with wrap or pin-curls during the week.
I was going to braid up but i want to use the ovation i will wear a i can use the therapy every week.and still deep con mois and seal my end.
Definitely will be using lots of castor oil, turkey red castor oil, pistachio butter, jojoba butter and olive butter.

Won't be going out with a wet head. More deep conditioning.
I usually keep my hair in twists but I up the usage of vatika oil and use heavier products, such as Qhemet and Oyin.
My regimen stays the same, except that I will cowash at nights. Last year, I did full head baggying during the winter. However, since I'll be cowashing, I don't think I'll be baggying this winter.
right now im planning on washing with wen sweet almond mint once a twice a week. i will wear braid outs and buns most of the time. i will deep condition my hair once a week as well.

but i know i get lazy so i might wash with wen once a week and deep condition and flat iron and bun.

what i do know is that my leave ins with be :
paul mitchell moisture mist
ojons mist
maybe kemi oyl conditioning spray
hydratherma naturals leave in

moisturizers will be:
shea butter
hydratherma lotion
keracare ccreme hairdress
dudleys pca

vatika frosting
maybe hydratherma.

I'm going to do braids and straight styles this year.

In the past, I have done braids and curly styles in the winter. when I wore my hair curly at night I would wash, condition and comb like I would with a wash n go and then sit under a hooded dryer until dry. then I would sleep in a bonnet and spray a light mist on it in the morning
I will keep my hair in box braids for the most part. DC twice per month, I will be using castor oil, shea butter and black soap as my staple products.

Basically K.I.S.S
I will be doing twists/twist out/braids/braid outs.
Co-washing Tues / Thurs (I do aerobics those days).
DEEP conditioning possibly 2 times a week, for SURE once a week.
Making sure I moisturize and seal my ends with my SheaCo cream every night and rebraiding/twisting (at least as a trial to see if it doesn't become too much manipluation).