Wild Growth Oil


New Member
Does anyone still use this? I am trying to kickstart my hair growing process especially on the sides of my hair which are noticeably shorter than the top and back. I am getting my hair braided on Sunday and wanted to use a growth aid while it was in braids since that is when I get the most growth. So does anyone still use this? What kind of growth are you getting? I was going to start with Megatek but I saw the Wild growth oil in Sally's and thought I would start with it. Some advice would be great about wgo's results and the best way to apply it.:drunk:
I can count on one hand the amount of people I've seen here who got growth from WGO. Most people use it to smooth their ponytails. It's also used for people who have scalp troubles like dandruff or itchy scalp.
I'd have to agree with Tiffers. I've been using it for years and haven't noticed a growth spurt. I like the way it softens the hair so that's why I use it. You may want to try the Cocasta oil from hairveda.com. Now that is one oil that I've read from several ppl that has resulted in extra growth. I just started using it myself(more for conditioning effects but growth would be nice).:yep:
i used to use WGHO before LHCF..And stopped after 3 months it thinned my edges basically i culd see through my scalp close up.but it gave me thickness and a little length not a growth spurt of length.,
But i like the way it makes my hair super soft and curly
I've used it in the past and did not notice any growth spurt. However, I was in Sally's the other day and noticed that one of the cashier's hair had grown a lot. She said that she used WGO and that I should try it. Since I'm a PJ I thought I'd give it one more shot:wallbash: Can't report anything yet until after a month or so.