
New Member
I was sittin in the living room today and my cousin said so how long do we have untill you get a relaxer and I didn't say anything I want to tell her just to leave me alone about my hair it's mine I can do what ever I want to it she was the one last time I was natural that said that don't look good on you and you don't have good hair so why are you going natural to her good hair is curly hair to me healthy hair is good hair relaxed or natural I am still transitioning 4 months in I wish I could keep it braided like I would like so don't no one have anything to say but it is hard because the braiding salon is to much and kitchen braider say my hair is to thick and want to charge me the same prices as the braiding salon
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Girl just ingnore. You are going to have to deal with people like that now that you are starting to take care of your hair. By the way what does hers look like?
Ignore her honey. You have to do what you feel is best for you hair. Everybody else may not understand it, or may not like it but it's not their hair.
Girl she is hatin'. She can't do what you do so she wants to bring you down. Girl I transitioned with braids for 2 1/2 years straight. I had this friend who knew exactly what I was doing...and she knew it was working...so she was always like "take out them braids.." "I'm tired of your braids..." Yeah *****...now whenever she sees my hair she is like :eek: "I can't beleive your hair got that long"
The biggest prob with natural hair haters is that they don't have the guts to do it themselves. When I first went natural my mother was like, "You LIKE your hair like that?" I was like yes I do very strongly. She didn't bother me too much after that. And believe me as soon as it grows out (and it will..very quickly) your cousin will be the first one talking about "I love your hair." Black folks (especially family) are so caught up in one another's hair. I guess because they think our hair defines us. When my mother first found out I cut my hair she near bout had a temper tantrum and my father in law says to my husband "Why you let her cut her hair?" As if...

I just rolled my eyes in my head as a response to all parties involved cause at the end of the day, I'm gone do me regardless..
Chemetria said:
Adrian Girl her hair is ate up her roots are thick but her ends are thin very thin

I am not suprised those are always the one's who got something to say.

Just ignore her. You can see the finished product and you know what it takes. A lot of people think like that--they don't think natural black hair is attractive if it's not a type 3. I had a few family members and my mama was doubtful of my new hair health regimen since I stopped perming every month and decided to start texlaxing every 3 months. Since they see how much healthier my hair is and how much growth I have been retaining, they pretty much don't have much to say much to me about what Im doing to my hair because it's working. So keep doing your thang and don't let no one stop you. As for the braiding salon issue, can you talk to friends and relatives to find somebody who charges less to like do yo hair at they house or somethin? I have a cousin who hooks people up for extra cash--females, dudes & kids--and she charges maybe $20-40 depending on the person and the style they want. You might also be able to find a good half-wig that blends well with your natural texture if you need a break from braids. I found a pretty wet n wavy one before and bought a good wet n wavy gel for my hair and the wig hair so that it would blend well.
That is so unfortunate that we are taught to believe that everything about us is bad or wrong. If this wasn't a public forum I would really tell you what you should be saying to them!! But, I will be a lady. No, wait. You just hold your fly head of hair high and tell them to f**k off!! Sorry!
Chemetria said:
I was sittin in the living room today and my cousin said so how long do we have untill you get a relaxer and I didn't say anything I want to tell herjust to leave me alone about my hair it's mine I can do what ever I want to it she was the one last time I was natural that said that don't look good on you and you don't have good hair so why are you going natural to her good hair is curly hair to me healthy hair is good hair relaxed or natural I am still transitioning 4 months in I wish I could keep it braided like I would like so don't no one have anything to say but it is hard because the braiding salon is to much and kitchen braider say my hair is to thick and want to charge me the same prices as the braiding salon

There you go, 'nuff said.
There is always someone who is going to try to find something wrong with you. Remember that you went natural for yourself. The best thing you can do is tell her to worry about her own hair and IGNORE her.You handled it well and for the next time remember to hold your head up high. Don't yell, don't scream, don't shout, remember to have dignity. I've been where you are I know. And best of all when your hair starts growing long, thick, and big, it will speak for itself.

If you want to learn how to braid your own hair you can go to http://www.growafrohairlong.com to learn how. There is a video there to teach you. And if I were you I would search lhcf on any and everything that had to do with transitioning. Hope that helps. :)
Just try to stay focussed on achieving your goal. I know it can be hard. I first bc'd in 2005. I was doing just fine until my mother saw it. I could tell that she really did not like me being natural, she didn't say anything but you know it was just how she looked at me, almost like she was very disappointed. A month later I relaxed again. It took awhile for me to get the connection. I bc'd again last March 2006 so now I am almost 15 months natural and I cannot believe how thick and pretty my hair is, now people look at me like WOW. Now I don't care what my mom thinks either. I will see her in about two months and this time I am ready. She will probably say oooh if you pressed it would be so long, but I don't care anymore.

I am so happy being natural. The early stage is the hardest, adjusting to the change, getting stronger. You can do it, stick it out. I am so happy I don't need touch ups, so happy my hair just grows and grows without any breakage, so happy I don't need a stylist, it is very freeing to be natural. You can do it, just ignore your cousin, like everyone said in a year or two she will be staring at your hair wondering how she can look as cute as you:grin:.
I've only got one thing to say:


They see that you're doing things that are unconventional, different, and they don't like it!!!