Why is this?


Well-Known Member
OKay, now I know that there are exceptions to the rule, but I gotta ask. How come some black women can maybe wash their about 2x a month and still have healthy long hair? I have a coworker who gets her hair done about every 2-3 weeks and doesn't wash her hair in between hair visits. SHe has a beautiful head of long black relaxed hair (minus occasional danruff at times). She told me that she never washes her hair but relies on a beautician to do it. She usually wears spiral roller sets. She uses spritz to keep her curls in places but never puts oils on her hair she says. I wanna know, why is this method working for her and do you know of other black women who follow this routine?
One of my close friends has really long and beautiful hair. Her routine is basically, wash every few weeks, pile on grease on hair and scalp, use HIGH heat on her hair when she gets it pressed, never covering her hair at night, and I can't even describe the way she combs her hair
Nevertheless, her hair grows really fast and her curls are really healthy looking. She can usually grow her hair long, around bra-strap but then ends up having to trim because she get's really bad split ends. But it just grows back so fast.
Now Girl,

You got me. I know people like this also. One of my mother's friend washes her hair once a month. (Just thinking of that my scalp itch). Yet, she has always had beautiful hair. I don't understand it, but neither would I want to touch that dirty hair.
I'm not going to lie,, i was an every 2 week washer myself!

I never had any real problems with my hair, a bad relaxer at the salon called quits to my hair bliss... but anyway...i dont think i'd go back to washing every two weeks, but i'm currently washing my hair 1x weekly and keeping it in cornrows in between. Its working fine.

I have always been amazed with women who have less than stellar hair practices and the most gorgeous hair!!
I was a every two week washer during my freshmen year in high school. Then I changed to every week. It is possible to go two weeks without washing and not have yucky feeling hair. It is all in the products that is used on it. I only put hair grease on my scalp. I used a cream moisturizer on the length, I flat ironed once or twice a week, and I wore something on my head at night, every night. Amazingly my hair grew so fast and was so thick. I also used to get french buns with pin curls and wear it for three and four weeks at time. My hair wouid be so hard with gel and spritz that it would take 3-4 shampoos with sauve just to get it all out.

Now that I look back on it, I wonder why my hair grew so fast?

I mean I only went to a stylist for touch ups and a style every now and then. The stylist wasn't even liscensed he was just good at doing hair. He was not scissor happy though. Unless you already came to him with a short hair cut, he wouldn't cut it down for you. He would cut if your hair was irrepairably damaged. Just typing all of this out makes me want to go back to my old regimen just to see if my hair would grow any faster.
For those ladies who used to wash every 2 weeks, who now wash at least once a week, what changes have you noticed to your hair and scalp? Thanks in advance for your responses!
I was once a two week washer, maybe even longer, but I always sometimes left my hair in a wrap, and my hair grow. I think it depends on how much you do to your hair. I know now that I would not want to go that long again,

1. because I like washing a nd doin my hair now
2. Your hair starts to stank after the first week
For those ladies who used to wash every 2 weeks, who now wash at least once a week, what changes have you noticed to your hair and scalp? Thanks in advance for your responses!

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For real, for real
I think now my scalp is more dry, being that I am not caking grease on my scalp to stop the dandruff, but that could be due to the fact that I am not even greasin my scalp now, because of the constant washin
I used to be a bi-weekly washer too! My hair still grew, but now that I wash twice a week, I really don't have to put anything on my scalp and I don't get any breakage. Washing more, especially with conditioner washes has been much better for me.
I was thinking about this other day, because it seems like whenever someone tells a story here of a woman with long hair, its seems like its gotten by almost absurd means (either crazy diet/supplement, or extremely minimal routine). I just remind myself that for all the ladies that can grow their hair long in this way, there are scores more than use that type of regime and have broken, shorter hair. Genes does play a factor in the strength and resiliency of some peoples hair (REGARDLESS of race/ethnicity). However, everyone can grow their hair longer. Some of us just have to work a little harder at it
but it doesn't mean it can't be done.
I wanna know, why is this method working for her and do you know of other black women who follow this routine?

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Most of the women in my family are the every two week shampoo/nightly grease the scalp types. They all have bra-strap or longer hair.

I'm the psycho who wets her hair every day.
They think the idea of a 'hair care regime' is very humorous...

All I can say is the standard phrase, "What works for one might not work for another".
I also use to wash my hair every 2 weeks or longer and I did notice that my hair was drier then usual and I had split ends bad.
Now that I wash my hair 2 times a week along with my co washes my hair has grown a lot and it is really healthy.
i have heard of many other sis. that say the same thing. that they do not do their own hair they let the beautician do it every 2 weeks. To me thats all nice and all but you gotta have money and its kinda lazy to me cause when i would have a hairstyle that i did myself they would like it and ask me bout it and i'd tell them but then they get like "Girl, naw i let my beautician do it" kinda attitude and im like,. weeellll hmf oh well then i told y a how but they dont wanna listen so oh well. They can keep on spending all that money. But as for that lady u talkin bout her beautician must be doing a good job if she is gettin longer hair as she goes. That seems to be a rarity that u dont hear often. LOL
I am somewhat like that. I am not afraid of spritz, and I love it for my curls. I'm not afraid of grease either, and I use it on my scalp too.
When I was younger, my mother washed my hair like once a month or once every two months, and my hair was very long back then. I have a weave in my hair, and I admit that I don't plan on washing my hair until I take the weave out, for fear of messing it up. I'm not leaving it in longer than 4 weeks though.
W/me, now i can go prolly back to every 2 weeks. I run my fingers through my hair and my hair is not dirty, course lil parts of the bobby pins are in there because of the chemicals that it sits in w/the stuff i put in my hair that takes the coating off, but other than that all that comes out of my hair is shiny stuff, a lil greasy thats cause of the grease i put on my hair. I'm now using water and oil spray, jam(regular kind, clearish orangish), s-curl on the back, sulpher 8 on my scalp and black and Sassy hair grease(its yellow grease that smells like bananas LOL) thats it. After reading another person's post about how she does similar but uses creme on her length i might try that later, but right now i like this cause its kinda simple and my hair is MUCH more moisturized. :^D
I used to wash my hair anywhere from every one to every two weeks. Now, I am washing every 4 or 5 days. The difference is that my hair is not dry and brittle which has reduced the breakage. Also, my hair is healthier looking.
I have a niece that gets her hair pressed once a month and it's thick and bra strap length and healthy. Her mother has done her hair this way since she was 6. I think it's the basic consistency in the care. If we would stop doing so much to our hair and leave it alone - I think we could easily achieve the same. Do our regimens consistently and stop trying to wear the latest hairstyle and color all the time.
OKay, now I know that there are exceptions to the rule, but I gotta ask. How come some black women can maybe wash their about 2x a month and still have healthy long hair? I have a coworker who gets her hair done about every 2-3 weeks and doesn't wash her hair in between hair visits. SHe has a beautiful head of long black relaxed hair (minus occasional danruff at times). She told me that she never washes her hair but relies on a beautician to do it. She usually wears spiral roller sets. She uses spritz to keep her curls in places but never puts oils on her hair she says. I wanna know, why is this method working for her and do you know of other black women who follow this routine?

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Yes! I know lots of girls like this too. One of my friends has b/s hair and she has a relaxer and even presses her roots!
She only washes every two weeks when she visits the shop. But she did use braids to grow her hair long off and on. But she couldnt even put her hair in a neat pony tail by herself. AND her hair is very thick and healthy.

Before I found LCHF I didnt wash my hair a lot either but since I have found this board I wash it about 2x a week. I can see the difference in growth and it will DO what I want it to do when it is clean. There is nothing I can do with dirty hair
It still amazes me though. Now that I have gotten used to washing weekly, my scalp starts itching like crazy after the 5th day and I have to go ahead and wash it. Plus my sensitive skin can't take going longer than a week without washing.
OKay, now I know that there are exceptions to the rule, but I gotta ask. How come some black women can maybe wash their about 2x a month and still have healthy long hair? I have a coworker who gets her hair done about every 2-3 weeks and doesn't wash her hair in between hair visits. SHe has a beautiful head of long black relaxed hair (minus occasional danruff at times). She told me that she never washes her hair but relies on a beautician to do it. She usually wears spiral roller sets. She uses spritz to keep her curls in places but never puts oils on her hair she says. I wanna know, why is this method working for her and do you know of other black women who follow this routine?

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When I grew my hair past shoulder I didn't even wash but maybe every 3 weeks. I didn't put any thing on it. I didn't comb it. I just really neglected it and it grew about 4 inches past my shoulders. It started at chin length.

The only difference now is I want clean hair that is healthy and vibrant so I have become a daily washer. My hair loves it.
OKay, now I know that there are exceptions to the rule, but I gotta ask. How come some black women can maybe wash their about 2x a month and still have healthy long hair? I have a coworker who gets her hair done about every 2-3 weeks and doesn't wash her hair in between hair visits. SHe has a beautiful head of long black relaxed hair (minus occasional danruff at times). She told me that she never washes her hair but relies on a beautician to do it. She usually wears spiral roller sets. She uses spritz to keep her curls in places but never puts oils on her hair she says. I wanna know, why is this method working for her and do you know of other black women who follow this routine?

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I could be wrong but it could be because they all sound like they are leaving their hair alone. I've known women like this and they pretty much are not manipulating it.

The second answer is.....some people just have it like that. I have a friend (hate her, j/k) who goes to bed with makeup on, bad habits like that, skin is FLAWLESS!!! So sometimes it's just the luck of the draw.
There is a new nurse on my floor who has really nice super thick hair that falls a few inches shy of her waist. She told me that she goes to the salon once a month or every two months to wash it and relaxes once or twice a year. She never does her own hair. She said that if she washes her hair more often it will tangle and break off. She is taking the "leave your hair alone" thing to a new level. My best friend is like this. She never does her own hair. I think that is the reason they are able to get away with it. Sometimes doing too much to the hair is also bad. I know that since I have begun daily CO, I get a lot of little hairs that I accidentally snap off in the wash. They add up. Yet, my scalp will LITERALLY crust over if I leave it for a whole month. Some people are just lucky.
"If we would stop doing so much to our hair and leave it alone - I think we could easily achieve the same. Do our regimens consistently and stop trying to wear the latest hairstyle and color all the time. "

I agree! As a natural, the more I mess with my hair, the more opportunities i get to break it

When my hair was relaxed and i used to set it almost every night, I ended up washing it every week anyway, but I didn't manipulate it much-had the same styles all the time (in curls or in a ponytail) and it was fine. When I tried something new like bantu knosts or something, my hair would break.

My mom had an even lower maintenace routine. I remember years ago, she said specifically, the longer she leaves it dirty/the more she ignores it, the better and faster it grows (and she always had long hair...bra-strapish). She said that if she suddenly started taking care of it, it would probably all drop out from shock!
But in recent years she has been trying all sorts of new things, going to stylists etc. and her hair got and stayed shorter (stays shoulder-length)
My hair does that. I used to wash it 3 times a week when my hair was shorter, but I used to be a 3-4 week washer and was doing great if I washed my hair once a week.

My hair grew and grew and grew. But my hair grows no matter what. I take better care of it now, and it just looks even better. I have gone back to washing my hair once a week. But I put it off sometimes because sometimes I just don't feel like washing it and can't afford (or want to for that matter) to go to a hairdresser.

My hair still grows and gets few split ends. Not bad.
I confess once in high school I washed my hair after a relaxer and washed it again when I got the next touch up-at least 8 weeks later. YUCK. I was every two weeks then once a week and now its twice a week.
I've been CO washing for years, it's the only way I can detangle and style my hair (bun). Until recently, I lacked the daily moisture aspect of my regime. But even though I love my CO wash and daily mositurizing it's still daily manipulation at least 2x day (I can't sleep with my hair in a bun). I'm now considering a "winter-leave-it-alone routine" while still maintaining my weekly wash, deep-conditioning and daily moisture to see what kind of length I can obtain. Hmmmm sounds like a new challenge.
When I had relaxed hair about 3 years ago, it was past my bra strap. I would only roller-set to straighten it, only touch up with a curling iron. The roller set would start to annoy me after about 4 days. Then I would give my hair a straigtening break, and rinse every day. The thing with me that matters most of all I think is that I wear my hair back in a bun or ponytail all the time. Often times, it meant that my hair would NEVER dry. While it sounds funky, his is when it grew the fastest. But no matter if I was straightening or scrunching, I would lay off the shampoo until a full week had gone by.

I would also only use light oils on the end length of my hair, and I found the less I used, the longer the set lasted (I would wrap my hair up religiously at night too).