Which one of these vitamins are the best


New Member
Right now I've been taking Nioxin recharging complex for two weeks one tablet a day but I would like to know if any of these vitamns are better, I'm desperate to stop the shedding of my hair and grow it but I'm interested more in the thickness rather than the growth.
Please vote for one of the following:

1. Hir energizer vitamins
2. Nourish
3. Nioxin
4. HF37

Here is a link for all these products: http://www.hairenergizer.com/Hair-Growth-s/1.htm
I'm not sure about the vitamins but if you want to stop shedding, you should try Queen Helene Garlic Shampoo. Also some of the other ladies here are making homemade garlic treatments with olive oil and garlic cloves, minced garlic, or garlic powder. Hope this helps.
I used to take Nioxin when it was in the brown bottle. When they changed the formula (blue bottle) it did nothing for me. I was so upset I called the company. I recently went through a terrible breakout when I started using HSN again, enough to make me throw them away. Now I'm sticking to improving my diet and drinking more water.
Looking at the hair energizer super vitamins in that link sounds promising for hair loss, I would love to hear form anyone who tried before buying it.