What led to this growth


New Member
I am using, nioxin, 5000mg of biotin, twice a day, plus mtg and black castor oil, with since October 15. I didnt get to measure my growth but the root came in so thick that about half inch at the root felt matted below my cornrows. when i pulled out the cornrows, it was so thick at roots, that I had to compare. A month ago i was complaining about hair loss. my hair thinned out below the cornrows. I was afraid of losing so much hair. I couldnt decided if maybe the msm made my hair grew straighter or if it was really thinning. Well I stepped up my game on the vitamins, and did a detox and voila, the roots feel like a mop.

Was it the mtg, the castor oil or the vitamins. this is the problem with using so many products. When my mom came in october she kept commenting how thin my hair was. i was thinking, whats the point of growing it if its gonna be thin. I also had the bald spot. now everywhere on my scalp is sprouting hair. This is the first time i have taken so much biotin. my eyebrows, i have to pluck daily.
It's hard to tell which supplements/products produce growth in different people. However, if you're experiencing growth other than on your head, the likely culprit is biotin.
All of those ARE great for hair growth. It maybe the topical aids, the vits may take a lil longer to kick start but then again you could be one of those that react real quick to supplements. Other need 3 months minimum.

I got fast growth from MTG thickness too. Castor Oil will thicken up your hair. Biotin will cause fast growth as will Nioxin.

Girl keep it all. If it ain't broke. Take some pics then compare a few months down the line. You could have the magic combo right there.

I use all those you just mentioned. Congrats and good luck.
I should say that I have always been taking vits, for about 5 or 6 years. it was gnc horsepill and the usual oils. What i did oct 15 was to switch to gnc hair and nails which has 2500 mg of biotin and increased my dosage to twice a day. I also added nioxin and took that twice a day.
zailless said:
I am using, nioxin, 5000mg of biotin, twice a day, plus mtg and black castor oil, with since October 15. I didnt get to measure my growth but the root came in so thick that about half inch at the root felt matted below my cornrows. when i pulled out the cornrows, it was so thick at roots, that I had to compare. A month ago i was complaining about hair loss. my hair thinned out below the cornrows. I was afraid of losing so much hair. I couldnt decided if maybe the msm made my hair grew straighter or if it was really thinning. Well I stepped up my game on the vitamins, and did a detox and voila, the roots feel like a mop.

Was it the mtg, the castor oil or the vitamins. this is the problem with using so many products. When my mom came in october she kept commenting how thin my hair was. i was thinking, whats the point of growing it if its gonna be thin. I also had the bald spot. now everywhere on my scalp is sprouting hair. This is the first time i have taken so much biotin. my eyebrows, i have to pluck daily.

I think it could be the nioxin and the biotin...how many nioxin pills are you taking...when I started taking the 5000 biotin. I started getting hair under my chin about 1 inch long:p

*ok, I read the thread and you do take 2 pills twice a day so I think it's both pills working together although biotin aint no joke also* especially 5mcgs.
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shimz said:
Hey LondonDiva,

May I ask where you get nioxin and biotin in the uk...?tia :)

I ordered them both from overseas.

The Biotin is a brand called Freeda koshervitamins.com I ordered the 250 quantity @ 10mg each for about $50 that should last most of the year with 1 taken daily

The Nioxin I have always gotten on ebay
tsmith said:
I think it could be the nioxin and the biotin...how many nioxin pills are you taking...when I started taking the 5000 biotin. I started getting hair under my chin about 1 inch long:p

*ok, I read the thread and you do take 2 pills twice a day so I think it's both pills working together although biotin aint no joke also* especially 5mcgs.

I take the nioxin twice per day. I think it takes time to find out whether you get more inches, like about 3 or so months because right now i cant tell, because i didnt measure. its hard to measure natural hair. so if i got .75 inches in growth i wouldnt be able to tell unless a few months pass when i can see a full inch extra.