What is Megatek?


New Member
I have been wondering about this product cause I see alot on boards and i read good things about. Is it like a reconstructor or can it be used to deep condition your hair? How do you normally use it? I have been having some breakage issues lately. My hair tends to be extremely soft and silky but it breaks off so easily. It almost feels mushy when it's wet. I need a product with more protein and I was considering trying Megatek but I wanted to know more about it first.
If you do a search, you'll find literally hundreds of threads to explain what Megatek is. If you don't want to search you can look in the Challenges sticky and there is one (or more) for the MT/OCT challenge. Tons of information. HHG
You should go to www.eqyss.com or www.ovationhair.com and you can get good info and prices also do a search on the LHCF Google searchbar and it will lead you to all the juicy threads about how it works, how people use it and etc....I'm gonna buy me a bottle really soon of the MegaTek I hear Ovation Cell Therapy is the same thing just a bit more expensive :) HTH!
Use the links the guys posted above to get all the info you want and more. Yes it is a protein treatment, but most people use it as a growth aid and put it directly on their scalp.
You've been here from 2007 and just hearing about the Megatek?
Megatek's the whole reason I joined this forum. :grin:

There are tons of threads devoted to Megatek. A quick search will give you Megatek overload. Trust me.
Well I been signed up since 2007 but i am just now participating since december 2008. Megatek seems like it is a good product from what i heard and research but it is extremely expensive ($29.95) I can't affod that. Is there any other good conditioners with good protein that is a little easier on the pockets.
Well I been signed up since 2007 but i am just now participating since december 2008. Megatek seems like it is a good product from what i heard and research but it is extremely expensive ($29.95) I can't affod that. Is there any other good conditioners with good protein that is a little easier on the pockets.

It is a bit expensive, but depending on how you use it, it will last a long time, which sort of defrays the cost. I use mine mainly as a scalp treatment (although I did use it as a mid-step protein with my touch-up today) 3-4 times a week, and so far it is getting the job done (my t/u was at least two weeks early because of new growth). Also, if you are in an area that has a feed store or something like that, then you can buy it direct and not have to worry about shipping charges. I did.