What Does "Burning" Mean to You? Relaxer Question


Well-Known Member
When you say that you haven't burned during your relaxer, does that mean you haven't felt a tingling, heat sensation toward the end of your processing, or does that mean you don't have scars, marks, scabs, or hair stuck to your scalp?

When I relax, I usually don't have scars or wounds, but I do experience the heat and irritation associated with the chemical process, although I technically don't burn. Is this still burning?

Just curious on what constitutes burning.
For me, if I feel heat or if I feel any tingling, that means I'm going to be in serious trouble. If I don't feel those things, then its all good. I've never had one without the other.

Arcadian said:
For me, if I feel heat or if I feel any tingling, that means I'm going to be in serious trouble. If I don't feel those things, then its all good. I've never had one without the other.


I agree, I don't having any burning or tingling sensations when I relax.
now how is it possible that you don't have any burning or tingling. i haven't had a relax in a little while, but any time i did it would always burn, not as in scabs and wounded, but very uncomfortable.
well the tingling/heat sensation you are referring to is usually the predecessor for burning which leads to wounds/scars.....if I start to feel tingling its time for me to rinse out whether it is completely straightened or not. I would rather have slightly underprocessed hair than bald spots.....
aloha_bef said:
now how is it possible that you don't have any burning or tingling. i haven't had a relax in a little while, but any time i did it would always burn, not as in scabs and wounded, but very uncomfortable.

I only leave the relaxer on, at the most, 5 mins.
When i say my relaxer burned.... i am talking about the feeling of a tingling sensation. Understand that my relaxer can burn while processing. and then i find out that i have not suffered any actual chemical burns (yet), because i listened to my scalp and immediately rinsed....
I agree that the irritation means it's time to rinse. I find it interesting that everytime I get my hair relaxed, self or salon, I experience discomfort, and I've been doing this for years. I base really well, and it still happens and I've tried a number of brands over the years. I'm with aloha_bef in that I question the impossibility of "burning" when a harsh chemical is applied to the hair and, consequently, the scalp.
When i say my relaxer burned.... i am talking about the feeling of a tingling sensation. Understand that my relaxer can burn while processing. and then i find out that i have not suffered any actual chemical burns (yet), because i listened to my scalp and immediately rinsed....
aloha_bef said:
now how is it possible that you don't have any burning or tingling. i haven't had a relax in a little while, but any time i did it would always burn, not as in scabs and wounded, but very uncomfortable.

Aside from phyto, other relaxers I've had the burning/tingling sesations and yeah my scalp would be tore up. (especially true with lye relaxers which is why I don't bother with them anymore)

I used to use AtOne for sensitive scalps and would occassionally get burns after 20 or so minutes. Sure you have to pay attention to your scalp and how it feels, and at the first sign of tingling its time to rinse! even then I've had underprocessed hair and scalp burns....neither one being very comfortable.

I've had phyto Index 2 on my head for more than 30 minutes and never burned. Why? dunno! but its the one relaxer I've had that type of success with. For me its never been uncomfortable either. (not that I totally understand why but I sure and grateful for it!!)

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I don't experience tingles, heat sensations, scars, marks, scabs, or hair stuck to my scalp either. I use a mild relaxer, and I don't strive for bone straight hair.

I don't irritate my scalp by scratching or washing the day before. I lightly oil my scalp a few days before relaxing, and then I base with vaseline just before relaxing.

I used to get burns when I had a dry itchy scalp in the past and used regular strength relaxers.
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To me, burning is when you have scalp damage afterwards. I've come to accept the hot tingling sensation as part of the relaxing process, and a couple of hours after washing out my scalp feels normal again. That I don't think is a burn, but if it tingles and hurts, then I'm getting burned.
burning means = get this joker OFF NOW!!!

I've had too many experiences with this dealing with lye relaxers and I'm surprised I still have hair and a scalp. Now with no lye- I don't burn and the tingle doesn't start until it's officially time to rinse anyway. So it is a much better option for me + my hair doesn't come out underprocessed and like straw. I don't do burns anymore - It's just not good.
Before I started self relaxing I thought I always had to burn and get a few scabs. Now I know that's not true!!! When I felt burning I knew a scab would be coming. I just finished a 14 wk stretch and relaxed with SE regular lye. I based my scalp very carefully with Blue Magic and after 17 minutes no tingle no burn just the cool relaxer on my scalp:)