Wash and go puffs are dangerous!!!!


at least for me. Since about last saturday i have been wearing a wash/rinse and go puff no detangling after the initial wash just rinse pull back spray w/ moisturizer and protien spray. Well the incompletely shed hairs made naps hanging at the end of my hairs and the protien made my hair hard and dry thats a deadly combo. today i did a clarifying wash which made my hair dryer and then used NTM as a deep conditioner. I have so much hair that needed to shed but ended up tangled at the very ends of my hair. I am afraid this is going to lead to a major trim. I dont have time to deal with it now so i left the conditioner in put my hair in a pony and will wear a wig. I hope i dont loose too much when i try to detangle. Rather than try to fight the tangles with a comb i might just try to get the tangle/knotted unshed hair as close to the ends as possible then trim. Better to do that than damage it with a comb pulling and ripping my hairs off, that would just lead to split ends.

---give a sista some suggestions

once my MTG arrives i will measure take pics cornrow and hide my hair away under a wig for the summer
i dont want to fall into my past history of self induced hair damage ever again

gnarled unshed hairs hanging on to the ends


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LAMO @ dangerous, I thought you were gonna say that some lady almost took your eye out!!!

But umm, I think with the wash and go you reeeeally need moisture, also, some ladies may not do this, but I'd comb my hair in the shower and then put the moisturizing products in (like your oils), pin it up and get out, emphasizing the combing part. :)

Maybe that might help.
I think the problem you're having is coming from not detangling your hair....

Chicoro gave me a good tip about this. You should detangle your hair in 4-6 sections one by one. Check out her album for more details. ;)

Take your time with your hair...especially as a natural head.
i know i'm so bad the detanglangling or lack there of could be my undoing

Slackers poem (in olde English)
oh detangling comb why have i forsaken you
wilst thou take me back
wilt thou help my strands in a time of need?
surely you remember the times of happiness
become my friend anew,
for i am in deed in need
-the end
msportugal said:
i know i'm so bad the detanglangling or lack there of could be my undoing

Slackers poem (in olde English)
oh detangling comb why have i forsaken you
wilst thou take me back
wilt thou help my strands in a time of need?
surely you remember the times of happiness
become my friend anew,
for i am in deed in need
-the end
:lachen: Cute poem!!! You're so silly!!! :lol:
If you don't want to trim it, I suggest that you take each tangled section and gently pull each strand to get it out from underneath the shed hair that is tangled at the end. That's what I do but I don't have it all over like you're indicating. Mine happens sometimes.

You MUST detangle.
MsP!! Why in the world did you not detangle missy!!! You know a wash and go is not literally wash and go!!! You still gotta do somethin!! I always detangle with conditioner in, wash that out and THEN go! You can't just wash, pull, and go girl!!! shame shame!! hahaha
I agree w/ hat everyone else has said about detangling. :yep: It's crucial! I comb through my hair in the shower w/ the conditioner in, then let the water run over it so the curls come back together for my puff. If you don't detangle, it's literally can be disasterous. :nono:
I think you did the right thing by putting moisturizing conditioner on it
and leaving it alone... for now. I find my hair is much easier to work with when its hydrated. If you need more moisture ... so far Suave Biobasics conditioner with honey (probably about a tsp-tbsp worth to a quarter cup conditioner) and let it sit .. .like a pre poo for a couple of hours.

Next... I would do like Poohbear suggested and detangle in sections... I tend to get in the shower and detangle under the shower stream.... make sure you detangle the whole length of your hair and comb all the way down to the root.

You might want to detangle first with fingers (I usually do this outside of the shower) ... then detangle with a wide toothed comb (under the shower)... and finally, comb with a med toothed comb. (that's my routine...and its working well since my big tangling fiasco a few weeks ago). Hope that helps.
ThursdayGirl said:
I think you did the right thing by putting moisturizing conditioner on it
and leaving it alone... for now. I find my hair is much easier to work with when its hydrated. If you need more moisture ... so far Suave Biobasics conditioner with honey (probably about a tsp-tbsp worth to a quarter cup conditioner) and let it sit .. .like a pre poo for a couple of hours.

Next... I would do like Poohbear suggested and detangle in sections... I tend to get in the shower and detangle under the shower stream.... make sure you detangle the whole length of your hair and comb all the way down to the root.

You might want to detangle first with fingers (I usually do this outside of the shower) ... then detangle with a wide toothed comb (under the shower)... and finally, comb with a med toothed comb. (that's my routine...and its working well since my big tangling fiasco a few weeks ago). Hope that helps.

In addition to the conditioner w/honey- I'd suggest spraying you hair with a detangler--In these types of siturations I use Surge and/or MnT detangler. Don't forget to have patience with you hair--its very crucial!!!:) This situation has happened to me often.
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
msportugal said:
i know i'm so bad the detanglangling or lack there of could be my undoing

Slackers poem (in olde English)
oh detangling comb why have i forsaken you
wilst thou take me back
wilt thou help my strands in a time of need?
surely you remember the times of happiness
become my friend anew,
for i am in deed in need
-the end
As far as the knots you have now, get yourself a K Cutter. With this comb, no knot is impossible. I detangle in 14 sections using a mix of water and kenra conditioner.
naptrl said:
MsP!! Why in the world did you not detangle missy!!! You know a wash and go is not literally wash and go!!! You still gotta do somethin!! I always detangle with conditioner in, wash that out and THEN go! You can't just wash, pull, and go girl!!! shame shame!! hahaha

I always detangle with conditioner rinse and then go. You gotta fit that detangling in somewhere in the process before the "go" part :)
I agree with everyone else. I put my conditioner on, let it sit for a few minutes then detangle section by section everytime I con. wash. I tried to not detangle everytime thinking that it would decrease shedding but it did not work out at all. My tangles come back with vengeance when I don't detangle every time.
:whyme: :whyme: :whyme:
alas i hath taken a tounge lashing from those i luv most :spank:
oh sisters of the k-kutter clan please dont disown me:spank:
for i know the ways of detangling but in my joy to get up and go
my common sense got up and went.
i will now journey into the water closet to do battle with mine own hairs and hands
if i dont make it back spread the spoils between those who cared enough to post
there will be a box of 3unopened containers of Shapley's MTG on my front porch :bud:
It could be the protein. I don't use protein daily--I think it would cause dryness. What products are you using? Maybe you need something more moisturizing.

I'm gonna be honest, I haven't detangled my hair in the last week either :sekret: But I've been doing con washes about every other day with elucence conditioner (very moisturizing), and using giovanni direct leave-in followed by something to seal in the moisture--usually an oil or some vo5 hairdressing, although today I used a little qp mango butter and it worked well.
Maybe you could try something like an oil or serum to smooth the cuticle after moisturizing. I don't know, I'm just throwing stuff out there.
But anyway I haven't been combing much (usually just on the weekends when I have my big wash day) and my hair isn't tangled. Come to think of it, it's sort of miraculous how my hair seems to stay tangle-free lately...I really think it's about being well moisturized :yep:
msportugal said:
:whyme: :whyme: :whyme:
alas i hath taken a tounge lashing from those i luv most :spank:
oh sisters of the k-kutter clan please dont disown me:spank:
for i know the ways of detangling but in my joy to get up and go
my common sense got up and went.
i will now journey into the water closet to do battle with mine own hairs and hands
if i dont make it back spread the spoils between those who cared enough to post
there will be a box of 3unopened containers of Shapley's MTG on my front porch :bud:

LOL...you are so funny!
ok ladies i'm back, i fought the tangles and I won no MTG for you guys to split
i left the NTM deep in for my whole work day then i took the pony tail down
i had on a wig all day, got my water bottle, my big orange wide tooth comb, and
my ace unbreakable comb and went to work I:

sectioned off hair
sprayed with water to turn the conditioner dust/crumbs back into a liquid
wide tooth combed
remove tangles with fingers
wide end of the ace comb
remove tangles with fingers
fine end of the ace comb
remove with fingers down to the last hair
snip single hair with super resistant tangle/know with shears

i didnt loose very much see, beware it looks like chest taco meat LOL


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msportugal said:
ok ladies i'm back, i fought the tangles and I won no MTG for you guys to split
i left the NTM deep in for my whole work day then i took the pony tail down
i had on a wig all day, got my water bottle, my big orange wide tooth comb, and
my ace unbreakable comb and went to work I:

sectioned off hair
sprayed with water to turn the conditioner dust/crumbs back into a liquid
wide tooth combed
remove tangles with fingers
wide end of the ace comb
remove tangles with fingers
fine end of the ace comb
remove with fingers down to the last hair
snip single hair with super resistant tangle/know with shears

i didnt loose very much see, beware it looks like chest taco meat LOL

Are those broken teeth in that comb?? :naughty:
BlackCardinal said:
Are those broken teeth in that comb?? :naughty:

yes, they are broken teeth but this comb is as old as dirt and i didnt
loose any teeth in this battle LOL

---I also edited my initial post to show the tangles/naps that i battled
ok my moisture level seems to be back on point i've been sleeping with a cap and oil at night.

how come i ran up on the UPS man today thinking my MTG arrived and it was something else YALL R SOME ENABLERS
msportugal said:
i know i'm so bad the detanglangling or lack there of could be my undoing

Slackers poem (in olde English)
oh detangling comb why have i forsaken you
wilst thou take me back
wilt thou help my strands in a time of need?
surely you remember the times of happiness
become my friend anew,
for i am in deed in need
-the end

ha! im feeling the poem! i left my beloved k-cutter alone for a spell and my hair was a hot mess!! cop some DDTA and get to work!