Vacation Hair


New Member
Hey you all! :D

I am going on vacation on Aug. 8 and I would have just taken out my weave that i have been wearing for a month. Then at the end of Aug. I plan on getting my hair reweaved for school so it can be fresh.

I need a style to wear while on vacation for a week. Protective so my hair is not exposed.

How do you ladies wear you hair on vacation?

My hair type is 4a/3c relaxed 80%
If it's hot and humid, I like to wear my hair in a protective style (buns, single braid, two braids or just a French twist). If the weather is nice and not humid, I like to wear it down at times.
I was thinking of getting a phony pony. I dont want to have to do my hair, I want fake hair somewhere up in there so I dont have to worry bout my hair till i get home.