Question Username Change


New Member
I attempted to change my username awhile ago but changed my mind at the last minute after a mod contacted me. Now I'm wanting to change it again but when I go to the username request under user cp and type in the name, it says:
Rule Violation: The username that you have submitted violates one of the Username Rules that the administrator has specified.
The name I chose was 4 letters like the one I have now. Am I doing something wrong?

The minimum length for a username is 3 characters and the maximum 25. Also the username must consist of aphanumeric characters. I know that some members were very creative with special characters in their names (like little hearts etc.) but that was causing problems with our database and search.

If again you are having problems, please open a ticket in the support area (my siggie or Contact Us link top right) and we will sort it out there :)