Ultra Black Hair (UBH) - Site Update

I got this from BHM, this girl met Cathy and took a pic with her recently. Does this not look like the same women or is it just me. I noticed this when I was looking at her progress pics on her site too. Cathy is on the right.



The pic looks like her to me!
I got this from BHM, this girl met Cathy and took a pic with her recently. Does this not look like the same women or is it just me. I noticed this when I was looking at her progress pics on her site too. Cathy is on the right.



Her hair looks nice and thick here.

I am not mad at her for doing her thang. Obviously she care about hair just like we all do.

I just don't like her "I am it" attitude. That goes against averything I think we believe in here on LHCF. You do have options and there is more than one way, product, method, etc.

For that reason, I lost respect for her. She could be a really nice person, but I get the impression that she is now based on her responses. I don't try her products or pay attention to her advice for those reasons.

I stick with the love from LHCF.
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I was looking at the skeptics section and found this:

16. I just wanted to share a chuckle with you, I participate on a Hair Forum "Long Hair Care Forum" Well from time to time "Cathy Howse" comes up and of course there are mixed reviews but some of the negative things people say are so stupid. Anyway, I am always advocating you and they said that I must be a "spy" for you. I think it's funny that people will do and say anything, rather than to give people the recognition that they are due. I'm a pastor's wife so I'm so used to this. Well This young lady came to me at church in the bathroom and she said "Miss your hair is so pretty and long what do you do or has it always been long" I told her the story of the evil hearted hairdresser that cut 6 inches off my hair and how I found your book, conditioner and dew I asked if she heard of you and she said no. It's surprising to hear that so many people have not heard. Well I ordered more dew the other day and the Lord put on my heart to give her my book, now for me that was like asking Abraham to slay Issac, I'm like my book?!?!? LOL Well I have personal ties to that book so, when I ordered my dew I ordered her a book. So she can have her own brand new copy. Sometimes we don't like to share with others we want to keep good things to ourselves, (not tell our secrets) but you really need to be exposed as much as possible, so everytime someone asks, I tell them UBH and give them the site address. Word of mouth is it.

Back to the forum, this woman said well, "I would never use her stuff, because of her attitude when answering questions." I said well that's kinda like not buying toothpaste to prove a point, You NEED the toothpaste, the toothpaste does'nt need YOU. I think I got people kinda hot over there.. Oh well. I'm glad that I gave it try, amid all the negative comments. Sorry, did'nt mean to write a book here.
"I'd also like to comment about some of the negative remarks I've read about your hair care techniques. I enjoy reading books about black history makers -- King, Tubman, Robinson, Dubois --the list goes on and on. The one thing all of these great men and women had in common was people who would tear them down. So please just ignore the haters and keep on stepping up. Thanks for putting in the hard work on behalf of sisters every where and I wish you much continued success."

God needed a big mouth messenger who is not afraid of a billion dollar industry of crooks! I am guided by my creator and I will die defending the cause and right of the black women who want to wear their own hair!!!! Thank you for helping continue spread the word. You know we were warned that the truth will fall on deaf ears. Many years later this lady will look back and realize you had the truth!
Okay, see, I had to comment on this mess here.........

mnemosyne said:
I was looking at the skeptics section and found this:

16. I just wanted to share a chuckle with you, I participate on a Hair Forum "Long Hair Care Forum" Well from time to time "Cathy Howse" comes up and of course there are mixed reviews but some of the negative things people say are so stupid. Anyway, I am always advocating you and they said that I must be a "spy" for you. I think it's funny that people will do and say anything, rather than to give people the recognition that they are due. I'm a pastor's wife so I'm so used to this. Well This young lady came to me at church in the bathroom and she said "Miss your hair is so pretty and long what do you do or has it always been long" I told her the story of the evil hearted hairdresser that cut 6 inches off my hair and how I found your book, conditioner and dew I asked if she heard of you and she said no. It's surprising to hear that so many people have not heard. Well I ordered more dew the other day and the Lord put on my heart to give her my book, now for me that was like asking Abraham to slay Issac, I'm like my book?!?!? LOL Well I have personal ties to that book so, when I ordered my dew I ordered her a book. So she can have her own brand new copy. Sometimes we don't like to share with others we want to keep good things to ourselves, (not tell our secrets) but you really need to be exposed as much as possible, so everytime someone asks, I tell them UBH and give them the site address. Word of mouth is it.

Back to the forum, this woman said well, "I would never use her stuff, because of her attitude when answering questions." I said well that's kinda like not buying toothpaste to prove a point, You NEED the toothpaste, the toothpaste does'nt need YOU. I think I got people kinda hot over there.. Oh well. I'm glad that I gave it try, amid all the negative comments. Sorry, did'nt mean to write a book here."I'd also like to comment about some of the negative remarks I've read about your hair care techniques. I enjoy reading books about black history makers -- King, Tubman, Robinson, Dubois --the list goes on and on. The one thing all of these great men and women had in common was people who would tear them down. So please just ignore the haters and keep on stepping up. Thanks for putting in the hard work on behalf of sisters every where and I wish you much continued success."

God needed a big mouth messenger who is not afraid of a billion dollar industry of crooks! I am guided by my creator and I will die defending the cause and right of the black women who want to wear their own hair!!!! Thank you for helping continue spread the word. You know we were warned that the truth will fall on deaf ears. Many years later this lady will look back and realize you had the truth!

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:


Sorry. That's just - GOD needed a big mouth messagener? Please tell me she did NOT just equate her hair 'tips' to the word of God? PLEASE tell me she didn't? Or, okay, if not even God - did she just equate her to Dr. Martin Luther KING???!?!??!??!

I know folx are serious about their hair, but Dr King serious??? :lachen:

And nobody has anything against TOOTHPASTE, we just don't want to buy Colgate - doesn't mean you can't use Toms of Maine, or a wood stick, or baking soda - what NERVE to say that if you don't use MY stuff, your hair won't grow! Who's the money-focused huckster now?


Anyhow. I'm sorry. I don't trust (or rely on) ANYONE who says that their way is the ONLY possible way to achieve something, because I KNOW that's a lie - so for THAT aspect of her attitude, she won't get my money, support, or anything but a big ole *SNORT* from me.

Do yo thang, Ms. Howse, and a whole BUNCHA folks will keep on doing theirs....
I will always be grateful for finding Cathy Howse's web site and her book because it started me on the path to having healthy, longer hair. Yes at times she can seem arrogant and self righteous in her responses to questions, but at least she is being honest about what she feels is good for very curly hair types. I use her products and they do work for my hair. However, I'm not limited to only using her products cause I know there are so many alternatives.

She sure has a lot of pics of herself on the home page though :lachen:Hey, I hope I look as nice as her when I'm her age!
Honestly, her conditioner has some really good ingredients in it (I read them on the site.) The Dew I'd pass on because of the lanolin, but the other thingie looks fine too.
I've never really paid much attention to her or her hair advise(no particular reason), but she must be in her mid 50's, so she look really good if you ask me, plus her hair is probably naturally thinning a bit. Still ...you go girl with your black girl swing!:yep:
I liked her book... Lisa Akbari's too... hairsavers.
I think her hair looks "homely" though... I've seen
older women on LHCF with natural hair that can get
it sleeker, smoother, shinier than Cathy's new photos.
Not hating though.
in all of her pics she is doing the infamous tilt poses to make her hair look longe:look: u guys are right tho her natural hair does look thinner and dryer esp towards the ends.

I though the same thing!! In every pic she is doing the poses that make anybody's hair look longer lol

There is no such thing as a hair growth stopping point. I know plenty of older people who grew their hair out soo long, So ladies, we all can reach waistlength.
Lord put on my heart to give her my book, now for me that was like asking Abraham to slay Issac, I'm like my book?!?!?

A couple years ago Cathy and her crew joined to post in exactly one thread about her methods/products/attitude that blew up. If I am not mistaken she and crew were banned and the thread went to never never land.

It's good that she was a starting point for so many people, but her approach/attitude is what it is.

Her hair looks fuller in the BHM pic and is more along the lines of what I expected.
When I first came across her site a couple of weeks ago, I couldn't believe her hair! But after being on here for a year, her hair is quite normal to me
Her website looks much better now. That old 1988 looking thing was quite a bad layout. When I first found her site, it was like a goldmine to me..she really propelled me to start taking care of my hair.

She should mention more about her natural hair though, and for tackiness sake, she should bash others a bit less. You can make your own point without feeling the need to talk down on others philosophies.

I still love her though, and her ultra glam photoshoot:lachen:

Agreed. The bashing is unnecessary and a major turnoff.
her site was like the turning point for me to start looking into hair care. I stumbled upon it by accident

Me too. I assume she's fully natural now (since she's been transitioning since 2004:yep:). If not, I can find out. My friend goes to the same hairdresser as her in Denver (where Cathy lives)
in all of her pics she is doing the infamous tilt poses to make her hair look longer:look: u guys are right tho her natural hair does look thinner and dryer esp towards the ends.

Yeah, I noticed that too. I don't think the pics give a good representation of her hair. It's almost like the hair is a "side dish" in the photos, instead of the "entree." And why would we go to Cathy's site to see anything but her hair and get hair tips???:perplexed
I think Cathy Howse provided good information on relaxers, protein treatments, regimen for healthy hair...you take what you need from her website, for healthy hair and leave the rest...What about Stephanie Suthers, she is 54 yrs with natural hair at thigh length...She has a website www.donvant.com and www.hairobicsallnatural.com check her out Folks!!!

Stephanie and her hair are gorgeous. These are photos from her myspace page:yep:


Is her site the ONLY site that has useful information on the entire internet?:ohwell::perplexed Also, there are NO conditioners (except hers of course) that are worth using for black hair. I can't read any more of that Q&A section. It's just a way for her to push the book and products more rather than give useful info it seems.

Hairoil.com is very much like Cathy's
I though the same thing!! In every pic she is doing the poses that make anybody's hair look longer lol

There is no such thing as a hair growth stopping point. I know plenty of older people who grew their hair out soo long, So ladies, we all can reach waistlength.

Plenty of people have bigger breasts. If i maintain a healthy diet and take care of my body, that doesn't mean i'll be a D-cup like the next woman just cause she can do it.

There IS a such thing as a hair growth stopping point. We CANNOT all reach waistlength.

Several ladies on here can attest to that. If you got a membership circa 2002 and you are still on here at BSL then explain that?!

If hair had no stopping point then i'd be braiding the hair on my legs and i could've cornrowed my eyebrows by now before i started gettin them shaped at age 18.