Touched not my Anointed


Well-Known Member
The more I grow in the Lord; I've learned that Satan attacks harder. I never knew why. Then I listen to my pastor and then a sermon from Susie Owens online. Both of them said that Satan is not going to attack his own. He wants us to sin, He's not going to touch the gifted, he wants the anointed. He desires to destroy the anointed of God. And he knows that we know that he knows we know what to do to leave us alone. That's why he uses 3 different methods to get us to sin, appeal to the eye, flesh, and the pride of life. He gets me a lot lately at the pride of life. He knows that when I get mad I want to stay mad, so he uses that against me. He gets us at our weakness so we can fall out of fellowship with the Lord. He wants us to break down and give up so we can say I want to come back to you, Satan, will you take me in. He wants to be worshipped, like Jesus and make himself like the most high God. That's why he got kicked out of heaven in the first place, according to Isaiah 14:12-15. Satan has been and will always be a tricky guy. Roaming to and from among the earths, seeking who he can mess with now. Not to mention, he has his minions on earth as well. He knows who he can get to do his dirty work for him. He knows who’s the easiest. Who needs a little tempting? Who is the foulest? It’s just unfortunate that those are non-believers that he energies. That’s why he also attacks the believers of Christ. He doesn’t want his plan messed up. He doesn’t want any more souls won to Christ. The bible says this Psalms 105:15 “Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm”. We are protected by the blood of Christ. Satan doesn’t have any clout when it comes to us. Not anymore he doesn’t, we know longer belong to him. It is important to be about our Father’s business spreading the Gospel of Christ and winning more souls to him. Satan is not going to win this battle regardless. Each day a soul gives their life to Christ, the angels rejoice in heaven, but Satan forever hates that person and plots his revenge. As my mama always said we must always stayed prayed up. The bible also says in 1 Thes 5:17, “Pray without ceasing”. So we must pray in every situation. When Satan attacks, start praying; don’t hesitate, don’t procrastinate, just stop and pray, call on the name of Jesus.

The plan of salvation

Maybe there is someone who doesn’t know the Lord Jesus as their Savior. Did you know that Jesus died on the cross for your sins; past, present and future sins. If you were the only one, he would have still done it. He’s the only man in creation that has died, was buried, and rosed again. He is now at the right hand of the Father, preparing a place for his children. All you have to do is say Lord I confess that I’m a sinner and I repent of my sins and I believe that you are Jesus the Christ, please come into my life and save me. In that instant you are now apart of the body of Christ, have eternal life and also the Holy Spirit comes within you to live forever. Please be saved today.
I really appreciate what you posted. I cannot express how much I needed to read those words. Thank you so much for posting that. I need to pray hard.
I really appreciate what you posted. I cannot express how much I needed to read those words. Thank you so much for posting that. I need to pray hard.

No prob...It's just something that the Lord placed on my heart and he told me to post. God bless you sister!
Thanks for the posting.... cause you never know who's going thru what!

I can definitely testify to that! Surely Goodness and Mercy!